ICT 8–2Plant and Animal Cells


Name: Date:

What are the two main types of cells? What organelles are found in cells? What is the function of each cell organelle? You will answer these and other questions as you explore the web site.

What to Do

• Follow the steps in each part.

• If you are doing this from a printed master, record your answers in your Science Log or notebook.

• If you are using a word processor, enter your answers electronically. Remember to save your work as you go.

Part A: Plant Cells

1. Go to the Cell’s Alive web site.

2. From the index, click on Plant Cell.

3. Draw a diagram of a plant cell.

4. Use the illustration on the web page to help label your diagram. If you are not sure of the name of an organelle, click on it to find out.

Part B: Animal Cells

1. From the index, click on Animal Cell.

2. Draw a diagram of an animal cell.

3. Use the illustration on the web page to help label your diagram. If you are not sure of the name of an organelle, click on it to find out.

Part C: Cell Organelles

In this part of the activity, you will review the functions of the organelles in plant and animal cells.

1. Complete a chart similar to the one that follows.

• The first column lists the organelles found in cells.

• In the second column, write the function of each organelle.

• In the third column, fill in whether the organelle is found in animal cells, in plant cells, or in both types of cells.

Organelles and Their Functions

Organelle / Function / Where Is It Found?
(animal cell, plant cell, or both animal and plant cell)
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
cell wall

Part D: Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

1. Complete a chart similar to the one that follows to compare plant and animal cells.

• In the left column, write the names of organelles found only in animal cells.

• In the right column, write the names of organelles found only in plant cells.

• In the middle column, write the names of organelles shared by plant and animal cells.

Comparison of Plant and Animal Cells

Animal Cells Only / Both Plant and Animal Cells / Plant Cells Only

What Did You Discover?

1. What are the two main type of cells?

2. What is an organelle?

3. What are the organelles common to both types of cells?

4. What are the organelles found only in plant cells?

5. Why do you think that scientists refer to cells as the “basic units of life”?

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