August 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-17/1262r2

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Miscellaneous for HE sounding
Date: 2017-08-21
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Alfred Asterjadhi / Qualcomm Inc. / 5775 Morehouse Dr, San Diego, CA 92109 / +1-858-658-5302 /
George Cherian / Qualcomm Inc.
Abhishek Patil / Qualcomm Inc.
Raja Banerjea / Qualcomm Inc.


This submission proposes resolutions for multiple comments related to TGax D1.0 with the following CIDs (56 CIDs):

¾  3303, 3304, 3305, 3306, 5193, 5194, 5195, 5367, 5368, 5812,

¾  6010, 6011, 6012, 6104, 6732, 6733, 7111, 7637, 7638, 7639

¾  7640, 7641, 7818, 7819, 8222, 8503, 8504, 8588, 8709, 8710,

¾  8711, 8712, 8713, 8716, 9224, 9225, 9300, 9301, 9302, 9304,

¾  9305, 9536, 9720, 9923, 9924, 9925, 9926, 9927, 9928, 9929,

¾  10151, 10152, 10153, 10156, 10160, 8066


¾  Rev 0: Initial version of the document.

¾  Rev 1: Incoporated suggestions received by Robert, clarified some aspects and updated segmentation part to D1.4 (changes in green, except for segmentation that changes are all new as built on top of existing text).

¾  Rev 2: Added note that BRP Trigger contains one or more User Info fields, and some editorials (blue).

Interpretation of a Motion to Adopt

A motion to approve this submission means that the editing instructions and any changed or added material are actioned in the TGax Draft. This introduction is not part of the adopted material.

Editing instructions formatted like this are intended to be copied into the TGax Draft (i.e. they are instructions to the 802.11 editor on how to merge the text with the baseline documents).

TGax Editor: Editing instructions preceded by “TGax Editor” are instructions to the TGax editor to modify existing material in the TGax draft. As a result of adopting the changes, the TGax editor will execute the instructions rather than copy them to the TGax Draft.

