IB Internal Assessment – Taped Oral - Foreign Language (Language B)
Your presentation
I.Introduction – a general explanation of the topic of thesis. A question may be a good introduction.
II.A “map” – a clear plan of the “plot” or “argument”
III.A clear ending – You should refer back to your thesis or topic. You can give an answer to a stated question. You can give your opinion about a topic.
Your topic
- Should not require extensive research
- Should have a cultural aspect; allow you to learn/deepen your understanding of an aspect of Hispanic culture
- You should be able to show higher-level thinking skills.
- “El fútbol” – Too broad, not a good topic, no real connection to Hispanic culture
- “El fútbol en Argentina” – Allows you to talk about Hispanic culture, but still too broad of a topic. No real opportunity to use higher level skills in your spoken presentation
- “La influencia del dinero en el fútbol en Argentina” – Better topic – cultural relevance, some higher level skills
- “¿Ha tenido el dinero un efecto negativo en la calidad del fútbol en Argentina?” – Even better topic: cultural relevance, able to state and support personal opinion and higher level skills
Be sure to include:
- Efficient use of voice – speak clearly; use intonation to emphasize thoughts, ideas; pacing
- Structural elements: ie transition words
You can have:
- You will be able to use a card with 10 words on it. This card is only for support, and not meant to be used for reading your presentation.
- You should not memorize a presentation. We are looking for a “discussion” about a cultural relevant topic.
- Your presentation should not be simply a repetition of facts and information. You need to be able to make a thesis and support it with valid information.
- Your overall presentation should be 3-4 minutes.
Questions about your presentation
- I will start with concrete, factual questions about your presentation.
- I will adapt my questions based on your answers.
- I will try to get you to show a varied level of grammar usage in your answers.
- I will pose questions that allow you to show use of higher level thinking skills.
- Your score will reflect your understanding of the questions and the quality of your answers.
Part C
General conversation
- I will let you know that we are changing the topic from your presentation.
- I will ask you questions of general knowledge. They may be about your opinions, general ideas about topics studied in class, etc.
- I will keep my questions short so that you have plenty of time to answer.
- I will use questions that allow you to showcase more advanced grammar structures and higher-level thinking skills.
- I will likely ask follow-up questions based on your answers.
list facts, give information, narrate
generalize and interpret facts and information
use facts or information
reach a conclusion and adopt a position / opinion