Injury Surveillance Workgroup Conference Call (Workgroup 3)

September 11, 2012

Call Attendees:

·  Organizers/administrators:

o  Marguerite Carroll (Falmouth Institute, Project Manager)

o  Basla Andolsun (Falmouth Institute, Curriculum Development)

o  Sheng Lor (Falmouth Institute, Curriculum Development)

·  Workgroup members:

o  Bridget Canniff (Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Project Manager, Tribal Epidemiology Project)

o  Jason Hymer (Phoenix Area IHS, Reno District OEHE)

Items covered:

1.  Questions/Comments

  1. A lot of the materials in “Injury Data Introduction” can be eliminated because they are addressed in previous Objectives.
  2. Marguerite: Items reviewed out of order; this section precedes all others.

2.  Review of Injury Data Introduction

  1. Page 2
  2. First three Session Objectives on slide here are covered elsewhere; possibility that want to review last 2 objectives here, but not sure how much we want to get into coding.
  3. Pages 3-6
  4. No need to get into here.
  5. Page 7
  6. Completely exclude or say, “should already know…”
  7. Page 8-9
  8. Already covered.
  9. Pages 10-23
  10. This is touched on in L2, but is something people may have general familiarity with and not much experience in using; may need more hands-on work with.
  11. Workgroup 2 has already reviewed this material, so just go with what they said about it.
  12. Intermediate Injury Prevention Exercise from L2
  13. Template for use to gather information for presentation.
  14. This was used as introduction to data collection. Participants filled out at beginning of course not knowing what it’s used for. Later, instructor would say, “Here’s a data collection tool, and here’s what you can do with it.”
  15. This is like Data Collection & Analysis 101—pretty basic and people should know this already. No need to duplicate.

3.  Summary/Next Steps

a.  As soon as there are outlines from all groups and we can see where everything fits in as a whole, we can move forward to next steps.

b.  Once Marguerite can put together outlines with other groups, she will send one out to everyone.

c.  Will get together with all workgroups some time in fall.

4.  Next Meeting

a.  TBA.

To Do:

Marguerite: Once we have enough info from other groups, create an outline and send to all.

All: Next meeting TBA (later in the fall)


Injury Surveillance Conference Call Summary (Workgroup 3, meeting #5)
