ICARDA has the global mandate for barley improvement within the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). ICARDA’s Barley project develops nurseries for a wide range of agricultural systems and distributes them worldwide upon request. The Latin American program was relocated to ICARDA Headquarters in 2008 and the former nurseries for the region are distributed as for High Input (HI) environments. Therefore, all barley nurseries are developed, prepared and dispatched from ICARDA Headquarters in Terbol, Lebanon, except Winter Barely from ICARDA-Turkey.
1.Global Spring Barley Yield Trial (GSBYT) and Global Spring Barley Screening Nursery (GSBSN). Beginning 2011, ICARDA Barley Program has gone into significant change in strategy and methodologyand now there are three different Breeding Programs operating separately but interconnected.
Since rainfed areas expands in all continents and has global reach, it was decided to name the two above nurseries which would have global distribution. The yield nursery would constitute 25 lines including local checks and would be represented by the highest yielding lines from ICARDA’s Breeding Program. Occasionally it would have NARS varieties as well wherever it is permissible.
The Screening Nursery would have approximately 150 lines from ICARDA’s Breeding Program. These lines also would be included after thorough testing has been completed.
It is suggested that the NARS Cooperators grow the Yield Trials which would have 2 replicates with 6 rows and 2.5 meters long plot. Local modifications would be required according to the local practices. The Screening Nursery could be adjusted into 2 rows of 2.5 meter plot.
2.The International Barley Yield Trial (IBYT-HI) and Observation Nursery (IBON-HI) for High Input (HI) are targeted for areas where barley is grown under more favorable conditions and with the use of near-optimum level of inputs.
3.The International Winter Barley Yield Trials(IBYT-W) and Observation Nurseries (IBON-W) are targeted for high elevation areas or continental areas with severe winters. These materials require vernalization. Therefore, they are adapted to both low and moderate rainfall areas with cold winters ranging from -5 °C to -25 °C, but not suitable for the mildwinter lowland areas and tropical high altitude areas, or for spring planting. These International Winter Barley trials and nurseries will be dispatched from Turkey.
4.International Special Nurseries. This category includes special nurseries composed for naked (Hull less). The International Naked Barley Yield Trial (INBYT) and International Naked Barley Observation Nursery (INBON) consist of huskless barley material targeted to be used as food. It is suggested that the NARS Cooperators grow the Yield Trial which would have 2 replicates with 6 rows and 3 meters long plot. Local modifications would be required according to the local practices. The Screening Nursery could be adjusted into 2 rows of 2 meter plots.
5.International Spring Barley Disease Screening Nursery (ISBDSN), which will include the germplasm and advanced lines with the purpose to have global screening for different diseases and subsequently make them available to NARS for utilization as identified sources of resistance/tolerance to different biotic stresses.
Durum wheat
The International Durum Observation Nursery (IDON), International Durum Yield Trials (IDYT) and International Durum Segregating Populations (IDSP) comprise genetic material for Mediterranean Continental, Temperate, and High Altitude Areas. Additionally, 2 nurseries are provided: the International Facultative Durum Observation Nursery (IFDON) for the high altitude areas of CWANA, which comprises genetic material with cold tolerance; and the Durum Crossing Block, which includes genetic materials for diverse traits of importance in durum wheat.
The durum materials are targeted for the environments with cold and mild winters and terminal stresses (drought and heat); and with biotic stresses such as yellow rust, leaf rust, Septoria tritici, root rots, common bunt, Russian Wheat Aphid (RWA), Hessian fly, and wheat stem saw fly.
Durum germplasm pools and specific disease nurseries including lines with resistance to specific disease and insects are provided on request. Testing has been conducted in collaboration with pathologists, entomologists, and virologists in hot spots in the Mediterranean basin, Eastern Africa and South Asia.
For 2015-16 cropping cycle we are distributing:
- The International Durum Yield Trial (39th IDYT), which comprises material adapted to Mediterranean continental, temperate, high altitude areas.
- The International Durum Observation Nursery (39th IDON), whichincludes advanced durum entries for Mediterranean continental, temperate, and high altitude areas.
