Name:______Date Due: Friday, March 8
No Late Papers Accepted!
Iditarod Information Scavenger Hunt
Extra Credit Challenge!
You may use the internet, books, Iditarod class folder etc. for help to answer these questions.
Web site:
1. What does the winner of the Iditarod Race win?
2. What do these terms mean? “Gee”, “Haw”, “Hike, Mush, or Let’s go!”,
3. Which two large mammals are sometimes a danger on the trail?
4. What major frozen river does the trail go on?
5. What is the job of these dogs? “leaders”, “swing dogs”, and “wheel
6. How many mandatory rest stops are there?
7. How many sleds is a musher allowed to use during the race?
8. How many dogs can a musher start with? How many dogs must a musher
have at the end of the race?
9. What happens to dogs that are “dropped” at the checkpoints?
10. What 8 items are mushers required to carry at all times?
11. What are “dog booties”?
12. Who is known as “The Father of the Iditarod”?
13. What is the area around the ghost town of Iditarod known for?
14. What does “rookie of the year” mean?
15. What prize does the last musher to reach Nome receive?
16. Who checks the dogs’ health at each checkpoint?
17. Who gets more rest on the Iditarod Trail, the dogs or the mushers?
18. What event in Alaska history inspired the Iditarod Dog Sled Race?
19. Which countries are represented in this year’ race?
20. Where is the current leader of the race and who is it?
21. How old do you have to be to run the Iditarod?
22. Who is the youngest musher in this year’s race? Who is oldest?
23. What does it mean if a musher “scratches”?
24. If ice conditions allow, where do mushers cross frozen ocean?
25. How many families have relatives (brothers, spouses, sons) also racing?
26. How many checkpoints are there this year?
27. If a handler can not pick up dropped dogs in Anchorage, where do the
dogs go until the musher completes the race?
28. Who can run in the Junior Iditarod?
29. How long does the Junior Iditarod last?
30. Why do mushers drop dogs?