IELP Guided Research Writing: OUTLINE FOR PAPER-2: *** BEST WAYS TO GET SOCIAL JUSTICE ***p 1 of 3

STEP-1 Research Question:

What are the best ways to get social justice?


  1. Hardy Merriman
  2. Mohammad Yunus
  3. Rich Gibson, Paulo Freire and Revolutionary Pedagogy for Social Justice

STEP-3Graphic Organizer

Political Method / Economic Method / Educational Method
Merriman Agents Change / protest demonstration
line # ______ / boycott
line # ______ / ------
YunusCorporation / self-confidence from money
line # ______ / microcredit
line # ______ / ------
Gibson FreirePedagogy / ------ / ------ / critical thinking
line # ______

STEP-4 Outline

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Hook

1.2 Thesis Statement. The best ways to get social justice are ______, ______, and ______.

2.0 Data

2.1 Political method= demonstration

2.1.1 Topic Sentence. The first way to get social justice is the political method ofdemonstration.

2.1.2 Definition.Demonstrationmeansmaking a protest by marching, singing, and showing signs.

2.1.3 Example [write your own example of demonstration protest from your country! Discuss examples with your group.]

2.1.4 Citation According to Hardy Merriman, “______” (Merriman, Agents, ln ______).

2.2Political method= self-confidence from money

2.2.1 Topic Sentence. The ______way to get social justice is the ______method ofself-confidence from money.

2.2.2 Definition.Self-confidence from money means______.

2.2.3 Example [write your own example of self-confidence from money from your country! Discuss examples with your group.]

2.2.4 According to Mohammed Yunus, [paraphrase] ______(Yunus, Corporation, ln ______).

2.3 Economic method= boycott

2.3.1 Topic Sentence. The ______way to get social justice is the ______method of boycott.

2.3.2 Definition.Boycott means ______.

2.3.3 Example [write your own example of boycott from your country! Discuss examples with your group.]

2.3.Citation According to Hardy Merriman, “______” (Merriman, Agents, ln ______).

2.4Economic method= microcredit

2.3.1 Topic Sentence. The______way to get social justice is the ______method of microcredit.

2.3.2 Definition.Microcredit means ______.

2.3.3 Example [write your own example of microcredit from your country! Discuss examples with your group.]

2.3.4 Citation According to Mohammed Yunus, [paraphrase] ______(Yunus, Corporation, ln ______).

2.5 COUNTERARGUMENT Educational method= critical thinking

2.3.1 Topic Sentence. However, some thinkers believe that political methods and economic methods do not work. Thinkers such as Paulo Freire of Brazil assert that educational methods are required to achieve social justice. They prefer the educational method of critical thinking.

2.3.2 Definition.Critical thinking means ______.

2.3.3 Example [write your own example of critical thinking from your country! Discuss examples with your group.]

2.3.4 Citation According to Rich Gibson, the famous educational expert Paulo Freire from Brazil says , “] ______” (Gibson, Freire Pedagogy, ln ______).

3.0 Conclusion

3.1 Restate the thesis.

3.2 Advise the reader regarding best way to use the knowledge provided in this research paper. Use “should” to modify the verb, to indicate that you are making a suggestion or giving advice.

4.0 References

Merriman, H. (April 8th,2008). Agents of Change and Nonviolent Action.Conservation Biology, Volume 22,Issue 2

Yunus, M. (March 2009). The Role of the Corporation in Supporting Local Development. Reflection, Vol. 9, No. 2

Gibson, R. ( n.d. ). Paulo Freire and Revolutionary Pedagogy For Social Justice. Retrieved on 02-Mar-2014 from


5.1 Graphic Organizer

5.2 Outline


Write the first draft. Data paragraphs, in-text citations, and reference section.

Make sure that in-text citations MATCH the reference citations.

Take your first draft to the tutors for grammar check. Be your own grammar police. What is your habit? Try to self-correct old habits.


Write the second draft. Add 3.0 conclusion , 1.0 introduction, and 5.0 graphic organizer plus outline.

Double-check paragraph indent, paragraph spacing, spelling, margins, font, reference outdent, running header, and APA format rules.


Writing conference with Barbara in UCB-404C on Wed-12-Mar or Thu-13-Mar. Make all requested corrections after the writing conference.

Submit one paper-print (in class) and one electronic-print (email) on Fri-14-Mar. No late papers accepted.