Rev: 11/2005ICWA I of IV
ICWA Process Map —Entering ICWA Eligibility Info for Birth/Presumed/Alleged ChildPage 1
Scenario Manager File [M06_S01] – ICWA (Part 1).arc
/ 1.Double click the Scenario Manager icon on your desktop.2.Click on [M06_S01] – ICWA (Part 1).arc
3.Click on Start Scenario
4.Enter the password G00D2GO
CWS/CMS Documenting Indian Ancestry/Status/JV-135
Entering ICWA Eligibility Information for Birth (Presumed and/or Alleged) Child
Process Map
Rev: 11/2005ICWA I of IV
ICWA Process Map —Entering ICWA Eligibility Info for Birth/Presumed/Alleged ChildPage 1
Scenario Manager File [M06_S01] – ICWA (Part 1).arc
Process Map Overview
You will be using the Scenario Manager (SM) application along with New User Curriculum for completing your Skill Building Exercises. Please be advised that SM is a stand-alone application i.e., it uses client information specific to each exercise that is stored on your hard drive. You are not connected to a network and therefore do not access the IBM/Boulder client database. While every effort has been made to have SM appear and operate just as the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) application does, SM is limited in scope to the particular exercise you are doing. Any reference to the Database (e.g. Save to Database or doing a Client Search) only involves data stored on your workstation intended to support the SM application.
This Process Map guides you through New User Curriculum Skill Building Exercises (Documenting Indian Ancestry/Status/JV-135 module, pages 8-28, 36-37). Use this Process Map as a guide when you are working in the SM application. These maps can also be used as reference for the live application. Please check your county policies for processes that may differ.
In this Scenario you will complete the following:
Open Scenario Manager (SM) software and the corresponding scenario package.
Enter and verify Client information in child and parent client notebooks, related by birth, alleged or presumed.
Enter ICWA Eligibility, Tribal Membership and Ancestral Information in Client notebooks.
Verify the Indian Custodian recorded in the Collateral notebook.
OPEN CLIENT SERVICES1.Click the Client Services Application.
2.Click the Open Existing Referral or Case Folder button.
3.Use the Open Folder dialog box to select the Referral/Case you want to open.
4.Click OK.
5.Click Yes.
6.Click the Client Management (Blue) section.
7.Click the Open Existing Clientnotebook.
27.Click the Address page tab.
28.Verify the address is correct.
29.Click on the ICWA/JV-135 page tab.
30.Record the parent’s tribal membership, as well as ancestry information and membership status for all ancestors.
31.Repeat the process for verifying information and entering the ancestral information for each parent (birth, presumed, alleged) on the ICWA/JV-135 page tab of their Client notebook.
After entering the parent’s Indian Ancestry in their notebooks, you must record the child’s tribal membership status in the child’s notebook.
32.Click the Open Existing Clientnotebook. / 8.Select each ChildClient notebook(s) you want to open.
9.Click OK.
10.Complete the ICWA Eligible box.
11.Check the Child has Indian Ancestry checkbox, if applicable.
12.Complete the Indian Ancestry Notification grid.
13.Verify the Primary and/or Secondary Ethnicity and Language.
14.Click the Demog. page tab.
15.Complete all mandatory and known fields.
16.Click the Address page tab.
17.Verify the address is correct, update if applicable.
18.Click the Related Clients page tab.
33.Select the ChildClient notebook(s) you want to open.
34.Click OK.
35.Click on the ICWA/JV-135 page.
36.For each record in the tribal membership grid, record the child’s membership status and dates, if known.
37.Repeat the process for updating the information for each child (birth, presumed, alleged) in each of their Client notebooks.
- In Production Only -
38.Click the File drop-down menu.
39.Select Save to Database.
40.Click Continue Working. / 19.Verify the relationships are correct (Birth, Presumed or Alleged).
20.Repeat the process for entering and verifying child client information for each child client.
For Birth, Alleged and/or Presumed parental relationships, the ICWA Indian Ancestral information will be entered in each of the PARENT’S Client Notebooks
21.Click the Open Existing Clientnotebook.
22.Select the ParentClient notebook(s) you want to open.
23.Click OK.
24.Verify the information recorded.
25.Click the Demog. page tab.
26.Verify all information.
An Indian Custodian is an Indian person, designated by the tribe, who is an advocate of the Indian child. They are recorded in the Collateral notebook.
41.Click the Open Existing Collateralnotebook.
42.Select the client for whom you wish to see their collateral(s) in the For this Client grid
43.Select the Indian Custodian collateral you wish to open in the Open this Collateral grid.
44.Click OK.
45.Verify and update all known and mandatory fields on the ID and Address page tabs.
46.Verify that all children necessary are associated to this collateral.
- In Production Only -
47.Click the File drop-down menu.
48.Select Save to Database.
49.Click Exit CWS/CMS.
Rev: 11/2005ICWA I of IV