Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences

Division of ......

Copy and paste this tick into the document


Legislation requires that risks associated with hazardous procedures are assessed and significant findings recorded in writing. Before completing this form you should consult the General COSHH ACOP Regulations 1994, Section 4 of the University of Glasgow 'The Scottish Universities' COSHH Handbook' and the IBLS Safety Handbook to check that the hazards and risks of a particular activity have not been assessed already. If they have and they are sufficient for the activity mentioned below then quote the relevant pages in this form. Postdoctoral, postgraduates or senior technical staff may complete the form but the responsibility for ensuring that the risk assessment is completed and checked lies with the academic supervisor.

2.0 TITLE OF ACTIVITY: Define the broad boundaries of the activity but make this wide enough to encompass a general set of cognate activities in the laboratory. The aim is not to generate great numbers of interacting computer entries and forms.

Assessed by: ______Checked by: ______

Signature: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______Date______

3.0 Brief description of work: It is only necessary to give broad outlines of the components of the activity covered by the risk assessment. It is intended for others to decide whether their activity falls within the scope of this assessment. The entry here need only be a sentence or two, detailed descriptions may be required in Section 7.

4.0 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION: What are the hazards? First make a list.The hazard of a particular substance is its capacity to cause harm in man or the environment when a particular degree of exposure occurs. You may find it useful to consult the Approved Supply List 3rd Edition CHIP - Chemical (Hazard, Information and Packaging) Regulations, or the manufacturer's data sheet, or a chemical database or the label on the bottle or seek advice from a colleague to obtain information.

4.1Name the substance or group of substances to be used in this activity and list in the columns below . Verify that no safer alternatives could be used.

4.2Classify each of the substances according to one of the following categories:-Very toxic [VT]; Toxic [T]; Corrosive[ CO]; Irritant [IR]; Harmful [H]; Flammable [F]; Carcinogen/Teratogen/Mutagen [CTM].

4.3What are the maximum exposure limits (MEL) and occupational exposure standards (OES)if available ?

4.1 Name of chemical(s) or substance(s) / 4.2 Classification / 4.3 MEL/OES

5.0 RISKS. What are the risks associated with this activity?This is a critical part of the risk assessment. After identifying each significant hazard, estimate the severity of the risk, to people or property, associated with the hazard. It is very difficult to quantify a risk precisely but it is very important to decide how likely it is that a risk would occur during the activity. Decide whether or not the substances as used in this activity present a Low, Medium or High Risk to the user and and the routes by which exposure to these substances are likely to occur in the absence of suitable control measures. A High Risk activity is one in which a potentially serious incident could occur, a Low Risk is one where an individual worker would be unlikely to experience an incident during the activity. Read page 29 of the University Safety Handbook. Tick the relevant boxes.

RISK / Contact skin / Absorption through skin / Contact eyes / Inhalation / Ingestion / Injection via sharps

6.0GENERAL CONTROL MEASURES: What control measures are appropriate to contain the substances where the risks are either medium or high? Describe the precautions to be taken to reduce this level of risk.

6.1Where is the work to be done? If parts of the work cannot be done on the open bench please specify where these stages will be carried out, eg in a fume cupboard or in specialised containment rooms. On the open bench [ ]

6.2What protective equipment is required? Specify what is required and when this needs to be

worn. Note - Laboratory overalls or coats must be worn in all IBLS Laboratories.

Gloves [ ], Safety glasses [ ], Mask [ ],Visor [ ], Respirator [ ]

Other ...... NO [ ]

6.3What arrangements are needed to provide workers with the information to carry out the procedure safely?

Routine procedure described by trained staff [ ]

Simple verbal instructions [ ]

Written scheme of work [ ]; either summarise below or give reference to an attached document

6.4How are the training and supervision of personnel to be provided?

Supervisor will arrange for initial training [ ]

Specify whether there is a need for direct supervision during one or more stages of the work [ ]

Specific training courses where required [ ]

6.5What are the implications for other people?

The following people may need to have information about these control measures and sign the declaration?

Academic staff [ ]Postgraduates [ ]Undergraduates [ ]

Technical staff [ ]Secretaries [ ]Cleaners [ ]

Visiting staff [ ]Maintenance staff [ ]Contractors [ ]

6.6Emergency procedures.

Are written emergency instructions provided at the place of work? [ ].

Specify ...... Not required [ ]

Are materials provided for neutralising accidental spills of the chemicals?

YES [ ]Specify...... Not required [ ]

Is the location of the following known? Tick as appropriate.

safety shower [ ], shower room [ ], eye-wash bottles [ ], First-Aid box [ ]

7.0Do the precautions above adequately control the risks of handling the substances specified during this activity?

Yes [ ]

If not, what additional control measures are required to contain the substances where the risks are either medium or high? Identify the stages in the procedure(s) and describe the additional precautions to be taken to reduce this level of risk.

8.0Disposal of waste chemicals will be done by one of the following methods (consult the University Chemical Safety Adviser if in doubt).

Flushing small quantities down the drain with excess water
Collection of large quantities of waste solvents in labelled drums*
Collection of waste oils in labelled drums*
Collection of acrylamide gels and ethidium bromide gels in labelled containers*
Return to the University Chemical Safety Adviser for onward transmission to a licenced company*
Collection of radioactive waste in specified containers for storage and removal by the university authority.*
To normal laboratory waste collection, after rendering safe

Tick appropriate boxes.

* Note there is a cost involved for this service.

Specify any other disposal method required ......

What legal permissions have been obtained? ......



ACGM approval for genetic manipulation (list and attach a copy of the forms)

Yes [ ]No [ ]

Radioisotope permission

Yes [ ]No [ ]


Review dates: When this assessment is reviewed, add below the signature of the reviewer, the date, and whether the assessment was changed. Any signatories still covered by a modified assessment must then sign again to show that they are aware of the change.

Title of activity: ______

AName of Assessor: ______Checked by: ______

Signature of Assessor: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______Date: ______

BI have received a paper or computer disk copy of this Chemical Risk and COSHH assessment and understand the risks and the measures which must be taken to control such risks.

NAME (Please print) / SIGNATURE / DATE