CID / Commenter / P.L / Comment / Proposed Change / Resolution
3303 / Albert Petrick / 177.19 / Text in sentence references table "Table YY-1". Table doesn't exist in .11ax D1.0 or in IEEE 802.11-2016 / Fix reference and add table or delete sentence referencing table / Revised –
Agree in principle. Table reference is fixed in the proposed resolution.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 3303.
3304 / Albert Petrick / 177.43 / Figure 27-3 Example of sounding protocol not correct. / Re-draw diagram. Fix sounding protocol diagram to illustrate alignment of SIFS timing as beamformee from beamformer. / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 3304.
3305 / Albert Petrick / 178.06 / Figure 27-4 Example of sounding protocol not correct. / Re-draw diagram. Fix sounding protocol diagram to illustrate alignment of SIFS timing, identify the beamformee "1 thru n" and spell out the word "TRIG" in UL TRIG PPDU / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 3305.
3306 / Albert Petrick / 178.07 / "CSI" in Figure 27-4 is not defined or referenced in text / Expand on the term "CSI" and describe this term in the text with relationship with HE beamformee. / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor. In addition the correct name of the frame is used throughout this subclause, namely HE Compressed Beamforming Feedback And CQI frame.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 3306.
CID / Commenter / P.L / Comment / Proposed Change / Resolution
5193 / Dorothy Stanley / 176.64 / If we are going to substantially improve efficiency over 11ac, we need HE beamformee's to support sounding equal to 8. / Change "For an HE beamformee, the value of this
capability field shall be greater than or equal to 4." to "For an HE beamformee, the value of this
capability field shall be greater than or equal to 8." / Rejected –
The HE beamformee is required to at least support 4 SS, however it can indicate to support more (up to 8). This is allowed by the capability signalling. Requiring the beamformee to support 8 SS adds to complexity that may not be desirable in all cases.
5194 / Dorothy Stanley / 177.45 / In figure 27-3 "CSI From HE STA". Have we added CSI feedback again? Or is this Compressed Beamforming Report?
As this amendment will eventually be merged into 802.11 baseline, the CSI label in this figure may be confused with 11n CSI feedback. Perhaps change "CSI" to "Feedback" / as in comment / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor. In addition the correct name of the frame is used throughout this subclause, namely HE Compressed Beamforming Feedback And CQI frame.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 5194.
5195 / Dorothy Stanley / 178.07 / In figure 27-4 "CSI From HE STA". Have we added CSI feedback again? Or is this Compressed Beamforming Report, MU-Exclusive or CQI-only report?
As this amendment will eventually be merged into 802.11 baseline, the CSI label in this figure may be confused with 11n CSI feedback. Perhaps change "CSI" to "Feedback" / as in comment / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor. In addition the correct name of the frame is used throughout this subclause, namely HE Compressed Beamforming Feedback And CQI frame.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 5195.
CID / Commenter / P.L / Comment / Proposed Change / Resolution
5367 / EVGENY KHOROV / 177.45 / CSI is not defined / Define CSI or correct Figure 27-3 / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor. In addition, the correct name of the frame is used throughout this subclause, namely HE Compressed Beamforming Feedback And CQI frame.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 5367.
5368 / EVGENY KHOROV / 178.08 / CSI is not defined / Define CSI or correct Figure 27-4 / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution fixes the figure and provides visio file to the Editor. In addition the correct name of the frame is used throughout this subclause, namely HE Compressed Beamforming Feedback And CQI frame.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 5368.
5812 / Huizhao Wang / 177.19 / Table YY-1 is missing / Please add the missing table YY-1 / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution accounts for the suggested change.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 5812.
CID / Commenter / P.L / Comment / Proposed Change / Resolution
6010 / Jarkko Kneckt / 176.50 / The Operating Mode Notification frame and the Operating Mode Indication subfield control the value of the RX NSS parameter. i.e. a non-AP STA does not have two separate RX NSS parameters as described in the current text. The last received Operating Mode Notification frame or Operating Mode Indication subfield defines the value of the RX NSS parameter. / Combine the bullets in line 50 and 57 into a single bullet. There is only a single RX NSS value.The Operating Mode Notification frame or the Operating Mode Indication HE Variant of the HT Control field that is received most recently defines the value of the RX NSS field. / Revised –
Agree in principle and proposed resolution incorporates the suggested change.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 6010.
6011 / Jarkko Kneckt / 177.44 / The figure 27-3 colors are very interesting. Why there are red and blue box? What does green and yellow color indicate? Why some text is in red and other in black? / Please simplify the figure and unify its colors. Please provide legend for the colors. / Revised –
Agree that the colors of Figure 27-3 are very interesting. Based on my interpretation the colors are introduced to express the artistic creativity of the author of the contribution. The proposed resolution is to adopt a figure that is more streamline IEEE format.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 6011.
6012 / Jarkko Kneckt / 178.05 / The figure 27-4 colors are interesting. Why HE is in red? There could be just one Trigger and response that is repeated 1 ... N times. Please consider changing the green color to no color. / Please simplify the figure and unify its color coding and provide legend for the colors. / Revised –
Agree that the colors of Figure 27-3 are very interesting. Based on my interpretation the colors are introduced to express the artistic creativity of the author of the contribution. The proposed resolution is to adopt a figure that is more streamline IEEE format.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 6012.
6104 / Jian Yu / 176.01 / A mechnasim to allow an AP to obtain UL CSI and do UL schedulign is missing. / Add the details, will bring a proposal / Rejected –
The comment fails to identify a technical issue and lacks in details of the proposal. UL scheduling is already possible via generation of Trigger frames, and obtaining CSI information is already possible via other existing features (BQR, link adaptation, etc).
CID / Commenter / P.L / Comment / Proposed Change / Resolution
6732 / John Coffey / 177.16 / Inconsistent use of defined term: here we have "STA info", whereas elsewhere we have "STA Info". If the same item is intended, the same term must be used. / Change "STA info" to "STA Info". / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution accounts for the suggested change.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 6732.
6733 / John Coffey / 177.20 / Missing cross-reference: "Table YY-1". There appears to be no such table. / Add the table. / Revised –
Agree with comment. Proposed resolution is to add the correct reference to the table.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 6733.
7111 / Junichi Iwatani / 179.09 / "The size of the HE compressed beamforming feedback requested" is unclear. / Clarify / Revised –
Agree in principle with the comment. Proposed resolution is to clarify that the size is that of the soliciting HE beamformee.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7111.
7637 / Liwen Chu / 176.26 / "otherwise it shall be set to the MAC address of
the STA whose AID is included in the STA Info field"
This is not true. Otherwise HE sounding can't be used in IBSS, MBSS. / modify it to allow HE sounding in IBSS, MBSS. / Revised –
Agree in principle with the comment. Proposed resolution modifies the statement to generalize it for allowing the cases mentioned by the commenter (using same terminology used in 11ac).
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7637.
7638 / Liwen Chu / 177.19 / Replace YY-1 with realreference. / As in comment / Revised –
Agree and replaced.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7638.
7639 / Liwen Chu / 177.30 / CCFS 2 is not in VHT Operation Information field which needs to be used to decide maxmum 26-tone RU. Include CCFS 2. / As in comment / Revised –
Agree in principle with the comment. CCFS2 is provided in transmitted HE Operation elements. Proposed resolution adds this clarification.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7639.
CID / Commenter / P.L / Comment / Proposed Change / Resolution
7640 / Liwen Chu / 178.22 / Change "shall compute the HE compressed beamforming
feedback after receiving the HE NDP" to "shall compute the HE compressed beamforming
feedback per NDPA's requirement (Feedback Type + Ng + codebook size) after receiving the HE NDP" / As in comment / Revised –
Agree in principle. Proposed resolution is inline with the suggested change.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7640.
7641 / Liwen Chu / 176.01 / Sounding feedback segmentation rules are missing from the draft. Add them. / As in comment / Revised –
Agree in principle with the comment. All these cases were discussed and covered by comment resolution of CID 1222 in motioned document 11-16-0773r3 that missed inclusion to the TGax draft (maybe D1.0?). The proposed resolution is to add that approved text in the current draft.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7641.
7818 / Mark Hamilton / 176.27 / AID in HE NDP Announcement is only the lower 11 bits of the AID / Change "the STA whose AID is" to "the STA whose least significant 11 bits of AID are" / Revised –
Agree in principle with the comment. Proposed resolution is inline with that of other CIDs in this paragraph, which remove the citing of the AID in this paragraph and add another paragraph that state that the AID11 is set to the 11LSBs of the AID of the STA for which the STA Info field is addressed to, inline with the proposed change.
TGax editor to make the changes shown in 11-17/1262r2 under all headings that include CID 7818.