IBTMS Documentation for Intra-Circle Remittances

(For internal use of BSNL SSAs/PAUs only)

This documentation is meant for accessing & entering entries by BSNL SSAs / PAUs into on-line Inter Branch Transaction Monitoring System (IBTMS). The on-line system was operational at Web address from Chennai till financial year 2008-09. Now from financial year 2009-10 onwards the system has been shifted to Pune at Web address with entirely new program written by IT Project Circle, BSNL. Certain positive improvements have been made while designing new system, which was not available in earlier system operated from Chennai. Some of such are as follows: -

  • SSAs/PAUs will now be able to input next financial year’s data immediately in April without waiting for closure of last financial year’s account.
  • ‘Responded w/o Originating’ records can be split by Originating SSAs / PAUs and be able to Originate part amounts also of the original record.
  • Multiple electronic files e.g. scan copy of AT, Challans, .doc & .xls files etc. can be attached with ATs for enabling Responding SSAs / PAUs for immediate action.
  • SSAs / PAUs may now be able to load it’s own Intra-Circle Control Figures temporarily for a particular month & get tally report for that month, even if the same is not loaded by Corporate Accounts Branch of its Circle.
  • SSAs can generate Messages to other SSAs / View Messages posted by other SSAs in the system. Even messages can be sent through SMS or E-mail for immediate attention of other SSAs.

For entering Intra-Circle Remittances Data starting from April 2009 onwards, SSAs / PAUs should enter the new system at web address with their Unit Code (consisting of two digit Circle Code followed with two digit Unit code, allotted by the Circle for the unit) as User Name and Password already circulated to them.

Only the Intra-Circle transaction based Menus and Menu items are described below in this document.

Intra-Circle Menus and its Sub options: -


‘User Information’ – For inputting User Information e.g. name, mobile no., e-mail address of nodal officer of the SSA / PAU handling IBTMS. Entering this information into the system is mandatory. This will activate the process for sending SMS, E-mail etc. to other SSAs / PAUs.

‘Unit Contacts’ – Contact Info of other units of this Circle.

‘Change Password’ – For changing own password of the SSA / PAU.

‘Change Detail Note ’ – Change Detail note of Riginationg & responding Ats.

‘Get Excel ’ – Get excel of all ats of Originating & Responding.

‘Originating’ – For entering New ATs / Canceling existing ATs originated by the SSA / PAU against other SSAs / PAUs & also Originating 'Responded w/o Originating' records created by other SSAs / PAUs against the SSA / PAU.

‘Responding’ – For accepting ATs originated by other SSAs / PAUs against the SSA / PAU & also creating new 'Responded w/o Originating' records / Canceling existing 'Responded w/o Originating' records against other SSAs / PAUs.



‘Originating’ – For checking accuracy of Originating ATs entered / ATs cancelled vis-à-vis TB Booking up to a particular month. If Circle Corporate Accounts Office does not upload Control figures up to the selected month, the system will ask for up loading of SSA / PAU’s originating control figure up to that month for the purpose of tallying.

‘Responding’ – For checking accuracy of ATs accepted & 'Responded w/o Originating' records created vis-à-vis TB Booking up to a particular month. If Circle Corporate Accounts Office does not upload Control figures up to the selected month, the system will ask for up loading of SSA / PAU’s responding control figure up to that month for the purpose of tallying.

‘Net Difference’ – For getting Net Difference of amount of ATs originated by a SSA / PAU vis-à-vis their acceptance by responding SSAs / PAUs, Responding SSA code wise, up to a particular month.

‘Details of Difference’ – For getting Details of Differences, AT wise, of ATs originated by a Circle vis-à-vis their acceptance by responding Circles, Responding Circle code wise, up to a particular month.


‘Originating’ – For getting list of all Originating ATs entered or cancelled in Originating Table, Responding SSA code wise, with Sub-total & Grand Total of all ATs originated by the SSA / PAU up to a particular month.

‘Responding’ – For getting list of ATs accepted or 'Responded w/o Originating' records created /cancelled in Responding Table, Originating SSA code wise, with Sub-total & Grand Total of all ATs responded by the SSA / PAU up to a particular month.

‘Inter-Forward’ – For accepting or rejecting Inter-Circle ATs forwarded by the Circle for enabling Circle to take action accordingly at Inter-Circle level.

‘Contact Us’


‘Create’ – For creating a new message to be forwarded to other SSAs / PAUs in relation to acceptance / origination of ATs. Check Boxes are available against each SSA / PAU for sending SMS & E-mail also.

‘View’ – For viewing all messages already created by other SSAs / PAUs against the SSA / PAU.