IEC 61850 Breaker Failure Demo – IED Configuration Guidelines
- ICD files due from each participant device (due July 25)
- only those devices can be part of the CIGRE demo
- System engineering - Siemens, possibly others? (Begin Aug 1)
- Preliminary SCD/CID files for import into IED Config Tools (Aug 8)
- Second round of ICD files due (Aug 15)
- Final SCD/CID files available for testing (Aug 20)
- Setup and test at Cigre (Sunday, Aug 24, 9AM)
ICD File
Pre-defined Dataset and pre-configuredGOOSE Control Blocks (GCBs) to be included in the ICD files
Otherwise specify what SCD should put into the dataset (specific FCDA statements). See details below for Addressing, DataSets, and GOOSE publisher/subscriber info.
Dataset of GOOSE must include data listed in sections below, but can include additional data chosen by vendors.
Each vendor will have a range of addresses to use. X is unique participation ID (from Table 1) and Y is ordinal number of device from each vendor (first in SCL is 0, next is 1, etc.)
GOOSE addresses are 01-0C-CD-01-00-XY where XY in hex
SV addresses are 01-0C-CD-04-00-XY where XY in hex
IP addresses: 172.16.XX.YY(in decimal)
GOOSE APPID is 0x00XY where XY in hex
SV APPID is 0x40XY where XY in hex
VLAN ID is ZERO, VLAN Priority=4 for GOOSE/SV
GoID is Vendor_Device_XY
Table 1: Addressing by Vendor
Vendor / X / Y / IED / IED Number(Z) / Client / GOOSE Monitor
NR / 1 / 0-15 (0-F) / PCS-9611
PCS-221 / 1
ZIV / 2 / 0-15 (0-F) / IRV-F0A6M
IRV-X0A6M / 3
Schneider / 3 / 0-15 (0-F) / MicomP642 / 5
SEL / 4 / 0-15 (0-F) / SEL-751 / 6
SISCO / 5 / 0-15 (0-F) / AX-S4 61850 IED Simulator / 7 / AX-S4 61850 Client
Siemens / 6 / 0-15 (0-F) / SIPROTEC4 - 7SJ80
SIPROTEC5 - 7UT8 / 8
DNV GL / 7 / 0-15 (0-F) / IED Simulator / 10 / Client Simulator / UniCA61850 Analyzer
SUBNET / 8 / 0-15 (0-F) / HMI - Client / GOOSE Monitor
Triangle MicroWorks / 9 / 0-15 (0-F) / Anvil IED Simulator
Bay Controller Demo / 11
12 / Hammer - Client
GE / 10 (A) / 0-15 (0-F) / F650 / 13
Omicron / 11 (B) / 0-15 (0-F) / CB Controller / 14
GOOSE Publishing/Subscribing
See Figure 1 below for an illustration of GOOSE messaging.
Each IED publishes 1 GOOSE for breaker failure with their own dataset but including RBRF.OpEx
Each IED subscribes to 3 types of GOOSE messages:
Initiate: IEDs to subscribe to 3 different Extern GOOSE as input to PTRC –each Externpublishes aGOOSE with DataSet that includes multiple PIOCZ.Op(Z=1-14, one for each IED according to IED Number in Table 1)
Breaker Failure: IEDs to subscribe to GOOSE from every other IED with DataSet to include RBRF.OpEx
Reset (close breakers): IEDs to subscribe to 3 different Extern GOOSE as input to XCBR – Externs publishes CSWI.OpCls in broadcast GOOSE to all IED’s
Subscribers make observable the status and/or the Boolean of the SPS.stVal (this means that each IED must show the status of the breaker position, failure, etc. on the front panel in some fashion)
Vendors to specify (in writing) how to set up SCD file for subscriptions to external GOOSE to show the state of the Boolean(s).
If possible, the Inputs/ExtRef section(s) should be set up within the ICD file to assist the system configurator.
Figure 1: Breaker Failure IED Configuration
Breaker Failure Steps
1. Extern broadcasts initiate GOOSE to all IDE’s – PIOCZ.Op is set by Extern to initiate breaker trip on one IED (Z=1-14,chose one IED to initiate demo according to IED Number in Table 1)
2. PTRC reports Trip and sends message to RBFR1 and (either message to XCBR or GOOSE to external XCBR1
3. XCBR sends Position (Pos) signals to RBRF or sends GOOSE to RBRF
4. If Discrepancy continues long enough (or change in Pos not detected by RBRF) then RBRF broadcasts GOOSE to all IED’s (Breaker_Fail)
5. Extern sends CSWI.OpCls, CSWI.OpCls.q, and CSWI.OpCls.genralto all IED’s to close breaker and reset demo (otherwise IED can attempt an auto re-close 30 seconds after breaker failure trip)
Extern GOOSE Messages
Each Extern will publish one GOOSE with the DataSet including:
Multiple PIOCZ.Op, PIOCZ.Op.q, and PIOCZ.Op.general(Z=1-14, one PIOC.Op for each of the IED’s according to IED Number in Table 1)
CSWI.OpCls, CSWI.OpCls.q, and CSWI.OpCls.genral
Op, q, and general are included because some devices can only subscribe to simple datatypes and some devices will not subscribe to simple types unless both value and quality are present. IED to to use PIOC.Op as input to PTRC. IED can choose which data is used for subscription.
