IEA IA on Nuclear Technologies11-12 June 2007PbLi-T 2007

Liquid Breeders SubtaskIdaho Falls, Idaho, USA

IEA Implementing Agreement on Nuclear Technology for Fusion Reactors

Liquid Breeder Blankets Subtask

Coordinating Meeting on R&D for
Tritium and Safety Issues in Lead-Lithium Breeders
(PbLi-T 2007)

11-12 June 2007

Idaho Falls, ID, USA

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Venue:Red Lion Hotel, 475 River Parkway, Idaho Falls, ID 83402


Registration Fee:$85 (USD)

Meeting Host:Fusion Safety Program

Idaho National Laboratory

10 June 2007, Sunday

Day trip to Yellowstone National Park

Advanced notice required.

Pick-up at hotel- approximately 8:00 am. Bring cash for food and souvenirs! Other details to be provided as they become available

11 June 2007, MondayPatio Room, Red Lion Hotel

08:30Welcome and arrangementsD.-K. Sze/P. Sharpe

08:40Review of IEA task activities and meetings/D.-K. Sze

Overview of US work

09:00Recent and on-going tritium-related activities in Europe forM. Zmitko

helium-cooled lithium-lead blanket

09:50Overview of Japanese PbLi-T research activitiesT. Terai


10:30LiPb specifications and the chemistry controlO. Gastaldi

11:00Tritium/LiPb data base status of knowledgeI. Ricapito

11:30How could be foreseen the tritium masstransfer - pressureO. Gastaldi

dependence and other parameter to take into account in modeling

12:00Discussion SessionLed by L. Giancarli

12:30Working Lunch; Catered by Red Lion, in meeting room

Discussion continues through lunch…

13:30How to recover tritium from LiPb and helium; EU experienceI. Ricapito

with gas liquid contactor

14:00Analysis of a vacuum permeator for separating tritiumS. Willms

from PbLi

14:30Permeation coating development: what are the most promisingJ.-F. Salavy

methods and their industrial reliability?

15:00Coating developments from other programsR. Causey


15:30Issues of tritium migration and control in PbLi BlanketsC. Wong

16:00PbLi research activities at Kyoto UniversityS. Konishi

16:30Additional presentation or discussionTBD

17:00Discussion SessionLed by D.-K. Sze


19:00Dinner at The Cellar(transportation to be arranged)

12 June 2007, TuesdayPatio Room, Red Lion Hotel

08:30Overview of the INL Fusion Safety ProgramP. Sharpe

09:00Overview of tritium R&D at SRNLJ. Holder

09:15Briefing on the US-TBM ProgramN. Morley


09:45Discussion and Planning SessionLed by D.-K. Sze/ L. Giancarli

11:15Summary SessionD.K. Sze

11:30Lunch; At the Brownstone Restaurant (un-sponsored, “Dutch-style”)

13:00Depart for Reactor Technology Complex

14:00Tour of STAR Facility

16:00Depart from Reactor Technology Complex