ICS Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2016

Pride Lafayette

In attendance

Sister Tess Trogen

Sister Pantastic X Perience

Guard Felicia X Monroe

Sister Purrr Do






Meeting called to order at 6:10pm

Introductions around the room and something that brings us JOY this week after all the election cycle/news.

Sister Panty and Guard Felix led the group in a blessing following the divisive election as well as a candle blessing for Guard Geena that she may recover fully and quickly from her recent operation.


Sister Panty shared a review of the phone conference discussing our elevation to Mission House in October.

Group decision - we will not attend Project Runway in Ohio on 11/18 as the travel would conflict with our Blessing at Veronica Fox’s Sweet 16 and TDOR the same weekend.

Louisville visit - Sister Tess is point nun for making arrangements and will connect with Sister Velveeta of the Derby City Sisters to arrange a date for us to manifest together. Once the date is confirmed, we will also reach out to Faegala to see if she might join us for this. Ideally early December, but if not then, we may have to wait until weather is better in early Spring.

Logo conversation - TABLED as Sister Sara Naidmee is not present. More to come soon!

Coronet - no additional conversation at this meeting

Website videos - Guard Geena is recovering from an operation, so this is tabled until her return. We wish you a speedy and full recovery!

501c3 status - Guard Glitterbox is traveling at the moment, so we will look forward to a report from her upon her return.

Glitter Ceremony - We need to re-make our house glitter so that we can incorporate the Berlin Glitter, new glitters from all house members, the sacred botanicals from Faegala as well as glitter from Music City Sisters, and new magic from our Mission House Status. GROUP DECISION - postpone to new year in order to allow for all members to be present as several are traveling or recovering from medical issues at the moment.


We have welcomed a new Postulant to ICS - Postulant Divigne N Conq’rd! Welcome Sister! Postulant Divigne brings great light to ICS and much involvement in LGBTQ+ events around our local community. She is overflowing with JOY and we are proud to see her start this journey with us as our first member following our elevation to Mission House.

Postulant Divigne has been asked to write up a brief bio and send a photo from a manifestation to Sister Tess for use on the ICS website.

Sister Purrr Do needs to know the number of members who can attend Veronica Fox’s Sweet 16 on 11/19 in order to reserve us a table. Please email or Facebook no later than 11/18 if you plan to attend. Right now it looks like: Purrr, Tess, Panty, Felix, Divigne, Michael + wife...

Sister Panty and Guard Felix are developing the Birthday Blessing for our dear Veronica that will be used at her celebration. Group agrees to focus on “Cheerful, fun, inspirational, and performative” but acknowledge that there will be young children and families in the space so we need to be thoughtful of that.

TDOR - hosted by NOGLSTP at Purdue on 11/20 at 5pm in Mechanical Engineering room 1130 (Kayden) - six community speakers who are trans identified. Followed by a candlelight vigil with a reading of the names. Coffee, tea, cookies, and doughnuts provided by Kappa Nu. ICS member Sara Naidmee (Amber) will be a speaker at this event.

Sisters could help by volunteering to read names

Kayden is the point person for volunteers - , no deadline to contact them.

Indianapolis Trump Resistance Rally - Saturday November 12, 5-8pm. The Sisters have been invited to stand on the steps of the statehouse, hold flags, and help lead the march around downtown Indianapolis by Indy based organizer, Kim Saylor. Discussion about “what is being resisted” at the rally and do we want to be present. GROUP DECISION to be present and carpool - Purrr, Felix, Panty, Annie, Kayden. We will post on social media to see if other local community members would like to join us or any absent ICS members wish to come.

Michael will connect ICS with KISS (Kinky Indiana Slaves and Submissives) so that we can manifest with their events.

Purrr has been in touch with Eric Masters about the upcoming Mr. Indiana Leather at Gregs Indy in Indianapolis (January 2017). Eric is also devoting much more time in 2017 to Team Friendly Indiana which ICS can connect into more for HIV prevention and stigma reduction. More to come!

Meeting closed at 7:55pm