Sektion Europasoziologie

Standing Group Identity

Identifications and Solidarity in Europe

Discussing, Learning and Networking for Young Researchers

Place: Willy Brandt Center, ul. Strażnicza 1-3, PL-50-206 Wrocław

Room 13 (unless otherwise stated)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


18:00Interview and Discussion: European and National Identifications and the Case of Refugees in Europe, I. Pawel Karolewski and JochenRoose


Thursday, June 22, 2017

9:00JochenRoose: European identity after Ockham’s razor

Discussion of the text: Roose, Jochen, 2016: European identity after Ockham’s razor: European identification. In: Kaina, Viktoria/Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel/Kuhn, Sebastian (Hrsg.): European Identity Revisited. New approaches and recent empirical evidence. London: Routledge, S. 44-57.

Discussants: Joan Miro Artigas, Francesco Corti, ŞükrüYurtsever
Chair: I. PawełKarolewski

10:30Coffee Break

11:00Participants’ Presentations

Group 1: room 13
Chair: ZsófiaIgnácz

Leandro Aramburu: Addressing the horizontal Europeanization process through the ERASMUS experience: Between social mobility and reproduction of social inequalities

KamilBembnista: Manifestation of solidarity after severe natural hazars in Polish-German media and local actors perspective

Group 2, room 43
Chair: Soetkin Verhaegen

Patricia Bruns: European Identity and Inequalities. Does Euroscepticism entail holding the EU accountable for social inequalities in Europe?

Daniel Drewski: Symbolic Boundaries of Nationality among European Elites. A Qualitative Interview Study of Higher Officials of the European Commission


14:00Philipp Heinrich: Experimental exposure to the EU energy label

Discussion of the text: Heinrich, Philipp, 2016: Experimental exposure to the EU energy label. Trust and implicit identification with the EU. In: Kaina, Viktoria/Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel/Kuhn, Sebastian (Hrsg.): European Identity Revisited. New approaches and recent empirical evidence. London: Routledge, S. 71-83.

Discussants: Kostas Kanellopoulos, DanielDrewski, Magda Wlostowska
Chair: I. PawełKarolewski

15:30Coffee Break

16:00Participants’ Presentations

Group 1: room 13
Chair: Philipp Heinrich

Caroline Brune: Athens as a place to be (needed): Trans-national civil engagement with and for refugees

MaximilianPriem: Regions as the key for the democratic future of Europe? – A critical

view using attitude research

Group 2: room 43
Chair: Nora Siklodi

IoannaNtampoudi: Identifications and solidarity in Europe: the case of Greece during the Greek Debt/Euro crisis and the question of 'identity crisis'

Anne Harrer: Please mind the gap: the Brexit vote as an awakening of socialcleavages?


Friday, June 23, 2017

9:00Nora Siklodi: Active citizenship through mobility?

Discussion of the text: Siklodi, Nora, 2015: Active citizenship through mobility? Students’ perceptions of identity,rights and participation in the EU. In: Citizenship Studies, Jg. 19, Heft 6-7, S. 820–835.

Discussants: LeandroAramburu, CarolinBrune, Eleanor Rowley
Chair: Philipp Heinrich

10:30Coffee Break

11:00Participants’ Presentations

Group 1: room 13
Chair: JochenRoose

Kostas Kanellopoulos:The politicization of European integration in the Greek public discourse, 1975-2017

Magda Wlostowska: Transnational Solidarity – theexample of emerging LGBT spheres in Poland in the 1980ies

Group 2: room 43
Chair: Jenny Preunkert

Francesco Corti:The European Pillar of Social Rights: Towards a European SocialUnion?

ŞükrüYurtsever:Social Capital in the Creation of Inclusive Identities: The Case of European Identity


14:00ZsófiaIgnácz: European Solidarity – a project presentation

Discussion of the research project: European Solidarity

Discussants: KamilBembnista, IoannaNtampoudi
Chair: Soetkin Verhaegen

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00City guided tour: Identites in Wrocław


Saturday, June 24, 2017

9:00Soetkin Verhaegen: What to expect from European identity? Explaining support for solidarity in times of crisis

Discussion of the text: Verhaegen, Soetkin, 2017: What to expect from European identity? Explaining support for solidarity in times of crisis. Journal article under revision.

Discussants: Maximilian Priem, Anne Harrer, Patricia Bruns
Chair: Jenny Preunkert

10:30Coffee Break

11:00Participants’ Presentations

Group 1: room 13
Chair: ZsófiaIgnácz

Eleanor Rowley: < unknown title >

Group 2: room 43
Chair: Nora Siklodi

Joan Miro Artigas: The European debt crisis and the EU policy responses. A discursive policy analysis

12:00Round up

