Nantwich Health Centre

Notes of the Patient Panel Meeting held on Wednesday 12th March, 2014


Name: / Title: / Organisation:
Dr Lalit Gurnani / GP Principal / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Valerie Pickford / Chairperson / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Irene Moss / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Margaret Kay / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Keith Burton / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Anne Strawson / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Marian Andrews / Nantwich HC Patient Panel
Linda Leigh / Practice Manager / Nantwich HC
Item: / Notes: / Action By:
Part A
(One Hour)
1 / Apologies – none, all members present
2 / Minutes from 27th January, 2014 were formally approved by all present. / All
3 / Matters arising from minutes:-
Min 3 (b) Response to how the PPG can assist the practice? We discussed patients perceptions and expectations of the practice/activities undertaken by reception staff and how to improve patient education. We agreed to arrange for some of the PPG panel members to attend voluntarily for perhaps one or two hours and be present in reception as observers of the work involved by reception staff. LG/LL to arrange suitable time.
We discussed Sam and Lynne attending the meetings as receptionist representatives and their attendance was fully approved by the group. Linda explained that the purpose of their attendance is to help with the group and be able to bring benefits for the patients as well as understand the role of the PRG and the work that the group undertakes for our patients. During the staff appraisal process, it was felt that it is good to build strong relationships from all angles of the practice with NHC Patient Group Panel so that the two areas can fully support one another.
Min 3 (c) To note that the patient questionnaire has been fully circulated to all members by email and post where requested. Irene Moss to check receipt of posted questionnaire.
We discussed that analysis of the survey which shows that it is the younger generation who complain the most.
We discussed installing Hand Gel at the Touch Screen station. It was noted that the Group had asked for Gel to be provided to try and encourage patients to use the screen and not queue up at the desk to check in. Dr Gurnani explained that patients can use the washrooms to wash their hands, hand gel does not protect patients from other areas of the building and he felt strongly that hand washing facilities are available in our waiting room which are far more effective than any hand gel solution.
We discussed the automated “hang up” messages on our telephone system. Dr Gurnani explained that our telephone and computer system is controlled and owned by the ICT service within the SCCCG. We are unable to modify the system or add messages to the telephone lines stating that we are busy as we do not own the system and it is all managed centrally in line with other practices within the area. Dr Gurnani reassured the panel that the telephones are in a loop system and will be answered, staff do not hang up on patients, however, the computerised central system may switch a caller off by default if the phones are busy and calls are waiting, this will save the patient incurring high telephone call charges.
Dr Gurnani has purchased a granite desk notice to say please ring for attention and we are awaiting a bell purchase to be made before implementing this new system for our patients and staff.
The Group mentioned incorrect waiting times appearing on the Touch Screen. Linda promised to investigate with EMIS direct and to check that all clinicians are using the software appropriately to update the screen timings.
Min 4 Note from Chairperson regarding the attendance of Mr Ron Page, who was going to attend but now cannot and the volunteer recruitment for Broad Lane Church seems to be progressing.
Min 6 Noticeboards have been successfully improved by the hard work of Marian and Linda recently, patients have been using the information arranged on the noticeboards. Linda thanked Marian for her hard work in organising the titles and display of information. We still have the practice leaflets to sort out, although some out of date ones have been removed. Linda suggested that we discuss the leaflets further with Liz when she returns in April as Liz will know exactly what leaflets to order and retain for our patients.
Min 7 Website – this has been fully updated by Dr Gurnani. Linda informed the group that we have to publish all our minutes and agendas on the website, along with a practice action plan by the 31st March. Linda agreed to circulate the template required by the PPG and to arrange completion of this by 31st March. Dr Gurnani will upload the necessary information.
Min 8 Extending the panel. We discussed other ways of recruiting new members. Dr Gurnani suggested that the panel members hold a “surgery” style meeting one day each week in practice with members of the public to promote the work of the group and start a recruitment campaign by talking to the patients. The group commented on practice leaflets produced by other surgeries that detail the work of the patient participation group and they felt that NHC does not have a full PL. Linda confirmed that she has typed a PL for NHC which is awaiting further information when Liz returns and then it can be published, we will include a page about the PPG. / LG/LL
New Business
4 / Complaints – none this month. Linda informed the group that we have received a lovely positive comment from the relatives of a terminally ill patient following her sad death. The letter sent to us details the excellent care given by all clinicians and administrative staff.
5 / .
NHS data and sharing of records. Discussed in full by Dr Gurnani who read several articles to the group (also circulated prior to the meeting by LL and VP) from the Times and Daily Mail. He also commented on the spoof video on UTUBE by NHS England which makes fun of the incoming CEO.
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All members noted the date of the next meeting Wed 23rd April.
Part B (PPG only)
7 / Min 3 (d) of last minutes. The panel discussed the need for a Virtual Patient Panel Group. / All
8 / SCFPPG Meeting held on 30th January, 2014. Marian gave a detailed account of her attendance at the meeting and how groups are empowered to be pro-active in other surgeries. Some surgeries even have a Practice Pack which they give to patients joining the practice. Discussed implementing this when Liz returns to work in April.
Marian explained that there are currently 18 groups in Cheshire and generally PPPGs meet every 4-6 weeks. Kiltearn MC have a Virtual Group and email 1 question out to its members for discussion.
Tudor MC only operate a Virtual Group for their PPPG work.
Marian enjoyed attending the SCFPPG meeting and was able to gather a lot of useful information to be able to promote and improve NHC PPPG in the coming months. Marian has detailed her findings in a spreadsheet which can be shared with the group. MA to circulate.
The panel discussed contacting 6thFormColleges and Schools, Young Carers and other members of the PHCT team such as midwives to try and recruit a diverse range of members and services that can benefit the patients. The panel suggested canvassing young mums attending the Baby Clinics.
Linda explained that the Federation Groups which are forming are also interested in the work of PPPGs and have a slot on their agenda items, / MA
9 / Action Plan needed for 2014 stating objectives of the PPG and the need to attract new members. LL informed the panel that the practice has to submit an Action Plan as part of our enhanced service work for SCCCG and agreed to circulate this plan to members. / LL
10 / Views on the new style agenda. It was agreed to continue to use a two part agenda for the next few meetings as it was felt that this was a more efficient use of time. / VP
A.O.B / It was noted that the Chairperson had circulated an email from Emma Leigh of the SCFPPG concerning a policy review.
Next Meeting / Wednesday 23rd April, 2014 at 4.30 pm