ICT Extended Learning Project – Year 8 E-Safety
Learning Objectives
The aims of this project are for you to learn/practise how to:
Explain Cyber Bullying and the effects it can have on individuals.
Design an effective logo for a given purpose.
Protect yourself and your identity online.
Find relevant information online and evaluate its usefulness.
Assessment Criteria
Your Extended Learning work will be assessed against the following criteria:
C / B / AYou can state what is meant by the term Cyber Bullying. / You can state what is meant by the term Cyber Bullying and can give examples of this. / You can state what is meant by the term Cyber Bullying and can give examples of this. You can give sound advice on how to deal with a cyber bullying situation and understand the implications cyber bullying can have on an individual.
You can design a logo incorporating text and an image which is clearly related to Cyber Bullying. / You design a ‘Cyber Bullying’ logo which is clear and conveys the purpose clearly using text and an image. / You can design a simple but effective ‘Cyber Bullying’ logo which clearly conveys the purpose and would remain effective if the logo was reduced in size or used in black and white only.
You know how to protect yourself from obvious dangers such as those posed by strangers online. / You know how to protect yourself from obvious and less obvious dangers e.g. stranger dangers and by people you are know. / You know how to protect yourself from a range of online dangers including personal safety and identity theft.
You can find some relevant information online about
e-safety. / You can find a range of e-safety information online and comment on the usefulness of the information. / You can access a range of e-safety online and can evaluate the quality of the information found.
You are required to complete all tasks. Next to each task is an estimated completion time.
Task 1 – 15 minutes
Answer the following questions as fully as you can. You can copy and paste the questions onto your website (ICT page) and answer them there.
- What do you think ‘Cyber Bullying’ means?
- Make a list of the different ways mean messages can be sent to another person.
- What advice would you give to a friend who is bullied online or by text?
- If you write mean things in a chat room, by email or in a text, it doesn’t hurt as much as saying it to someone’s face. What do you think about this statement?
Task 2 – 30 minutes
Design an ‘anti-Cyber Bullying’ logo. Design using a computer and display on your website (ICT page).
Task 3 – 20 minutes
Copy then complete the table below. You may decide to discuss each situation with a trusted adult first of all.
Situation / What would you do if this happened?You click on a link and find a site with unsuitable content / Switch your monitor off. Tell your parents – they can block the site and check your computer for viruses which might have been downloaded.
A site asks you to register and give your personal details
You receive an email telling you that you have won £500 in a competition that you don’t remember entering
You find a site which has lots of free games to download
You get an email from a stranger which contains an attachment
You started to get rude or abusive texts or emails from a friend
You started to get rude or abusive texts or emails from a stranger
Task 4 – 20 minutes
Find three useful websites relating to e-safety. List 3 of these on your website and outline the type of information which can be found there and what age group you think they are intended for.
Which of these websites do you think is most useful and why?
Task 5 - Self Assessment
Compare you work against the grading criteria on the front page. Give yourself a level for each task:
Copy the table into a word processing program and complete. Take a screen shot of the completed table and display on your website
Task / I think I’m working at Level… / Explain why you think your work meets this level / Teacher grade and comment1 – Cyber Bullying
2 – Anti-bullying logo
3 – E-Safety Situation
4 – Useful Websites
How would you improve this work? Give 2 ways. Copy and display on y0ur website.
Teacher’s Final Comment: