September 2004 IEEE 802.15-04-0508r0

IEEE 802.15 Wireless Personal Area NetworksÔ

Project / IEEE 802.15 Working Group for WPANsÔ
Title / IEEE 802.15 TG3b Minutes September 2004
Date Submitted / [September 13, 2004]
Sources / Jim Allen
Appairent Technologies, Inc.
150 Lucius Gordon Dr.
Rochester, NY 14586 / Voice (585) 214-2465
Re: / []
Abstract / [IEEE 802.15.3b TG 3b meeting minutes]
Purpose / [Minutes of the 802.15.3b Task Group plenary meeting in Portland.]
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Table of Contents (Hot Linked)

Monday, September 13, 2004 2

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 6

Thursday, September 16, 2004 7

[All times in local Berlin (CET) time]

Monday, September 13, 2004

Meeting called to order at 1:35 p.m. by the chair, John Barr.

The chair reviewed the agenda (document 15-04-0433r0). Modifications were suggested and the document changed to version one. Motion Internal (MI) to approve the agenda. There were no comments. It was passed by unanimous consent.

The chair read the MI to approve the minutes from Portland (document 15-04-0357-00-003b). There were no comments and no objection. Approved by unanimous consent.

The chair read the MI to approve the running minutes from conference calls between July and September meetings (document 15-04-0421-03). No comments, no objections, approved by unanimous consent.

Gilb presented the current form of the draft and began the editing process on document 15-04-0384-00.

At 3:08 p.m. the chair read the patent and antitrust statements.

Recessed at 3:15 p.m. for break.

4:00 p.m. The meeting was called back to order. Work on document 15-04-0384r0 continued. Results of the discussion are being kept in document 15-04-0384r1.

There was a presentation being from Samsung for improving throughput. It was discussed in some detail. We will wait for an email response from the presenter this week, since he was not able to make it to the meeting, but it looked like a very small improvement to justify the change.

Gilb showed the Excel summary of open action items document 15-04-0423-01 to check on action items.

Shvodian asked us to review the open issue of ACKs and whether it should be assumed it’s in software or hardware. Tabled until Wednesday.

We discussed moving forward with internal comment reviews to get the draft close before formal balloting.

Recessed until Tuesday at 1:30.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

1:40 Barr called the meeting to order and reviewed today’s agenda.

Sarallo will be presenting document 15-04-0401-01-003b.

Barr asked James to be the chair and left to present elsewhere.

MLME-RESET.request and .confirm were discussed and accepted.

MLME-SCAN.request and .confirm were accepted with changes noted below:

Proposed Reference Model (figure 3) needs to be modified to remove dangling PLME-SAP.

For MLME-SCAN.confirm, we need to add a channel rating value per comments and sample text that were proposed by Odman/Shvodian before the meeting.

MLME-START .confirm and request was discussed and no there were objections.

MLME-STOP.request and .confirm was discussed. Accepted with the addition of a “whom to hand over to” address.

MLME-ASSOCIATE.request and .confirm was discussed. Add channel index to indicate channel to sync on and return failure if not found.

MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication: accepted.

MLME-DISASSOCIATE .request and indication: accepted.

MLME-NEW-PNC.indication: add new MLME to indicate to a DEV that it is a target for a hand over.

MLME-DEV-INFO.request, .confirm and .indication: accepted.

MLME-APPLICATION-SPECIFIC-DATA.request, .confirm, and .indication were tabled to be able to discuss concerns off-line. We need to add back a “changed” bit or a sequence number. A sequence number will be better in case a packet it lost. Since this is application related, does it make since to just pass all the data up or just the changed data? The path to upper layers has to exist anyway. It just burns MAC time. We agreed that you shall pass at least the changes info and more if you want. If there is a way to store the bit in the PIB or set a timing requirement on the response time, we may want to consider it.

3:25 p.m.: Recess until 4:00.

Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm Central European time.

John Sarallo continued presenting 15-04-0401-01.

Discussion on stop, define MLME-STOP.request does not imply that the DEV will also disassociate, rather it is just stopping as PNC. This preserves the dual identity of a PNC that is also a DEV.

MLME-STOP.indication will have a reason code if the handover from the stop was unsuccessful.

MLME-STOP that does not have TIMED in the request is a shutdown process, not handover of control of the piconet.

Send MLME-DISSASOCIATE.indication anytime the PNC disappears.

Returned back to the document, starting with MLME-ANNOUNCE-SERIVCE. Add ResultCode and ReasonCode to MLME-ANNOUNCE-SERIVCE.confirm. Always pass up MLME-ANNOUNCE-SERIVCE.indication. Accepted the MLME-ANNOUNCE-SERIVCE for request, confirm, and indication proposal with noted modifications.

Discussion moved to MLME-VENDOR-SPECIFIC. Accept MLME-VENDOR-SPECIFIC.request, confirm and indication without changes.

Discussion on MLME-CREATE-STREAM.request ended when it was tabled for later.

Accepted MLME-PICONET-PARM-CHANGE.request, confirm, indication without changes

MLME-BEACON-EVENT: Delete time, but add beacon number. Accepted MLME-BEACON-EVENT.request, confirm, indication with indicated changes.

