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Chapter 2-Early Humans




______Hunter Gatherer Societies

______Cave Paintings

______Human Migration

______Mesolithic Era (Hooks, spears, bow and arrow)

______Neolithic Era (Saw, drill, and make fire)

______Neolithic Revolution (Farming and domestication)

Chapter 3-Mesopotamia

______Fertile Crescent Geography (Tigris and Euphrates)

______City States (Sumer)

______Sargon (1st empire)

______Sumerian Society (Religion, social hierarchy, men and women)

______Sumerian writing-cuneiform

______Epic of Gilgamesh

______Sumerian Achievements (wheel, potter’s wheel, plow, clock, , bronze tools, make-up, glass jewelry, ziggurat, and cylinder seals)

______Hammurabi’s Code

______Phoenicians (Alphabet, Cedar trees, and sailing)

Chapter 4-Egypt

______Geography of Egypt (Nile)

______Menes (Unification of Egypt)



______Burial practices (Canopic jars, Book of the Dead, Mummification, Sarcophagus, etc.)

______Tombs (Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, etc)

______Egyptian Architecture (Sphinx, Obelisk, Temple at Karnak, Abu Simbel, etc.)

______Egyptian writing (Hieroglyphics, Papyrus, Rosetta Stone, etc)

______King Tut

______Ramses the Great (Longest reigning pharaoh)

______Hatshepsut (1st female pharaoh)

Chapter 5-India

______India’s Geography (monsoons, Indus River, Subcontinent)

______Harappans (1st civilization in India)

______Aryans (invaders from Central Asia that shaped Indian culture)

______Caste System



______Mauryan Empire (Candra Gupta Maurya, Asoka, etc)

______Gupta Empire (Candra Gupta I & II)

______Indian Achievements (Art, Sanskrit, Literature, science, metallurgy, inoculation, Hindu Arabic numerals, etc)

______Mughal Empire (Shah Jahan and Taj Mahal)

Chapter 6-China

______China’s geography (Huang He and Chang Jiang Rivers)

______Shang Dynasty (oracles, oracle bones, 1st writing system, etc)

______Zhou Dynasty (social system, period of warring states, )

______Confucianism (Confucius)



______Qin Dynasty-(Shi Huangdi, Great Wall, etc)

______Han Dynasty (revival of family)

______Han Achievements (sundial, seismograph, acupuncture, silk, etc.)

______Silk Road

Chapter 7-Hebrews and Judaism

______Early Hebrews (Abraham and Moses)


______Kings of the Israelites (Saul, David, and Solomon)

______Jewish Diaspora

______Jewish beliefs, texts, and holidays

Chapter 8-Greece

______Geography of Greece

______Minoans and Mycenaeans

______Greek City States

______Trojan War

______Athenian Democracy (Pericles)

______Greek Gods and Goddesses

______Greek Heroes

______Greek Mythology

______Greek Literature (Homer-Iliad and Odyssey, Aesop-fables, etc.)


Chapter 9-Greece

______Persian Wars (Cyrus the Great, Darius I, etc)



______Peloponnesian Wars

______Alexander the Great

______Greek Achievements (statues, architecture, Parthenon, etc)

______Greek Philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)

______Greek Advancement in Science (Euclid, Hippocrates, etc)