January 26, 2016

Dear Parents,

The third grade reading classes will be required to create a book for the 2015-2016 Director’s Writing Celebration. This will be an assignment that is completed at home and due in reading class on or beforeFebruary 26, 2016. The work will be completed at home. On Friday, February10, we will check the progress of each student’s work. The rough draft should be finished by this time & brought to school for me to check. We will hand out paper for the final draft & artwork at this time. If your student wants to bring in his/her rough draft before then, they may. This will give them extra time to work on the final product. This assignment will count as 2 daily grades. One will be a participation grade; the other will be scored by the rubric. Only the best will advance to the school competition with hopes of advancing to the next level.

Please pay attention to the parent guideline sheet. If any student turns in questionable work, it will be automatically disqualified.

Students will not be required to bind the book at home, but he/she must turn in a copy ready to be bound. Please place all the completed work in a folder. If the book wins the grade level competition, it will be bound.

If students have questions, they will be answered in class.

All information & forms can be found on Mrs. Taylor’s website. You can go to it from the West Elementary home page (

Thank you for your continued support,

Ms. Dickenson

Mrs. King

Mrs. Taylor

Return to Mrs. Taylor by Friday, January 22, 2016

I have read & understand the assignment that has been given to my student. I understand that this is a required assignment & will be counted as two grades. The assignment is due on or before February 26, 2016. No late assignments will be accepted.

Student Name:______

Parent Signature:______

Return to Mrs. Taylor by Friday, January 22, 2016

I have read & understand the assignment that has been given to my student. I understand that this is a required assignment & will be counted as two grades. The assignment is due on or before February 26, 2016. No late assignments will be accepted.

Student Name:______

Parent Signature:______

Return to Mrs. Taylor by Friday, January 22, 2016

I have read & understand the assignment that has been given to my student. I understand that this is a required assignment & will be counted as two grades. The assignment is due on or before February 26, 2016. No late assignments will be accepted.

Student Name:______

Parent Signature:______