Maestra: Cynthia Curry

Sala: # 207M

Teléfono: 205.231.7000

Correo electrónico:

Libro de texto: ¡Avancemos! Gahala et al 2007 McDougal-Little (Level 3) and various articles and media types.

Syllabus: IB


My expectations are that each student be present and on time for class, that he/she has the required supplies, and that the student immerses him/herself in the language by enthusiastically participating in each class activity. In this way, students may meet/exceed the objectives for this course and exemplify the Ramsay Way (respect self and others, accept responsibility, manage time wisely, and show good character and integrity). Further, I expect that each student be inquisitive, principled (or at least willing to try), and open-minded.


The objectives of this class are those outlined in the Alabama Course of Study (ACOS) document, those outlined in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), those required by the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, and those outlined in Bloom’s Taxonomy.


IB students are expected to develop the following:

Receptive skills: the ability to comprehend straightforward written and spoken language and its cultural and contextual connotations.

Productive skills: the ability to write and speak the target language effectively and in a manner appropriate to context andpurpose.

Interactive skills: the ability to understand and respond effectively to written and spoken language while demonstrating an awareness of social context.


  1. Students are expected to arrive on time, and immediately begin the warm-up posted on the Promethean.
  2. Review homework
  3. 10 minute lecture on new information (students take notes)
  4. Practice in group (speaking, reading, writing, listening)
  5. Individual work (graded)
  6. Close (summary of the day’s activities)


  1. Be respectful, responsible, and resourceful
  2. Do everything to support teaching and learning


-1” binder

- 6 dividers

-# 2 pencils

-Black or Blue pens


-Note paper (No spiral notebooks please)

-Art supplies when called for (posters, card stock, markers, etc.)


Oral communication (tests)25%100-90A

Visual communication (Homework/classwork)25%89-80B

Written communication (Essays)25%79-70C

Reading (Labs)25%69-60D



My purpose in the Spanish 3 and IB class is to provide rigorous and relevant activities to engage students with the aim that he/she will emerge as a more global minded citizen with an understanding and tolerance for Spanish-speakers and their language and culture.

IB External Assessments:

Paper 1: Receptive skills

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Weighting: 30%

No dictionaries or reference books allowed!

Paper 1 is externally set and externally assessed. The aim of this text-handling paper is to assess, through avariety of exercises, the student’s ability to read and understand a range of authentic texts. These texts mayhave been adapted. The text booklet consists of four texts, and the question and answer booklet contains upto 40 text-handling exercises.In order to complete the exercises, students will need to use a range of reading techniques such asskimming, scanning or reading for detail. They will be expected to respond to a variety of text-handlingexercises, some of which require a short response, for example:

•true or false exercises

•multiple-choice questions

•short-answer questions

•table-filling exercises

•gap-filling exercises


  • words from the text with synonyms, antonyms or definitions
  • summary sentences with different paragraphs of the text
  • two halves of one sentence
  • ideas or sequences with pictures

a person with a statement.

Paper 2: Productive skills

Duration: 1 hour

Weighting: 25%

No dictionaries or reference books allowed!

Paper 2 is externally set and externally assessed using the productive skills criteria. It is divided into two sections.

•Section A: Short writing task—Students answer one question from a choice of two (minimum of 50 words).

•Section B: Extended writing task—Students answer one question from a choice of three. (minimum of 100 words)

Written assignment: Receptive and productive skills

Weighting: 20%

  • Students are allowed to use dictionaries and reference material for the written assignment (research paper). They are required to produce an assignment of no less than 200 and no more than 350 words. The written assignment must be word processed in the target language.

Lengua B Español Índice de materias

Unidad / Lecturas / TemaTroncal / Opcióntemática / Página
1 / El ruido / Relacionessociales / Salud / 9
2 / Los sombreros / Relacionessociales / Costumbres y tradiciones / 21
3 / Dengue / Cuestionesglobales / Salud / 29
4 / El último viaje de Cortázar (I) / Relacionessociales / Ocio / 37
5 / Frida Kahlo / Comunicación y medios / Costumbres y tradiciones / 45
6 / Che Guevara / Relacionessociales / Diversidad cultural / 53
7 / Problemasalimentarios / Cuestionesglobales / Salud / 63
8 / Borges e Internet / Comunicación y medios / Ciencia y tecnología / 71
9 / Pandemia / Cuestionesglobales / Salud / 83
10 / Cartas del Rey de España a su hijo (I) / Relacionessociales / Costumbres y tradiciones / 93
11 / Cartas del Rey de España a su hijo (II) / Relacionessociales / Costumbres y tradiciones / 101
12 / Adolescentesdifíciles / Cuestionesglobales / Costumbres y tradiciones / 109
13 / Los jóvenes en el mundo / Relacionessociales / Diversidad cultural / 117
14 / Ética, ciencia y tecnología / Relacionessociales / Ciencia y tecnología / 127
15 / Teleo un cuento / Comunicación y medios / Ciencia y tecnología / 135
16 / Valorar las propiasraíces / Cuestionesglobales / Diversidad cultural / 145
18 / Miviaje / Literatura / Viajes / 161
20 / Las palabras / Literatura / La palabra / 191

*Parents please sign and have your child sign the bottom of this page to signify that you have received this copy of the syllabus. Afterward, return this page only to me.


Parent Signature


Student Signature