IEP Step-by-Step

  1. Excent>IEP>New IEP>Revise OR Begin>Proceed>OK
  2. Cover Page


  • Date of IEP Meeting-does not change for special reviews
  • Date of Special Review-leave blank if this is an annual or initial IEP; if this meeting IS a special review, type the date of the meeting; (Leave the Date of Annual Review as is!)
  • Select appropriate Type of IEP: annual, special review or initial (initial is only for a child’s first IEP ever, not for first time in this district)
  • Anticipated Date of Annual Review is always one year from the date of the last annual review-do not change for Special Reviews
  • IEP Initiation Date-the date the services listed on this IEP are to begin- for annual reviews AND for special reviews.
  • IEP Ending Date- the date this IEP will expire. The date can be no later than one year from the date of the annual review.
  • Save


  • Transition must be addressed if student is 13 or will turn 13 during the effective dates of this IEP
  • Diploma-defaults to N/A;must change at grade 9 and above
  • Save-even if you have changed nothing on this page
  1. Present Levels of Performance
  • Part one should be a snapshot of the total child describing his disability and how it impacts his functioning in the school or employment setting. A teacher should be able to read this information and have a very good understanding of the student. The need for special transportation will be addressed in this section. All data presented must be current (within one calendar year). The narrative should also be written in parent-friendly language.
  • Part two should describe each academic and functional need, including baseline data, to be addressed through goals and services.
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  1. Accommodations/Modifications
  • Accommodations- How the environment will be changed in order for the child to participate in the general education classroom.
  • Modifications- How the curriculum content will be changed for the child to participate in the general ed classroom
  • Save
  • Supplementary Services- Examples: “Gen. Ed. teacher training in classroom accommodations at the beginning of the year with updates as needed.”, “Applied Behavior Therapy utilized throughout the school day with 30 minutes of one-on-one daily.”
  • Always consult with the service provider before obligating them to providing a service.
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  1. Goals and Objectives
  • Add New Goal- Goals should be Specific, Measurable, contain Action Words, able to be realistically achieved in a Time-limited span.
  • Indicate Instructional, Transitionor Related Service. (All goals for students age 13 and up must indicate Instructional and Transition.) If a related service goal, indicate the specific related service. Indicate location of service: gen. ed. classroom, special ed. classroom.
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Objectives are only required for those students who receive alternative assessment (PASS-Alt, HSAP-Alt) or who would receive such assessment if it were grade-appropriate for them.

Goals are not required for Special Needs Transportation.

Goals are not required for Nursing Services unless the nurse is providing an instructional service.

  1. Services
  • For each area of service, indicate if the service is to be direct (face-to-face contact with service provider) or indirect (consultation).
  • Provide a description of the service. Examples: intensive reading instruction in small group, one-on-one assistance with organization skills, update behavior checklist, provide strategies for classroom teacher, etc. Do not indicate specific programs such as SRA, Orton-Gillingham, etc. For speech, OT and PT you must specify either individual or group therapy-never both, and never “and/or”.
  • Identify the location service will be provided: special education classroom, regular education classroom.
  • Length: 30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc.
  • Frequency: one time per week, daily, etc.
  • Total the minutes for all special education and related services no matter what the setting (but not including SNT or nursing services). If special education time overlaps with related service time, do not count twice.
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  1. Testing
  • Address all appropriate items.
  • Accommodations and modifications should be used judiciously and you should have documentation that they have proven to be effective.
  • Examples of district assessments include the Anderson School District Five Nine Weeks Tests and MAP. YPP and other forms of progress monitoring are not addressed here.
  • Don’t forget to address ELDA if you have ESOL students. Consult with the ESOL contact for your school to determine if a student in question is required to take ELDA.
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  1. Consideration of Special Factors
  • Check yes or no as appropriate.
  • If at the annual review, the team wishes to make a determination on ESY, you will complete the ESY Review.

Excent>IEP>ESY Eligibility Review>Add New ESY Review

Make sure the date on the ESY Review page is the date of the actual IEP meeting.

  • If you are not meeting at the end of the year, you may decide to wait until later in the school year to make a determination. You will check “No, ESY determination deferred until… (last day of school)”. In this case, no ESY Review Form will be completed until later.

If the team is considering providing ESYservices, a special education coordinator (Mary, David, Diane) must be involved prior to the meeting.

  1. LRE/Team
  • Placement setting-Check all regular education instruction that the student will not participate in due to the needs identified on this IEP.
  • The amount of time in the special education environment equals the hours spent in a special education setting over the course of the week. “Inclusion” time is not included here. The amount of time in regular education is everything else. Note: a full week in an elementary school is 32.5 hours, middle is 35.5 hours and high school is 37.5. Total week minus hours in special education equals hours in regular education.
  • Take care on this page to address the above in the appropriate sections which are based upon age. A five year old student in a kindergarten class will be treated here as if in a pre-school setting.
  • Least Restrictive Environment Considerations- If you answer no to any of these, then the IEP Team has not conducted the meeting properly.
  • Progress Reporting to Parents-must be at least every nine weeks. (see Progress Reports)
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  1. Print
  • All team members sign the signature page.
  • Parent signs two places.