Better Food Better Health Success Story Template
[AGENT NAME], an agent with the [COUNTY] County Cooperative Extension, has been helping families get healthier with the Better Food Better Health nutrition program. Created at NC State University, Better Food Better Health reaches Spanish and English speaking families across North Carolina through Cooperative Extension. The program is free for participants and includes engaging as well as informative activities for children and parents alike.
The classes include discussion and tips on how to eat healthier and be more physically active on a budget. Hands-on activities and physical activity were incorporated into each lesson, which also included a cooking demonstration and taste test of an easy, healthy, budget-friendly recipe. Each week, participants took home handouts with the recipes made during the session and nutrition information. They also received items to help extend the messages taught in the program into their daily life.
{Insert quotes from participants, facilitators,etc.}
Better Food Better Health was originally developed for the growing Hispanic community in North Carolina. Immigrants often migrate here in search of more favorable economic opportunity, political stability, or as refugees from environmental crises. “The notion of a better future often tips the scale in favor of leaving one’s home country,” states Cintia Aguilar, Extension Associate and Latino Affairs Facilitator with NC State University. However with a new lifestyle, come new health concerns. Multiple studies show the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes increases the longer that immigrants are in the country.
This was the [NUMBER] year that [COUNTY] has participated in Better Food Better Health, which is one component of Steps to Health, a SNAP-Ed program created by and administered through NC State University. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), formally known as the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program, serves limited resource families across the country and throughout North Carolina. SNAP-Ed is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and works in collaboration with the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Social Services. The goal of SNAP-Ed is to assist those eligible for food assistance to make healthy food choices within a limited budget and choose physically active lifestyles consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate.