Course Title: ______Date:______Location: Online
Thank you for attending this NJ ICLE webinar. We hope the topics and speakers met your expectations. So that we can
continue to provide high quality meaningful programs, please take a moment to complete this questionnaire and return it to us at the end of the program.
1. How many NJ ICLE programs do you attend each year? ___1 ___2-4___5-7 ___8+
2. Number of attorneys employed in your firm/department___1-3 ___4-10 ___11-25 ___26+
3. Number of years practicing law ___Less than 1 yr. ___1-3 yrs. ___4-10 yrs. ___11+ yrs.
4. Primary practice area(s) ______
5. Please rate the following:
Exceeded Expectations
/ Met Expectations / Adequate / UnsatisfactoryProgram Content
Written MaterialsEase of Use:
(please write in names)
6. What can be done to improve this course? ______
7. Which three New Jersey attorneys would you want to hear speak at NJ ICLE programs?
8. Topics you’d like to see NJICLE develop into programs or publications ______
9. In our promotional literature, we often use testimonials from past registrants. If you enjoyed the program and would like to share your comments with others, please give us your permission to quote you by providing your comment and signing below.
Comment ______
Name (print) ______Signature ______
Firm ______Date ______
NJICLE – One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Tel: 732-214-8500 FAX: 732-249-0383
Course Title: Bankruptcy Card 1/30/08 Location:NJ LawCenter
Thank you for attending this ICLE seminar. We hope the topics and speakers met your expectations. So that we can continue to provide high quality, meaningful programs, please take a moment to complete this questionnaire and return it to us at the end of the program.
1. How many NJ ICLE programs do you attend each year? ___1 ___2-4___5-7 ___8+
2. Number of attorneys employed in your firm/department___1-3 ___4-10 ___11-25 ___26+
3. Number of years practicing law ___Less than 1 yr. ___1-3 yrs. ___4-10 yrs. ___11+ yrs.
4. Primary practice area(s) ______
5. Please rate the following:
Exceeded Expectations
/ Met Expectations / Adequate / UnsatisfactoryProgram Content
Written MaterialsFacility & Instructors:
The Hon. Rosemary Gambardella
The Hon. Nancy Sivilli, JSC
Richard D. Trenk, Esq.
Diane E. Vuocolo, Esq.
6. What can be done to improve this course? ______
7. Which three New Jersey attorneys would you want to hear speak at ICLE programs?
8. Topics you’d like to see ICLE develop into programs or publications ______
9. In our promotional literature, we often use testimonials from past registrants. If you enjoyed the program and would like to share your comments with others, please give us your permission to quote you by providing your comment and signing below.
Comment ______
Name (print) ______Signature ______
Firm ______Date ______
ICLE – One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Tel: 732-214-8500 FAX: 732-249-0383
Course Title:NLRB Labor Law Conference Date: 11/16/07 Location:Pines Manor, Edison
Thank you for attending this ICLE seminar. We hope the topics and speakers met your expectations. So that we can continue to provide high quality, meaningful programs, please take a moment to complete this questionnaire and return it to us at the end of the program.
1. How many NJ ICLE programs do you attend each year? ___1 ___2-4___5-7 ___8+
2. Number of attorneys employed in your firm/department___1-3 ___4-10 ___11-25 ___26+
3. Number of years practicing law ___Less than 1 yr. ___1-3 yrs. ___4-10 yrs. ___11+ yrs.
4. Primary practice area(s) ______
5. Please rate the following:
Exceeded Expectations
/ Met Expectations / Adequate / UnsatisfactoryProgram Content
Written MaterialsFacility
Any additional comments:______
6. What can be done to improve this course? ______
7. Do you attend CLE programs from other providers? If so, how do you find ICLE’s programs differ from those of other providers? ______
8. Topics you’d like to see ICLE develop into programs or publications ______
9. In our promotional literature, we often use testimonials from past registrants. If you enjoyed the program and would like to share your comments with others, please give us your permission to quote you by providing your comment and signing below.
Comment ______
Name (print) ______Signature ______
Firm ______Date ______
ICLE – One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Tel: 732-214-8500 FAX: 732-249-0383
Course Title: WEBINAR on Business Valuations Date: 12/13/07 Location: On Line
Thank you for participating in this ICLE seminar. We hope the topics and speakers met your expectations. So that we can continue to provide high quality, meaningful programs, please take a moment to complete this questionnaire and return it to us at the end of the program.
1. How many NJ ICLE programs do you attend each year? ___1 ___2-4___5-7 ___8+
2. Number of attorneys employed in your firm/department___1-3 ___4-10 ___11-25 ___26+
3. Number of years practicing law ___Less than 1 yr. ___1-3 yrs. ___4-10 yrs. ___11+ yrs.
4. Primary practice area(s) ______
5. Please rate the following:
Exceeded Expectations
/ Met Expectations / Adequate / UnsatisfactoryProgram Content
Written MaterialsFacility
Stacy Collins, CPA/ABV
Lyn Varisano, Esq., CPA
6. What can be done to improve this course? ______
7. Do you attend CLE programs from other providers? If so, how do you find ICLE’s programs differ from those of other providers? ______
8. Topics you’d like to see ICLE develop into programs or publications ______
9. In our promotional literature, we often use testimonials from past registrants. If you enjoyed the program and would like to share your comments with others, please give us your permission to quote you by providing your comment and signing below.
Comment ______
Name (print) ______Signature ______
Firm ______Date ______