Student Technology Skills

Keyboarding Operations Word Spreadsheet Multimedia Internet


Apply proper keyboarding skills when using the computer

Use correct hand placement on the keyboard (left hand, right hand)

Identify and demonstrate proper use of the following keys:

 space bar

 shift

 return/enter

 delete
Identify the following computer parts:

 keyboard

 monitor/Screen

 mouse

 printer

Define what the cursor is and how to identify it on the screen

Use headphones properly and adjust volume

Log in and log out

Launch applications from the Dock

Use the Function Key to control computer:

 mute

 volume

 brightness

Type in a text box using KidPix.

Use tools to create original art work (i.e. KidPix, Kidspiration, etc)

Create a project with graphics and text

Participate in a Video Conference.

Promote and encourage Internet Safety.

Access an Internet site from school website or “springs” on the Dock.

Apply proper keyboarding skills when using the computer

Use correct posture when keyboarding

Use the Function Key to control computer:

 mute

 volume

 brightness

Use menu bar to:

 Save a document

 Open a saved document

 Print a document

 Close a document

 Quit

Save files to your Documents folder

Introduce and use Save to save a document

Use proper typing technique with one space between words and after punctuation

Use vertical and horizontal scroll bars

Edit text: Use the arrows or place the cursor in a specific place, then use the delete key

Understand the purpose of a word processing program and identify the name of the application used in school (Word)

Participate in a Video Conference

Promote and encourage Internet Safety

Student Technology Skills

Keyboarding Operations Word Spreadsheet Multimedia Internet


Apply proper keyboarding skills when using the computer

Identify and demonstrate proper use of the home row (using correct finger placement)

Do ten (10) keyboarding lessons at the beginning of the school year using an application or website

Change printers

Be able to access from and save to a Group Shared folder on the server

Cut and Paste text using the menu bar commands

Insert Pictures from Word clipart and resize the image

Use spell check and understand the options

Format text using the tool bar and the formatting palette

 center

 bold

 underline

 font

 color

 size

 style

Identify the following terms:

 cell

 row

 column

 Excel

Enter information into cells

Use spell check and understand the options

Participate in a Video Conference

Promote and encourage Internet Safety

Navigate on the Internet using links and the following buttons:

 Forward

 Back

 Home

Apply proper keyboarding skills when using the computer

Demonstrate proper reach from Home Row to other keys

Practice keyboarding using an application or website for thirty (30) minutes weekly

GOAL 10 WPM (Words Per Minute)

Use keyboard shortcuts

 Print

 Quit

 Save

Navigate between multiple programs

Move both text and graphics from one application to another

Launch an application from the Applications folder

Insert pictures from the Internet, online clipart, camera, scanner, screen shot, or another application such as Photo Booth, Inspiration, or KidPix

Use bullets and numbering

Use Undo to undo multiple actions

Use Save As option to save a document with a new name

Format graphics and images using the Picture tools (change layout & arrange pictures)

Insert Word Art

Use the tab key to indent paragraphs

Format graphics and images (change layout)

Add & remove toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use the toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Resize cells (using row & column headers with the double-headed arrow)

Format the data in the cells by changing the font:

 size

 color

 style

In PowerPoint, be able to create a presentation that includes the following elements:

 graphics & images

 text

 Word Art

In PowerPoint, be able to:

 add a new slide

 delete a slide

Format text:

 color

 size

 font

Navigate between different Views

 Normal

 Outline

 Slide

 Slide Sorter

 Slide Show

Be able to View Show in PowerPoint

Promote and encourage Internet Safety

Discuss plagiarism / copyright

Use web pages to gather information from a specific site

Copy, Paste, and Save images and text from the Internet

Add & remove toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use the toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use Print Preview option to review a document before printing

Format graphics and images (change layout)

Add & remove toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use the toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Create a Podcast

Participate in a Video Conference

Apply proper keyboarding skills when using the computer

Demonstrate proper reach from Home Row to other keys

Practice keyboarding using an application or website for fifteen (15) minutes weekly

GOAL 15 WPM (Words Per Minute)

Log in and log out

Use Shortcuts:

 Cut

 Copy

 Paste

 Select All

Empty Trash / Recycle Bin

Use a variety of active files on the desktop

Capture the current screen using the Screen Shot shortcuts or the Grab application

Insert pictures from the Internet, online clipart, camera, scanner, screen shot, or another application such as Photo Booth, Inspiration, or KidPix

Add & remove toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use the toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Insert Headers and Footers

Set the Page Orientation

 Portrait

 Landscape

Set margins of the document

Add & remove toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use the toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Format the text alignment within a cell

 left

 right

 center

Use proper techniques to select:

 rows

 columns

 all cells

Identify the following terms:

 cell address

 active cell

Reorder slides

Add & remove toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Use the toolbars:

 Standard

 Formatting

 Formatting Palette

Insert animations, transitions, and sounds

Participate in a Video Conference

Promote and encourage Internet Safety

Use online reference sources such as:

 dictionary

 thesaurus

 encyclopedia

 translation

 Inspire

Understand the following terms:

 web browser


 Internet

 search engine

 link

Add a bookmark

Use kid friendly search engines

Access a given website by typing the URL or copy / paste

Use text boxes in Word

Use additional tools on the toolbar:

 Format Painter

 text alignment

 indents

 borders

Use simple formulas

Create a basic chart / graph from spreadsheet data

Apply proper keyboarding skills when using the computer

Practice keyboarding using an application or website for fifteen (15) minutes weekly

GOAL 20 WPM (Words Per Minute)

Use proper file management:

 create and name folders

 delete files

 save to appropriate locations

 keep the Desktop clean

Use a digital camera and scanner to obtain images for later use

Insert pictures from the Internet, online clipart, camera, scanner, screen shot, or another application such as Photo Booth, Inspiration, or KidPix

Use the Thesaurus and Dictionary tools

Set margins of the document

Format columns and insert column breaks

Utilize different views:

 Normal

 Online layout

 Page layout

 Outline

 Notebook layout

Format text boxes:

 add / remove / change line color

 change fill color

Insert a table

Add borders to cells

Insert and delete:

 cells

 rows

 columns

Sort the data in cells

Add, remove, and use the Drawing toolbar

In PowerPoint, be able to add the following elements to a presentation:

 transitions

 sounds

 designs

 custom animations

 movies

Be able to merge 2 or more PowerPoints to create one presentation

Add, remove, and use the Drawing toolbar

Participate in a Video Conference

Promote and encourage Internet Safety

Use online reference sources such as:

 dictionary

 thesaurus

 encyclopedia

 translation

 Inspire

Use History on the menu bar or back arrow to navigate to previously visited sites

Evaluate and validate web sites for their quality and relevance to the search topic

Use advanced search techniques (quotes, +, -) to find valid sites

Add Page Borders to a document

Add, remove, and use the Drawing toolbar