Accepted MLME-MEMBERSHIP-UPDATE.request accepted without changes.

Accepted MLME-SECURITY-MESSAGE.request and indication.

MLME-SECURITY-ERROR was discussed next. Deleted MAC header and MAC frame body, but replace with SrcID. Define ReasonCode values as “UNAVAILABLE-KEY, FAILED-SECURITYCHECK, BAD-TIME-TOKEN”. Accepted the MLME-SECURITY-ERROR.indication with indicated changes.

Accept MLME-SECURITY-INFO.request, indication, response, confirm.

Tabled MLME-MULTICAST-INFORMATION.request, confirm.

Discussed MLME-MULTICAST-GROUP. Change MulticastGroupID in MLME-MULTICAST-GROUP.request to be MulticastAddress.

Changed MulticastGroupID in MLME-MULTICAST-GROUP.confirmto be McstGrpID and add MulticastAddress. Changed MLME-MULTICAST-GROUP to be MLME-MULTICAST-CONFIGURATION Accepted MLME-MULTICAST-CONFIGURATION.request and confirm with indicated changes.

Regarding power save: Change WakeInterval to be BeaconWakeInterval for all power save commands. For SPS-CONFIGURE, delete SPSSetIndex and add CREATE to the OperationType. Accepted all power management MLME's with indicated changes.

Which MLME's are no longer needed was discussed. Dependent Piconet Start will be replaced with Start. Specify if you are already associated. A start command creates a depenent piconet.

Accepted MLME-START-DEPENDENT as proposed.

Accepted all proposed deletions in section 4 of document 15-04-0401-01-003b except as noted above for MLME-START-DEPENDENT.

Discussed new MAC SAP primitives (typo had them as MLME- instead of MAC-)

Accepted MAC-ASYNC-DATA.request, confirm and indication with name change.

Accepted MAC-ISOCH-DATA.request, confirm and indication with name change.

Meeting recessed at 5:56 p.m.

Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m.

Attendees: jammed Gilb, Allen Heberling, Knute Odman, John Sarallo, Gerd Ascheid, and Akira Ikeda

Sarallo continued presenting 15-04-0401-01.

The body reviewed MSCs.

Replace “FCSL/PAL” with just “FCSL” in all of the MSCs.

What about using the CTA Status IE instead of a null-CTA for information, including the reason code in some fashion? Take it off-line and consider later.

These items are all similar because they don't use the MLME:

Figure 128 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 129 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 130 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 131 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 136 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 151 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 152 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 153 should be deleted because it doesn't add any more information.

Figure 149: the MLME-NEW-PNC.indication will change names. Also, it should be “.ind” and not “.indication”.

Figure 99: Add condition blob to the top that the DEV determine it needs to start a child piconet because there is no way to start an independent one.

Figure 101: Add condition blob to the top that the DEV determine it needs to start a child piconet because there is no way to start an independent one.

Figure 94: Add the “Tag, your it” MLME to kick off once it has received the PNC handover command. This is also sent if handover is canceled with an appropriate reason code.

Figure 95, Figure 96, Figure 97: Add the “Tag your it” MLME to kick off once it has received the PNC handover command. This is also sent if handover is canceled with an appropriate reason code.

Other than comments, the MSCs look OK.

Meeting recessed at 8:36 pm,

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

1:30 p.m.: The chair called the meeting to order.

The conformance PAR document 15-04-0463-00-000 was discussed and modification to the text was made.

2:56: Motion: To accept document 15-04-0463-01 as modified and ask the WG to vote on submitting the PAR to NESCOM. Moved by Peter Johansson, Seconded by James Gilb. No comments. Passed by unanimous consent.

2:58: Gilb restarted the discussions on document 15-04-0384-01-000.

3:25: Recessed until Thursday morning.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Called to order at 8:06 a.m. The chair reviewed the agenda for the day.

TG5 was present for a joint meeting. Status of the groups was exchanged.

8:45 a.m. Recessed for a quick break. Called back to order at 9:00.

Sarallo announced that he is willing to review the changes completed to his document yesterday if there is time.

Work on document 15-04-0384-00 continues. Version two will have the results of discussions and will be in version 2.

Discussed and completed the broadcast-to-broadcast discussion.

Gilb suggested we discuss stream management after 10:30 a.m.

10:05: Recessed until 10:30. Reconvened at 10:30.

Continued working on document 15-04-0384-01-000.

Wrote text for Stream Creation at the MLME.

There was some opinion that the bandwidth manager needs to be discussed. Solutions for channel time were brainstormed for several hours and several suggestions were recorded in document 15-04-0384.

12:25 p.m. The chair explained that it might be better to continue with drafting to keep our momentum going into the next session and move the work session to this evening. Moved by Allen, seconded by Sarallo, and approved by unanimous consent. The agenda document is updated to 15-0433-03-003b

12:28: recessed for lunch.

1:30 p.m. called back to order.

Gilb continued comments and discussion

Recessed at 3:00

Called to order at 7:20 p.m.

In Attendance was John Sarallo, Jim Allen, Jullian Hall, Jay Bain, James Gilb, John Barr.

Drafted final report and objectives.

Motion internal to adjourn. Passed by unanimous consent.


Submission Page XXX of 1 Jim Allen, Appairent Technologies