Spring Bread wheat
Since October 2011, activities in Spring Bread Wheat Improvement in CWANA will be conducted under the “Wheat: Global Alliance for Improving Food Security and Livelihoods of Resource-poor in the Developing World” project of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Consortium Research Programs (CRP 3.1).
The spring bread wheat International Nurseries, Yield Trials, Segregating Populations and specialized Gene Pools for CWANA wheat production systems are targeted to agro-ecological zones classified based on precipitation and cropping season temperatures. Based on precipitation, the targeted environments are classified into drylands (average 300400 mm) and favorable/irrigated (>400 mm) environments.
The following is the description of the main Spring Bread Wheat Nurseries for 2015/16crop season:
1.CWANA- 16thDryland Spring Bread Wheat Yield Trial (CWANA - 16thDSBWYT) is targeted to CWANA low rainfall areas (average 250400 mm) with relatively low winter temperatures.
2.CWANA- 16thFavorable/Irrigated Areas Spring Bread Wheat Yield Trial (CWANA-CA 16thFA/IR-SBWYT) is targeted to CWANA areas with moderate to high rainfall (>400 mm) or irrigation, with relatively low winter temperatures.
3.CWANA 16thElite Spring Bread Wheat Yield Trial (CWANA–16th ESBWYT)is targeted to both dry and favourable environments of the CWANA region. These genotypes combine drought tolerance with yield potential and resistance to biotic stresses.
4.CWANA 16thDrylandSpring Bread Wheat Observation Nursery(CWANA 16thDSBW-ON) is targeted to temperate and continental Mediterranean low rainfall (LR) areas (250-400mm).
5.16thHeat Tolerance Spring Bread Wheat Observation Nursery (16thHTSBW-ON)is targeted to CWANA Low Latitudes areas with short crop cycle where heat stress is a major constrain to wheat production.
Winter/Facultative Bread Wheat
Winter-facultative bread wheat nurseries are prepared through the Turkey--CIMMYT- ICARDA International Winter Wheat Improvement Program (IWWIP) and will be dispatched from Ankara, Turkey. This germplasm is targeted for cold-winter areas such as those in Turkey, Iran, Central Asia and Caucasus countries, and Highlands of Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Africa. The winter-facultative wheat germplasm possesses such desirable attributes as resistance to rusts and other diseases, and tolerance to cold and drought.
The International Facultative and Winter Bread Wheat nurseries and trials are targeted for high elevation areas in WANA or continental areas. These materials require vernalization.Therefore, they are neither suitable for tropical high altitude areas, nor for spring planting. They are adapted to both low and moderate rainfall areas with cold winters ranging from -50C to -250C.
The Winter/Facultative nurseries include:
- 23rdFAWWON-IR: 22rdFacultative and Winter Wheat Observation Nursery for Irrigated Environments
- 23rdFAWWON-SA: 22rdFacultative and Winter Wheat Observation Nursery for Semiarid Environments
- 19thIWWYT-IR: 19thInternational Winter Wheat Yield Trial for Irrigated Environments
- 18thIWWYT-SA: 18thInternational Winter Wheat Yield Trial for Semiarid Environments
Menus and Field Books of International Nurseries
The electronic versions of the international nurseries Menus and Field Books for 2015-16 crop season requests are available on the website. Please download a copy of request forms or field books from our website at:
Please fill in the empty brackets the number of sets you require for each nursery. For yield trials, please also indicate whether you prefer one envelope of seed per plot–for machine planting–or six envelopes–per plot for hand planting.
