This is how your work will be evaluated. You will need to complete this evaluation of yourself and the teacher will evaluate your work using this rubric as well. If a member of your group did not contribute what you consider to be their fair share, you need to talk with me privately BEFORE the project is due.

4 / Proficient
3 / Needs Improvement 2 / Warning
1 / Score
Use of Class Time / Used class time effectively throughout the project: never distracted others. / Needed two or fewer reminders to stay on track: never distracted others. / Needed a daily reminder to stay on task or occasionally distracted others. / Needed frequent reminders daily to stay on task or often distracted others.
Responsibility / Always shared responsibility and took ownership of the project and came prepared to work. / Usually shared responsibility and took ownership of the project and usually came prepared to work. / Responsible at times and took some ownership of the project and sometimes came prepared to work. / Not responsible much of the time, did not take ownership of the project and rarely came prepared to work.
Research / All information from graphic organizer gathered accurately and placed appropriately on time line.There are no factual errors. / Missing one component of research but there are no factual errors / Missing two components of research or elements of research are inaccurate / Missing three components of research or elements of research are inaccurate
Time line Originality / Time line is unique and creative and does not look like others. / Time line shows creativity but may have some similar elements of examples or others time lines. / Time line has many similar elements of examples or others time lines. / Time line mirrors examples given.
Mechanics / No misspellings or grammatical errors on time line / One or Two misspellings or grammatical errors on time line / Three or Four misspellings or grammatical errors on time line / More than four misspellings or grammatical errors on time line
Use of Graphics / All graphics were appropriately chosen and supported the content of the presentation. / One or two graphics were not as well chosen but all graphics supported the content of the presentation. / More than two graphics were not well chosen and not all graphics support the content of the presentation. / Graphics are not appropriately chosen and detract from the presentation.
Presentation Part I / Well-rehearsed and explained fluidly and in an interesting way / Well rehearsed and explained most parts of the time line / Rehearsal needed more work and / No rehearsal was evident but explained some parts of the time line
Presentation Part II / Used appropriately loud voice, was clear and articulate and avoided the use of fillers like Um. / Missing one...
Appropriately loud voice, clean and articulate, avoided fillers. / Missing two...
Appropriately loud voice, clean and articulate, avoided fillers. / Voice was too soft, was not clear or articulate, frequently used fillers like Um.