CSWI.OpClsis used to reset the breaker failure scenario (1 GOOSE to set TRUE and a second GOOSE about 1 second later to set it FALSE. IED to subscribe to this GOOSE as input to XCBR. IED can choose which data is used for subscription.
All of these objects will be published in the same GOOSE (to reduce the number of GOOSE configurations required for each participating device)
IED will subscribe to up to 3 total Extern GOOSE (1 from TMW, 1 from SISCO, 1 from Omicron)
Front Panel Configuration
PTRC also has input from internal logic driven from front panel pushbutton for local trip initiation.
Each vendor can chose how to display breaker status, breaker failure, GOOSE messaging on front panel
Breaker Simulation
IED will need to simulate breaker operation including failure condition
Vendors may also choose to bring a “physical” breaker.
The concept is for booth visitors to have a visual indication of the breaker operation
Other System Configuration
If vendors wish to instantiate the same device multiple times, they should inform Joe, Bruce, and Cedric
Switch vendors to set up switches to pass all GOOSE MACs to all devices and block all SV except to those devices needing SV.
GOOSE Details for System Configuration
MAC YYY is TMW Extern
MAC ZZZ is Omicron Extern
IED Number (Z) is defined in Table 1 and summarized here:
Vendor / IED / IED Number(Z)
NR / PCS-9611
PCS-221 / 1
IRV-X0A6M / 3
Schneider / MicomP642 / 5
SEL / SEL-751 / 6
SISCO / AX-S4 61850 IED Simulator / 7
Siemens / SIPROTEC4 - 7SJ80
SIPROTEC5 - 7UT8 / 8
DNV GL / IED Simulator / 10
Triangle MicroWorks / Anvil IED Simulator
Bay Controller Demo / 11
GE / F650 / 13
Omicron / CB Controller / 14
Extern1 MAC=XXX GOOSE dataset:
CSWI.opCls.general (for reset of all IED’s)
Extern2 MAC=YYY Goose dataset:
CSWI.opCls.general (for reset of all IED’s)
Extern2 MAC=ZZZ Goose dataset:
CSWI.opCls.general (for reset of all IED’s)
IED1 publishesGOOSE at XY Address defined in Addressing Section
with dataset: RBRF.OpEx.general
IED 2 publishes GOOSE at XY Address defined in Addressing Section
with dataset: RBRF.OpEx.general
IED 3 publishes GOOSE at XY Address defined in Addressing Section
with dataset: RBRF.OpEx.general
Vendor 14, IED 1 publishes GOOSE at XY Address defined in Addressing Section
with dataset: RBRF.OpEx.general
IED 1 subscribes to GOOSE at:
MAC XXX: PIOC1.Op.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAX XXX: CSWI.opCls.general - feeds to XCBR close
MAC YYY: PIOC1.Op.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAX YYY: CSWI.opCls.general - feeds to XCBR close
MAC ZZZ: PIOC1.Op.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAX ZZZ: CSWI.opCls.general - feeds to XCBR close
MAC for IED 2: RBRF.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAC for IED 3: RBRF.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAC for IED 4: RBRF.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAC for IED 14: RBRF1.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
IED 2 subscribes to GOOSE at:
MAC XXX: PIOC2.Op.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAX XXX: CSWI.opCls.general - feeds to XCBR close
MAC YYY: PIOC2.Op.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAX YYY: CSWI.opCls.general - feeds to XCBR close
MAC ZZZ: PIOC2.Op.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAX ZZZ: CSWI.opCls.general - feeds to XCBR close
MAC for IED 1: RBRF.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAC for IED 3: RBRF.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAC for IED 4: RBRF.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
MAC for IED 14: RBRF1.OpEx.general - feeds to their PTRC
IED 3 subscribes toExtern XXX, Extern YYY, Extern ZZZ, IED 1, IED 2, IED 4, ... IED 14
IED 13subscribes toExtern XXX, Extern YYY, Extern ZZZ, IED 1, IED 2, IED 3, ...IED 12, IED 14
IED 14 subscribes toExtern XXX, Extern YYY, Extern ZZZ, IED 1, IED 2, IED 3, ... IED 12, IED 13
RCB and Client Configuration
The following Clients will subscribe to Report Control Blocks (RCB’s) from the IED’s (IED vendors will provide names of the RCB’s that are relevant for the demo)
Vendor / ClientSISCO / AX-S4 61850 Client
DNV GL / Client Simulator
SUBNET / HMI - Client
Triangle MicroWorks / Hammer - Client
At a minimum the RCB’s for the demo should include:
- RBRF (Str, OpEx, OpIn)
- PTRC (Str, Tr, Op)
- XCBR (Pos)