International Civilian Office/EU Special Representative Component
In Kosovo
Advertisement for the International Civilian Office (ICO/EUSR)
Call for Contributions and Advertisement for Staff Members
Organisation: / ICO/EUSRJob Location: / Pristina
Availability: / As soon as possible
Contract Regime: / Seconded by EU Member States, EU Institutions or Contributing Countries to the ICO or Contracted with the ICO
Job Titles/Vacancy Notice: /
- 1 Head of the Community Affairs Unit
Deadline for applications: / Friday, 15 February 2008 (c.o.b)
Email address to send the Job Application Form/CV: /
Information: / For more information related to the selection and recruitment, please contact the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, DGE VI, or the International Civilian Office Preparation Team:
Mr. Ben Crampton, DG E VI - Kosovo
(Email: ),
DG E VI - Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Rue de la Loi 175, B1048 Brussels
Tel: + 32 2 281 93 40
Fax: + 32 2 281 85 08
Head of ICO/EUSR Preparation Team, Mr. Jonas Jonsson
Attn: Mr. Pedro Ataide, ICO/EUSR Preparation Team
(email: ),
International Civilian Office/Administration Coordination
St. Ahmet Krasniqi PN – PO BOX 320 Pristina, Kosovo
10000 Pristina, Kosovo
Tel: + 381 (0) 38 20 44 101
Fax: + 381 (0) 38 20 44 110
The General Secretariat of the EU, through DGE VI Directorate for the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia requests EU Member States and European Institutions to second experts or support the advertisement for contract regime to the following expected positions with the ICO/EUSR for Kosovo, according to the described requirements and profiles:
DGEVI - Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
A. Essential Requirements
Integrity - The participants must maintain the highest standards of personal integrity, impartiality and self-discipline within the ICO/EUSR. Participants are not allowed to provide or discuss any information or document as a result of access to classified and/or sensitive information related to the ICR/EUSR Office or respective tasks and activities. The participants shall carry out their duties and act in the interest of the ICR/EUSR Office.
Knowledge of the Western Balkans - To have a good knowledge of the history, culture, social and political situation of the Western Balkans, in particular through field experience in a multilateral working environment.
Negotiation Skills - The participants must have excellent negotiating skills and the ability to work professionally in a stressful and diverse environment.
Flexibilityand adaptability - Be able to work in arduous conditions with a limited network of support. Must be able to cope with possible extended separation from family and usual environment. Ability to work as a team player, excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Physical and mental health - Physically fit and in good health without any physical or mental problems or substance dependency which can impair operational performance in the ICR/EUSR Office.
Ability to communicate effectively in English and other languages – Staff members must be fullyfluentin written and oral English language. Report writing skills are especially needed. Knowledge of French and local languages will be an asset.
Computer Skills - Skills in word processing and spreadsheets are essential. Knowledge of other IT tools will be an asset.
B. Essential Documents and Requirements for the Selected Candidates
Passport - Seconded participants must obtain a diplomatic (strongly recommended) or service passport from the respective national authorities.
Visas - Contributing countries and ICR/EUSR Office staff members must ensure that visas are obtained for entry into the ICR/EUSR area prior to departure from their home country. It is also essential to obtain any transit visas, which may be required for passage through countries en route to the Balkans/Kosovo area.
Security Clearance: To have or obtain a national security clearance "EU SECRET" level or equivalent.
Certificate/Booklet of vaccination - To be in possession of a valid certificate/booklet of vaccination showing all vaccinations and immunisations received. To be vaccinated according to the required immunisations for the geographical area.
Medical Certificate: To be in possession of a valid certificate declaring fit to participate in the context of ICO/EUSR activities.
Driver Licence – Be in possession of a valid - including Balkans/Kosovo area - civilian driver licence for motor vehicles (Category B or equivalent). Able to drive any 4 wheel drive vehicles.
DGEVI - Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
D. Job Description
Head of the Community Affairs Unit
(Reference PT029)
Main tasks
Within the role of the Community Affairs Unit related to the monitoring and implementing the Settlement, in particular its annexes II, III and V as enumerated under the current proposals, the Head of the Community Affairs Unit, leading a unit with approximately 14 staff members (8 internationals and 6 locals) is expected to perform the following duties:
- To monitor the implementation of Settlement provisions pertaining to decentralisation in Kosovo. with particular regard to, inter alia:
- Assisting the relevant institutions in drafting and applying the relevant legislation.
- Advising the ICR/EUSR on possible violations of relevant legislation
- Advising the ICR/EUSR on, and overseeing the establishment by the Kosovo authorities of new municipalities.
- Advising the ICR/EUSR and relevant Kosovo Institutions on the review of the decentralization provisions following the population census.
- To monitor the implementation of Settlement provisions pertaining to cultural and religious heritage, in close co-operation with the OSCE mission and other international actors, and serves as an early warning system in cases of their violation, inter alia, ensuring the respect of the provisions on protective zones and representing the ICR/EUSR in the Implementation and Monitoring Council and its secretariat.
- To monitor the respect for minority rights, paying particular attention to equitable access to resources and employment, including supervision of the participation of the communities in public live.
- To liaise with relevant local and international stakeholders in decentralization matters.
- To manage the Community Affairs Unit.
Qualifications and Experience
- Advanced University degree in Political Sciences, International Relations, Diplomacy, Law, History, Social Sciences, Economics or other relevant subject.
- At least 10 years of working experience in a policy analytical and/or implementation position in a national or international context, or to have a minimum of 7 years of progressively responsible professional experience at management level.
- Thorough understanding of the political and community situation in Kosovo.
- International experience, particularly in crisis areas with multi-national and international organisations.
- Knowledge of security sector legislative and governance issues (advantage).
DGEVI - Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia