Present were: Sarah KaderBarb O’CallahanLaura JenningsChristina Zaremba
Lori MarksNeeleyKlubertSara PanzaBrittany Ross
Mark RossDawn TruskotJennifer JansenStephany Deamon
Tara GreinerMargaret CoyneAmanda ConnorBecky Rowe
Caleh HughesNicole Kitchen
Sarah Kader called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
President’s report – Sarah Kader
- Welcome! Approved minutes from September meeting, motion by Barb O’Callahan seconded by Lori Marks.
- Thank you to everyone that helped with book fair, second vision and hearing screenings,family fun night volunteers and donations, and the Kindness in Chalk event
Citizens for Better Schools Levy Information
- Becky spoke about Issue 28, which is not a renewal but will keep the amount of taxes the same. Money will go toward technology, i.e. school devices and online textbooks for an average of $25 per year per household.
Treasurers Report - Christina Zaremba
- Review budget report, reminder to please submit receipts for reimbursement
Correspondence Report – Laura Jennings
- A card and gift card were purchased for the family of Mr. Zaborniak
Staff Report
- Teachers have been taking ST Math training, students have 30 minutes twice a week on the app
- Each class has 2 OZMO kits
Board Members:
- Vice President – Barbara O’Callahan
- Treasurer – Christina Zaremba
- Recording Secretary – Sara Panza
- Corresponding Secretary – Laura Jennings
- Delegate – OPEN
Committee reports:
- Advocacy – Paula Moes: covered by Citizens for Better Schools
- Art Reflections – OPEN– discuss at council meeting: art teacher at Liberty found a company to frame the art for sale or to be returned
- Box Tops – Tara Greiner:September winner – Mrs. Sanfilippo’s class, October contest – ice cream, November and December will have a combined contest likely involving teachers
- Family Fun Nights –Brittany and Mark Ross: thanks for the help from everyone, the event went well
- Fundraising – OPEN: Sarah Kader reported Marcos Box Night earned $432.16, Mrs. Bowden’s class is winner; Fall fundraiser pickup is November 2nd 3:30-6:00pm
- Health, Safety, Welfare – Brittany Ross: adopt a family coming up for the holidays
- Historian/Photographer – Jennifer Jansen:Shutterfly acct.
- Membership – Renee Groesser: Early bird award received for 162 members, includes 17 staff
- Newsletter – Sara Panza: Send any info for November newsletter by 10/26
- Room Party Coordinator – Stephany Deamon: Fall party signups by parents should be added to the signup genius site so everyone is aware that the party is covered
- Staff Appreciation – NeeleyKlubert and Lori Marks: parent teacher conferences are November 8-9, planning Olive Garden being delivery and a Halloween treat
- Volunteer Coordinator – Dawn Truskot: Parent-teacher conferences donations to be posted, spots are still open for fundraiser pickup help
New Business
- Collection for tree and memorial for Mr. Zaborniak at family fun night raised $125, items will be installed at the new school building (ideas include a tree/deer statue/bird bath)
- PTA vs Boosters (Lear North PTA will vote for Ranger Academy grade 4-8) pros vs. cons provided
- Liberty has asked for a donation for next year’s playground upgrades, next year that building will house first and second graders
- Recess monitors at Lear North have also mentioned they could use new equipment or and/or donations
- The “Sunshine Fund” will likely go negative due to unexpected expenses – approval will be needed to move $200 from the “Meeting Parties” budget.
The meeting ended at 7:40 PM.