ICG-WIGOS/TT-WRM-2/Doc. 2, p. 3

World Meteorological Organization / ICG-WIGOS/TT-WRM-2/Doc.2
SECOND SESSION / Submitted by: / WMO Secretariat
Date: / 14.VI.2013
17 – 20 JUNE 2013 / Original Language: / English
Agenda Item: / 2


(Submitted by the Chair)

Summary and purpose of document
This document provides the TT-WRM Chair's summary of developments since the first meeting of TT-WRM and a number of further considerations for the work of the team.

Action proposed

That this report be taken into account by TT-WRM as further work proceeds on the WIGOS technical regulations.


1.  First meeting of the CBS Inter-Programme Expert Team on WIGOS Framework Integration (IPET-WIFI). Agenda papers and information papers at:





I.  Progress since TT-WRM-01

I'd like to thank all members of TT-WRM as well as the Secretariat partners for the progress made in tacking the work on regulatory material. I hope our series of Webex meetings was helpful both in keeping the topic alive amongst all of your other commitments as well as answering specific questions. If you've been monitoring the TT-WRM web page or the papers available for this meeting, you'll see that we haven't arrived at a full set of drafts yet but there is a good base now for us to build on.

II.  Guidelines on the Preparation and Promulgation of WMO Technical Regulations

As I conveyed in a recent email, this document will now be published (following the decision of EC65). It has been include as an information paper for our meeting (INF.2) and it is a helpful source of information for us in tackling our task. Other relevant matters from recent meetings (EC65 and ICG-WIGOS-2) are described in the paper for our agenda item 3.

III.  New CBS expert team: IPET-WIFI

The Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) formed a new expert team late in 2012, named the Inter-Programme Expert Team on WIGOS Framework Implementation (IPET-WIFI). Jochen Dibbern (DWD) is Chair of the team and I have the honour of being co-chair. The team met for the first time this week to review the work it needs to tackle and develop its work plan. Its Terms of Reference include the following:

Provide technical advice, guidance, practices and procedures for WIGOS Framework Implementation; with priorities to be given to:

(i)  WIGOS Regulatory Material (such as WIGOS Manual, GOS Manual and Guide), in collaboration with the relevant WMO Programmes and TCs;


The IPET WIFI is envisaged to encompass three sub-groups (SGs), each to be activated as/when required:

(i)  Sub-group on Regulatory Material;


This effort in CBS to work on particularly the GOS-related technical regulations will be a very helpful input to our work in TT-WRM. The report of the IPET-WIFI-1 meeting will document the terms of reference and work plan for the sub-group on regulatory material. In particular, it will provide a mechanism for compiling and coordinating input to the GOS-related technical regulations from the various expert teams and rapporteurs across the CBS OPAG-IOS (Integrated Observing Systems). The relationship between IPET-WIFI and the ICG-WIGOS task teams is described as follows:

ICG-WIGOS and its Task Teams will in principle exist until at least Cg-XVII. Formulation of a CBS strategy for a broad transition of ICG-WIGOS activities to IPET-WIFI would be premature at this point in time. Instead, the Terms of Reference, Work Plan and Membership of IPET-WIFI are sufficiently flexible to accommodate the work assigned to it by ICG-WIGOS and its task teams on an “as needed” basis. Care should be taken to avoid duplication of work between IPET-WIFI and the ICG-WIGOS Task Teams.

IPET-WIFI and its SGs, as required, should initially concentrate on addressing overall integration aspects of WIGOS, and on contributing to the work of the ICG-WIGOS Task Teams, by providing the details of the GOS-related elements of WIGOS.

See you at the meeting….

Chair TT-WRM