1. The district has Appropriate Use Policies that address network use, copyright issues, softwareagreements and policy, and governs the use of all technologies including Internet access by students,teachers, staff, administrators, and community. The policies are reviewed with students and staff yearly.


If not, what plans does the district have to address the lack of such a policy? Include a timeline for completion.

2. Has the district installed, and does it regularly update, a technology filtering software application, a technology filtering service, or a technology hardware device, which filters access to obscene, pornographic, and other inappropriate materials as mandated by the Children's Internet Protection Act, in order to qualify for federal e-rate funds and other federal grant programs?
If not, what plan does the district have to address CIPA compliance? Include a timeline for completion.

3. Are district policies in place that address state and federal requirements to educate students regardingCyberbullying, Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship and appropriate online behavior—includinginteractions in social networking sites, forums and chat rooms?


If not, what plans does the district have to address the lack of such a policy? Include a timeline for completion.

4. Does the district have policies clearly articulating both gift acceptance of technology hardware and software and the disposal process for unused, outdated, or inoperable technology hardware and software? Are the policies evaluated and updated yearly?


If not, what plans does the district have to address the lack of such a policy? Include a timeline for completion.

5. Does the district maintain a concise, complete technology inventory that includes software licensing, hardware, and where the items are located or can be accessed?


If not, what plans does the district have to address the lack of such an inventory? Include a timeline for completion.

6. Does the district have a plan and an adequate budget for the regular upgrading of technology hardwareand software, and plans for electrical upgrades that relate to technology, that is evaluated and updatedyearly?


If not, what plans does the district have to address the lack of such a policy? Include a timeline for completion.

7. Does the district have a plan that addresses the equitable distribution of available technologies,including hardware and software, and technology integration into the learning environment for allstudents?


If not, what plans does the district have to address the lack of such a policy? Include a timeline for completion.

8. Does the district have a plan and adequate budget to consider accessibility and compliance with Section 508? Answering 'no' will not negatively affect District Technology Plan approval—the district should be aware of the compliance requirements that can be found on the Kansas Partnership for Accessible Technology (KPAT) website:


If not, what plans does the district have to address Section 508 requirements? Include a timeline for completion.

Committee Membership / Stakeholder Representation (This section is no longer scored)

Identify contributors to the plan.Consideration should be given to include representation from all constituencies: students, teachers, administrators, parents, educational institutions, and the community.

List the members of your committee, their titles, and identify the constituency each member represents:

Narrative entered here…

Are all recommended constituencies represented?


If no, explain here:

Narrative entered here if ‘No’ is selected.
MISSION AND VISION (This section is no longer scored)

The school district mission statement is used to focus the vision for instructional technology. All school improvement initiatives across the district are tied to the overall mission of the school district.

Please state your School District Mission Statement:

Mission Statement entered here…

Instructional Technology Vision (This section is no longer scored)

Vision is an integral part of implementing the school district mission statement. The vision is not only aligned to the District Mission Statement but supports student learning outcomes, enables students to transfer their knowledge to new, emerging technologies and provides for 21st Century teaching and learning opportunities.

Please describe the district vision for the use of Instructional Technology:

Vision Statement entered here…

Summary of Previous Technology Plan (This section is not scored)

Briefly describe your progress toward meeting the goals and objectives in your previous technology plan:

Narrative entered here…

This section identifies and explains the technology needs assessment process that is used to drive acquisition, upgrades/replacements and the deployment of technology resources in support of the educational and administrative needs of the district.

  • What evaluation process is the district using to make decisions regarding the needs for purchasing telecommunications, hardware, software, and other technology resources and services?
  • What target groups are surveyed and how often?
  • How does the district ensure equitable distribution of technologies throughout the district?
  • How does the collected data influence planning for future use of resources, and acquisition of new technologies?

Quality district-wide technology needs assessments should be completed yearly and be aligned with district-wide strategic plans and school improvement criteria, plans, and progress reports. A summary of this information should be included in the plan.

Approaches Requirement

School district staff is surveyed to determine hardware needs in their classrooms. It is not evident that

surveys are conducted on an annual basis or how results influence acquisitions and the deployment of

technology resources.

Meets Requirement

A variety of instruments are used to evaluate technology needs on an annual basis. A summary of the

results is provided, and includes the needs identified for the following groups: student; staff &

administration; parent & community; and district. The results are used to influence decisions related to

acquisitions and deployment of technology resources.


