Reference number
as indicated in theGrant Decision / GrantAgreement / 2014-
Final Report
Structural support for European public policy research organisations (think tanks) and for civil society organisations at European level Structural support for European public policy research organisations (think tanks) and for civil society organisations at European level

REPORTING OBLIGATIONS (Please consult the Grant Decision / Grant Agreement before drawing up this report)

The final report includes one narrative section on the carrying out of theworking programme, and one financial part(see below the compulsory financial aneexes). The beneficiary must fill in both parts. Results and achievements justifying the payment must be described in detail in the narrative report. The final report should be submitted within 3 months from the end of the eligibilityperiod.

  • Compulsory annexes:

-(if applicable) A copy of the outputs, such aspublications, CDs, CD-ROMs or DVDs productions

-(if applicable) The address of the websiteimplemented with the Operating Grant

-A copy of the programmeof the main activities organised

  • Compulsory financial annexes:

- Final financial statement (see model available on the EACEA web-site) of the eligible costs actually incurred

- a certificate on the financial statements produced by an approved auditor("Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type II") for each grant for which the total contribution in the form of reimbursement of actual costs is 100.000 EUR or more (as referred to in Article 3(a)(i) of the Grant Decision and in Article I.3(a)(i) of the Grant Agreement).

- a certificate on the financial statements produced by an approved auditor("Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type I") for each grant for which the total contribution in the form of reimbursement of actual costs is less than 100.000 EUR (as referred to in Article 3(a)(i) of the Grant Decision and in Article I.3(a)(i) of the Grant Agreement)

For further details, please read the documents listed on our website under the title "Auditprocedure type I and II":

Please, send the final report to the following address:

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Unit C1 Citizenship

Operating Grants Final Report

Avenue du Bourget, 1 (BOUR, 01/04A)

B-1049 Brussels


Part I. Identification
Name of the beneficiary organisation:
Part II. Implementation of the working programme
If applicable, please enclose to this report the products developed (publications, CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs productions, video, photos, website, etc) and information on how these were disseminated.
If more space needed, please extend boxes.
A. Description of activities
In case of any change between your initial application and the activities finally implemented, please indicate the reasons of this change and how – notwithstanding - you could reach the objectives foreseen. Furthermore, please give a description of the activities carried out by your organisation and of the work programme implemented.

Europe for citizens Programme: Operating Grants

B. Implementation of the working programme
B.1 Objectives and priorities
Describe how your activities achieved the objectives (general and specific) planned in the original application.
B.2 Impact of the working programme
Please indicate the impact of your work and activities on the target groups and the possible future development of sustainable cooperation networks.
B.3 Visibility and follow-up
Please indicate the results achieved in raising awareness of the working programme among the general public and how their dissemination has been ensured.
If one or more of the communication tools below have been used, please indicate the number, the content, the format and the means in place for dissemination.
Number / Content / Format / Website address / Date of the publication and name of the media organisation / Other details
Media / TV/
Newspapers /
B.4 Additional information and key lessons learned
Give any additional information, observations, comments or recommendations that may be useful for future actions. Describe specific difficulties you encountered in implementing your working programme.
B.5 Quality of the activities
Please indicate whether your activities have any innovative aspects and / or can be considered as "best practice" and provide arguments for this.

Europe for citizens Programme: Operating Grants

C: List of activities carried out within the 2014 operating grant
Reference number: / XX/XXXX
Date / Venue / Field/Subject / Members/Partners participating / Number of participants (direct and indirect) / Resulted achieved

Europe for citizens Programme: Operating Grants

Signature of the legal representative
I the undersigned hereby certify that all the information and financial data contained in this final report are accurate.
The beneficiary allows the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency to make available and use all data provided in this report for the purposes of managing and evaluating the Europe for Citizens Programme. All personal data collected for the purpose of this project shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies.
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency inform the participants that all data provided in this report will be used for the purposes of solely managing and evaluating the Europe for citizens Programme. All personal data collected for the purpose of this project shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies
Data subjects may, on written request, gain access to their personal data. They should address any questions regarding the processing of their personal data to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Data subjects may lodge a complaint against the processing of their personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time
Name, stamp :
Legal representative
Name in capital letters:
Place, date : / Signature :

Europe for citizens Programme: Operating Grants