IBM Call Log starting with V5R2


PMR / Date / Status / Problem Description
06745 / 4/28 / C / Client Access – user + copy/paste not working – IBM ‘fixed’ – just not working the same. Use Edit/Preferences/Edit/Paste, play with options
07615 / 4/28 / C / WRKJOBSCDE job did not complete normally– system library list wrong in job (jobs had been submitted before libl changed
08030 / 5/2 / C / Backup – not saving some files: /QIBM/UserData/HTTPA/admin/logs/* - Qhttpsvs/admin jobs
08430 / 5/6 / C / tom/kristie – damaged objects – MCH3203 - apply mf30506/mf30094 – call kristie back when have problem –email joblog/hrcprod phone# - 507-286-6799
08544 / 5/7 / C / chad mch1210/MCH0601 – dltpkg qgpl/qzdapkg – still getting mch1210
SI08251/SI08431 - - 6/18 – load ptf SI09171 for QDZASQL, will have a developer debug on our system 6/30 applying (SI) 09202, 08500, 08645, 08671, 09203, 08884, 09204, 08650 ptf’s on Tuesday evening. Developer to get back on Wed.
10308 / 5/22 / C / DNS change question – CFGTCP opt 12
11819 / 6/2 / C / CPF3795 service dump during backup – object may be damaged. Apply mf30525, mf30524, mf30650 to have system save more info. – Bruce – 507-286-6099
11819 / 6/6 / C / SQL0239/CPF2417 – QZDASOINIT – Shirley – message – 507 286 6182, - 6/18 – will have a developer debug on our system
? / 6/7 / C / SQL7917 – Shirley - occurring many times in QZDASOINIT joblogs – There are many legitimate reasons for the SQL7917. One of the reasons is
the size of the program. If the program is not ILE, and the program is
near 16 meg. then you may want to recommend users convert to ILE.
If the program is ILE, then you'd want to investigate whether or not the
SQL7917 is legitimate.
In some cases the SQL7917's should not be generated. I suspect we'll be
coming out with a PTF or two that will correct the situation where there
SQL7917 messages being incorrectly generated. That is still under
For now, I'd recommend item listed above and start tracking the name of the
program that is generating the message.
13773 / 6/24 / C / – CPF5C61/CPF2417 – job QZRCSRVS joblog wrap – caused by OpNav delete files from IFS. Client request – run program QSYS/QZRUCLSP – live with it.
13995 / 6/27 / O / DSPACTPJ not working for some programs – apply ptf SI06633 (v5r1) – David Barnhill, APAR SE07824, ptf SI06672 for v5r2, applied Monday, July 7, loaded ptf’s, si09702 (test ptf) , si09119, si08511, si09120, mf30724, mf30725 on 8/12
25214 / 7/9 / C / HRCPROD CPU pegged – - had me run DBMON and build indices. I have a feeling the problem was associated with the ptf that was applied immediately on Monday, endpj/strpj and performance issues seemed to go away.
26934 / 7/24 / C / Client Access Install error code –106 – sharing violation, turn off NAV
28155 / 8/5 / C / Security on output queues to not be able to delete reports – found info in info center


PMR / Date / Problem Description
06745 / chuck – 507-286-6458 – slow rda - - created indices:
27665 / 7/31/3 / CFINT01/02 taking up CPU – caused by interactive usage over 3.7% of CPU – job cancelled yesterday, in loop. Applying MF30916 to both CRP/PROD – this will cause jobs using high% to drop priority to 89% - Eileen – 507-286-6867