Approximate number of entries
International Barley Yield Trials
(3rdGSBYT)Low input conditions25
( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot
IBYT-HI High Input conditions25
( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot
IBYT-W Winter Types25
( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot
INBYT-HIInternational Naked Barley Yield Trials25
( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot
International Barley Observation Nurseries
( ) 3rdGSBSNGlobal Spring Barley Screening Nursery 150
( ) IBON-HIInternational Barley Observation Nurseries-High Input 125
( ) IBON-WInternational Barley Observation Nurseries-Winter Types 110
( ) INBON-HIInternational Naked Barley Observation Nursery69
International Barley Special Nurseries
( ) 2nd ISBDSN2nd International Spring Barley Disease Screening Nursery130
Durum Wheat
Approximate number of entries
For Mediterranean Dryland:
( ) 39thIDYT-Dryland Durum Yield Trial Continental and Temperate Areas24
( ) 39th IDON-CA/TA Durum Observation Nursery- Continental and Temperate Areas 120
1- / CWANA- 16thDSBWYT (CWANA 16th Dryland Spring Bread Wheat Yield Trial)( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot / 24
2- / CWANA- 16thFA/IRSBWYT (CWANA 16th Favorable/Irrigated Spring Bread Wheat Yield Trial)
( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot / 24
3- / CWANA–16thESBWYT (CWANA 16th Elite Spring Bread Wheat Yield Trial)
( ) 1 envelope/plot ( ) 6 envelopes/plot / 24
4- / ( ) CWANA 16thDSBW-ON(CWANA 16thDryland Spring Bread Wheat Observation Nurseryis targeted to temperate and continental Mediterranean low rainfall (LR) areas (250-400mm). / 24
5- / ( ) 16thHTSBW-ON (16thHeat Tolerance Spring Bread Wheat Observation Nursery / 120
Winter/Facultative bread WHEAT
Winter/facultative type (Turkey-ICARDA-CIMMYT collaboration)
( )23nd FAWWON-IR Facult. and Winter Wheat Obs. Nursery for Irrigated Env. 100
( )23nd FWWON-SA Winter/Fac. Wheat Obs. Nur. for Semi-arid Environments 100
( )19th IWWYT_IR Int. Winter/Fac. Wheat Yield Trial for Irrigated Environments 25
( )18th IWWYT-SA Int. Winter/Fac. Wheat Yield Trial for Semi-arid Environs. 25
Mailing Address
Name of cooperator(s): ………………………………………………………………….
Department: ...... …………...... ….
Institute:...... …………………………..…
Street: ...... …...... …
Town/city:...... …….… P.O.Box: …………/ Zip Code……..……….
Country : ………………………………… Fax no.: ……………………………..…..
Tel. no.: ………………………….. Email address: ………………..…………………
Shipping Address
Name: ………….……………………………………….………………………………….
Department: ...... ….
Street: ...... …
Town/city:...... ………….... P.O.Box: …………/ Zip Code……………….
Country : …………………………………Fax no.: ……………………………………...
Tel. no.: ………………………….. Email address: ………………..…………………
Airport for delivery (with custom clearance facility): ...... …..
Preferred shipment mode:airparcel post/express mail service ( ) or airfreight ( )
Import Requirement
A phytosanitary certificate is provided with each shipment along with a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). Please indicate if you also need the following documents:
Import permit: Yes ( ) No ( )
Certificate of donation: Yes ( ) No ( )
Non-commercial invoice: Yes ( ) No ( )
GMOs: Yes ( ) No ( )
Any other requirement (please specify):……………………………………………………..
Please indicate clearly any additional declaration needed by the Plant Quarantine Control and Customs Offices of your country for the requested crop(s). Please, indicate also special shipping instructions and when you wish the requested material to reach you.
We (I) hereby agree to provide all relevant data collected and submit a hard copy to (ICARDA, Terbol, Lebanon)or electronically to E-mail:
Name of the collaborator (s): ………………………………………………………………….
Institute (s): …………………………………………………………………………………….
Signature (s): …………………………………………………………………………………..
The international nurseries data will be compiled and made available to all collaborators.
Please kindly answer the following questions:
1)Since when have you been participating in this International Testing Program (ITP)?
2)Did you find the nurseries useful for your country?
3)Did you identify or release material for general cultivation from this ICARDA ITP?
4)If yes, please fill the following table:
Crop / Variety name / Pedigree / Year of release / Special features / Area in hectares planted to the variety5)Do you run the on-farm trials including ICARDA lines? If so, please list the entries selected which are in the current on-farm trials.
6)Did you find stress nurseries useful for identification of resistant sources in your country? If yes, please indicate the crop, stress and sources for particular stress.
Crop / Stress / Resistant source7)Please, let us know your points of view towards improving the International Testing Program.
Kindly return your duly completed Request form along with this questionnaireby E-mailto Dr. Zewdie Bishaw ()
Thank you very much for your attention and kind cooperation.