Volunteers are the Foundation of Hospice Awards
Nomination Worksheet
Specialized Volunteer Service
This worksheet will help you prepare a nomination. It does not replace the online submission.
All nominations must be submitted online using the forms at: http://www.nhpco.org/nchpp-awards/nominate-volunteer. NOTE: Please do not email, fax, or mail this worksheet as these cannot be accepted. Use this form only to prepare your nomination then cut and paste into the Specialized Volunteer Service category online form at http://www.nhpco.org/forms/volunteers-are-foundation-hospice-nomination-specialized-volunteer-service
The nomination deadline is close of business, May 19, 2017.
Specialized Volunteer Service, volunteers who have supported hospice patients and families through a specialized volunteer program such as We Honor Veterans, pediatric care, pet therapy, bereavement support, spiritual care, massage and other complimentary therapies, etc.
The awards will be presented during NHPCO's Interdisciplinary Conference September 16 - 20, 2017 at the San Diego Marriott Marquis and Marina, San Diego, CA. It is hoped that the honorees will be able to accept the award in person. We will inform honorees prior to the close of August 2017.
If you have questions or need additional help, contact Donald Cook at .
Please take time in preparing the nomination. The information you provide below is all judges will know about your star volunteer.
Prior to submitting the online nomination, have the following contact information handy.
About you, the nominator:
About the superstar volunteer:
Home Address
Tell us about your volunteer
Responses to the following items should be brief and specific.
1. Commitment
When did he or she begin volunteering with your program? (mm/dd/yy):
Nominee’s total service hours since joining your program?:
Also describe how this volunteer has demonstrated considerable commitment in terms of responsibility assumed and how his/her responsibilities have increased over time.
2. Impact
Describe how this volunteer has made a notable impact in the chosen award category.
Specialized Volunteer Service …serving patients and families through a specialized volunteer program such as We Honor Veterans, pediatric support, pet therapy, bereavement support, spiritual support, massage, and other complementary therapies, etc. Include concrete examples/stories.
3. Personal Growth
Describe how this volunteer has grown personally through his/her volunteer work and how that has been demonstrated. Provide concrete examples and feel free to interview your nominee to help them give you an idea of their growth.
4. Inspiration to Others
Provide concrete examples or stories of how this volunteer has served as an inspiration to fellow volunteers and the hospice and palliative care organization *.
NOTE: Please do not email, fax, or mail this worksheet as these cannot be accepted. Use this form only to prepare your nomination then cut and paste into the Specialized Volunteer Service category online form at http://www.nhpco.org/forms/volunteers-are-foundation-hospice-nomination-specialized-volunteer-service
Tips for Writing an Effective Volunteer Nomination
We know it is a little daunting to compose a compelling nomination for your wonderful volunteer nominee. To help you make the best case for your volunteer, past NCHPP Award judges offer the following tips on writing an effective nomination that will stand out above the rest. You are sharing the story of your nominee’s exceptional service. In composing the story, take care to clearly show how the volunteer met the criteria requested on the nomination form. The judges evaluate nominees based on the information requested, be sure your story speaks to the criteria.
· Use quotes from staff, patients, and families that this volunteer has touched. Consider using anecdotes describing how the volunteer excelled or created a fulfilling experience for patients, staff, families, or the organization.
· Maintain focus on their work with your program Remember, you have a limited window through which to make your pitch for your volunteer to the judges, so avoid giving their entire life’s story. You can certainly highlight an aspect of their life outside of volunteering at your program, but keep that brief and be sure it is germane to their work with your organization. Focus on the characteristics of Commitment, Impact, Personal Growth, and Inspiration to Others.
· Interview your volunteer. Your nominee can offer more material you can use and this is especially helpful for the “Personal Growth” question.
· Avoid clichés and over-generalizations in drafting your submission. Saying someone may “always have a smile” does not convey how they helped your program.. If you are tempted to say they “have a hospice heart,” describe why and how they have a hospice heart.
· Give yourself enough time to compose and edit your submission before you hit submit.
· Walk away from the computer for a bit or start a different task if you feel blocked while writing.
· Please be sure to thoroughly edit (which also may mean saving and waiting to look at it with fresh eyes the next day). Remember that your application tells your nominee’s story – how they are the best volunteer and why they should win this award. You want to give the best impression possible.
Thank you so much for participating and sharing your volunteer’s story!