ICT – Mobile Test Engine [ MOTEngine]

Build an online test engine which can be also be accessed through a mobile
Enable the end user to create a test, take a test or use a learning module on the mobile
Today many such tools are available on the internet , but access from a mobile is limited.
Phase 1: The initial phase will involve building the online system on web server technology using Tomcat webserver, JAVA and MySQL. The site will be hosted on a server and will be accessible outside of IIT .
Phase 2: The second phase will involve tweaking the interfaces so as to access the same system through the mobile Hence the same URL will be accessed through the mobile browser, but the information is optimised based on the mobile connected
Phase 3: The third phase will involve packaging relevant test modules as independent applications and allowing the user to download these test packages on their mobiles. This will effectively reduce the dependency on bandwidth for the entire test duration. This phase will involve development using J2ME technology.
End user: Students, teachers, adults wanting to learn.

Project Planning Template – (PPT)

ICT – MOTEngine

Goal: The aim is to develop an online system which will enable a subject expert to create online tests. The student can register on the system and take any test. The student should also be able to take a test in the learning mode, where the answer appears immediately after the question, this enables the user to learn the subject. The hierarchy of the test will be Level - Subject - Topic. The test can also be downloaded and answered offline.

Given: Online server which has the test engine, the mobile client will provide interfaces to talk to the server.

Assumptions: The mobile hardware supports the application and can be connected to the internet.

Evaluation Metrics: [100 users ] Sample metrics

S.No / Parameter / Meeting the metrics
1. / Application is easy to learn
2. / Application Navigation is easy to use
3. / The application has easy to use GUI
4. / Time taken to download a test which is of ------Kb
5. / Time taken to upload completed test

Detailed Steps:

Step No. / Activity / Triggers / Pre-requisites / Deliverables / Resources / Duration / Responsible
1. / Study Qualcomm’s BREW platform / Immediately / None / Docs & Presentation on BREW Platform / 1 / 2 week / Malati Team
2. / Study of open source mobile frameworks / After generating Docs & PPT / None / Docs & Presentation on Mobile frameworks / 1 / 2 week / Malati Team
3. / Requirement analysis of testing system / After generating Docs & PPT on Framework / None / SRS document [SRS1.0] / 1 / 1 week / Malati Team
4. / System Design / After SRS1.0 / None / Design document / 1 / 4 weeks / Malati Team
5. / S/w development / After System Design / None / demo of s/w working screens / 1 / 3 months / Malati Team
6. / s/w testing / After release / None / S/w test report / 1 / 1 week / Malati Team
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
1 / Study of existing frameworks for Mobile applications
2 / Download,install,test open source Mobile based testing engines
3 / Feature comparison, and analysis of above tools
4 / Need for a new system : Requirement analysis
5 / System Design
6 / S/w development
7 / Testing