Meeting Minutes

May 11th, 2009


Bonnie Malek, CAPS Geoff Heatherington, PCMH

Jim Russell, MVBCN Tim Murphy, BRS

Sue Blayne, MCSO Tomoko Gersch, Clear Paths

Maria Couch, New Step Cary Moller, CAPS

Meeting called to order at 1:35pm

I.  Announcements:

v  Cary – Jim is distributing a handout with guidelines for medical transportation.

v  Geoff – The possible clinical in West Salem has been put on the back burner due to budgetary limitations.

v  Doug Cox is the new Lieutenant for Marion County Parole and Probation.

II.  Minute Review for April

v  Minutes approved

III. April Data Report

v  Cary discusses expense report handout.

IV. Update on the Corrections RFP

v  Sue discusses status of RFP. Responses were due by 5/1, still reviewing. So far have had 3 responses for overall indigent A/D services. Will be meeting again week of 5/18. The array of services previously offered will be replicated, including services for co-occurring disorders.

V.  Update on Clear Paths

v  Clear Paths is ready to take patients immediately, with no waiting period. Ex-Bridgeway clients are currently being served. Tomoko explains the services being provided, including Parole and Probation and Family work.

VI.  Budget Update

v  Ways and Means committee is expected to release co-chairs budget on 5/18. State Governor will be giving a speech focused on budget on 5/15.

v  Discussion of HB2116A which includes sections on a proposed provider tax.

v  Potential Beer tax is not dead, but will not be discussed until last phases of budget discussions. Proposed amounts for the beer tax vary from $2-$39/barrel.

VII.  Bridgeway Update

v  Cascadia contract is ending on 6/30, Bridgeway will be taking over a portion of those services. Marion County will be picking up Her Place. Bridgeway recovery will be starting 7/1/09, so far with a staff of 45.

VIII.  SMG Charter

v  Jim’s Charter handout is discussed. Cary asks for feedback/recommendations. Cary and Jim will continue to work on charter outside of SMG meetings.

IX.  SE-66

v  Discussion of expanding criteria. Added priority 2 category for medical necessity of treatment due to co-occurring disorder. Exceptional needs require CAPS approval. System is set up to mirror OHP. New practitioner form distributed, will be emailed as well.

X.  Future Agenda Items

v  None

Adjourned at 3:00pm

Minutes by: Eric Lloyd