Data is collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis and is in addition to the annual technology needs

surveys. Technology related decisions are based on a wide range of data which is collected dynamically

through district/school information systems, websites, and/or events. Data is gathered from a variety of

stakeholders in a variety of ways, including students; staff & administration; parent & community; and


Enter a summary of the district process for determining technology needs, drive

acquisition/upgrade/replacements, and deploy technology resources in support of the educational and

administrative needs of the district.:

Narrative entered here…

District Technology Infrastructure Goals and Objectives

This section is for districts to provide specific, measurable, District Technology Infrastructure Goals and

Objectives, and a narrative description For e-rate purposes, districts should specifically mention erate

eligible services that the district will leverage to support the educational and administrative

needs of the district. Kan-Ed members should include a reference to Kan-Ed provided services

when addressing this goal.

Approaches Requirements: Objectives are not linked to goals or are absent. Objectives do not appear to

be measurable or attainable. Infrastructure, telecommunications, hardware, software, Internet access,

services and resources are mentioned but it is not clear how these support the educational or

administrative needs of the district.

Meets Requirements: Measurable objectives for each goal have been established. Infrastructure,

telecommunications, hardware, software, Internet access, services and resources clearly support the

educational and administrative needs of the district. E-rate eligible services, including Kan-Ed services, if a

member of Kan-Ed, are addressed.

Exemplary: Measurable objectives for each goal have been established. Objectives are identified as

being integrated into building-level school improvement plans to improve student learning. District goals &

objectives support 21st Century Teaching and Learning. District educational priorities clearly drive

decisions related to district technology infrastructure, telecommunications, hardware, software, Internet

access, services, and resources. E-rate eligible services, including Kan-Ed Member Services, if a member

of Kan-Ed, are addressed. Hardware, software and infrastructure purchases clearly support the school

improvement plans of the district.

District Technology Infrastructure Goals/Objectives:

  • Required Goal: District technology infrastructure, telecommunications, hardware, software, Internet access, services and resources support the educational and administrative needs of the district.
  • Enter your Objective(s) here…
  • Enter additional local goals and objectives as needed

District Technology Infrastructure Narrative Description:
Provide a description of the infrastructure, telecommunications, hardware, software, Internet access, services, support, and resources the district will leverage to support the educational and administrative needs of the district:

Narrative entered here…

Evaluating District Technology Infrastructure Goals And Objectives

This section is for districts to identify how they will measure the successful completion of Infrastructure

Goals and Objectives. How will districts know when these goals/objectives are successfully achieved?

Approaching Requirements: Measurements are mentioned but it is not clear what will be measured to

identify whether goals and objectives are met

Meets Requirements: A plan for measuring the goals and objectives identified in 4A is described. It

clearly defines how the district will assess and monitor annual progress toward these goals and objectives.

Exemplary: A plan for measuring the Infrastructure goals and objectives identified is described. It clearly

defines how the district will annually track progress and measure growth toward these goals and

objectives. Specific examples of Quantitative and Qualitative methods used for evaluating goals and

objectives are identified.

Outline specifically how the district intends to measure success related to District Technology

infrastructure Goal(s) and Objectives:

Narrative entered here…

In this section the district will outline the District Goals and Objectives related to Curriculum Integration--

specifically, how the district will leverage technology to support the teaching and learning mission of the


Approaches Requirements: Objectives are not linked to goals or are absent. Objectives do not appear to

be measurable or attainable. The plan mentions curriculum integration but lacks details for one or more of

the goals.

Meets Requirements: Measurable objectives for each goal have been established. The plan describes

the current district-wide curriculum, efforts and initiatives for technology integration into the curriculum. It is

evident that technology use is expected and planned in curriculum and instruction. A detailed summary of

how the district will address the Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives are identified.

Exemplary: Measurable objectives for each goal have been established. Objectives are identified as

being integrated into building-level school improvement plans to improve student learning. District goals &

objectives support 21st Century Teaching and Learning. The plan describes the current district-wide

curriculum, efforts, and initiatives for integrating technology into the curriculum. It is evident that

technology use is expected and planned in curriculum and instruction. A detailed summary of how the

district will address the Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives is identified and utilizes researchbased

strategies for teaching and learning.

Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives:

  • Required Goal: Increase Student Achievement through the effective use of technology.
  • Enter your objective(s) here…
  • Required Goal: Ensure that students are technology literate by the end of the 8th Grade.
  • Enter your objective(s) here…
  • Required Goal: Progress is being made toward fully integrating technology into the curriculum.
  • Enter your objective(s) here…
  • Enter Additional Local goals and objectives as needed

Curriculum Integration Narrative:
Please outline how the district will meet the Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives outlined above:

Narrative entered here…

Evaluating Curriculum Integration

Curriculum integration should be carefully and thoughtfully evaluated. This section should clearly outline measures that will be used to determine:

  • How the district measures student technology literacy by the end of 8th grade;
  • How the district will measure the effective use of technology in teaching/learning; and
  • How the district will measure the impact technology has on student academic achievement.

Approaching Requirements: It is unclear how the district will assess their achievement of the outlined

Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives. Details are lacking for 1 or more of the goals/objectives


Meets Requirements: Curriculum integration assessment plans are described in detail to support the

Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives, and include baseline data.

Exemplary: Curriculum integration assessment plans are described in detail and include baseline data, as

well as a description of how the data will be used to improve student achievement and the other outlined

Please outline how the Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives will be evaluated:

Narrative entered here…

In this section the district will outline the District Goals and Objectives related to Technology Professional

Development--including professional development required to support the teaching and learning mission

of the district, and to support the operational/administrative aspects of this plan.

It would be appropriate to include how the professional development will specifically support Curriculum

Integration Goals and Objectives including:

  • Increasing student academic achievement through the use of technology.
  • Ensuring all students are technology literate by the end of 8th grade.
  • Cyber bullying/Internet Safety/Digital Citizenship (to meet federal requirements to address

educating students about these issues and appropriate online behavior including interactions in

social chat rooms).

Approaches Requirement: Objectives are not linked to goals or are absent. Objectives do not appear to

be measurable or attainable. Technology professional development plans are unclear or not fully

developed. Lacks detail for addressing 1 or more Professional Development Goals and Objectives

outlined above.

Meeting Requirement: Measurable objectives for each goal have been established. Technology

professional development is described in detail to support the outlined Professional Development Goals

and Objectives, and directly supports the district Curriculum Integration Goals and Objectives.

Exemplary: Measurable objectives for each goal have been established. Objectives are identified as

being integrated into building-level school improvement plans to improve student learning. District goals &

objectives support 21st Century Teaching and Learning. The district provides technology professional

development that incorporates high levels of support for teachers, such as on-going professional support

through instructional technology coaching, mentor teacher strategies, etc,. Technology professional

development includes multiple strategies, incentives, and resources. A clear alignment with the district

professional development plan is articulated. Technology is embedded in professional learning.

Technology professional development is ongoing and is applied to student learning activities in the


Technology Professional Development Goals and Objectives:

  • Required Goal: Improve the capacity of teachers to integrate technology effectively into the curriculum and instruction.
  • Enter your objective(s) here…
  • Required Goal: Encourage effective integration of technology through teacher training and curriculum development to establish replicable best practices.
  • Enter your objective(s) here…
  • Required Goal: Improve the capacity of classified staff to effectively use technology to fulfill their duties.
  • Enter your objective(s) here…
  • Enter Additional Local goals and objectives as needed

Technology Professional Development Narrative:
Please provide an overview of how the district will meet the outlined Professional Development Goals and Objectives here.

Narrative entered here…

Evaluating Technology Professional Development
Technology professional development should be carefully and thoughtfully evaluated, with the goal of supporting teachers and administrators in using technology to improve student learning. In this section, the district should summarize:

  • How will the district know that current professional development offerings have an impact in the classroom?
  • How will the district know that knowledge/skills from professional development opportunities have been transferred to classroom practice?
  • What evidence will show results of the professional development activities?

Approaching Requirements: Technology professional development sessions are evaluated in some way,

such as post-training surveys that are filled out by participants.

Meets Requirements: Technology professional development is evaluated in more than one way.

Evidence is provided to show data are utilized to inform future planning or improvement.

Exemplary: Technology professional development is evaluated in more than one way. Qualitative and

quantitative data is used to drive decision making and to inform future planning or improvement. Data is

gathered to show level of implementation [application] and changes in student learning [impact]. .

Evidence of systemic classroom technology integration is provided.

Please describe how the district will evaluate the outlined Professional Development Goals and Objectives:

Narrative entered here…


Please check the statement that applies to your district:
Please note that although districts may already have an approved technology plan on file with KSDE, the following statements provide KSDE with verification of whether the district needs to file an addendum to the original technology plan to comply with the SLD criteria that technology plans include all Form 470 items (except for basic phone service). Please check only one box.

Our district has not submitted an E-rate application for Funding Years covered by this technology plan.