IB Individual Oral Presentation (90 pts.)
NOTE: IB Diploma Candidates and potential Certificate Candidates should be aware that this is one of the Internal Assessments for the HL Language A Literature Exam and counts as 15% of your overall score.
All IB Literature of the Americas students will give a 10-13 minute IB Oral Presentation this school year. You will have many opportunities to give your oral presentation throughout the year, and though you will get a choice in units, final decisions about who will present and when will be made by the teacher and cannot be changed without her/his permission.
Oral Presentations will begin for each unit when we have concluded our study of that unit and schedules will be posted. The same guidelines, procedures and point values will be used for the assessments for all oral presentations throughout the year.
TOPICS: You will choose an aspect of the texts from the unit that merits serious literary analysis and reflects your own interest in the work of choice. Some possibilities are: cultural setting and related issues of the work, writing technique and style, characterization, themes in the work, the author’s attitude toward characters or subject matter, cultural/social issues addressed in the work, the interpretation of particular historic, literary or cultural elements from different perspectives, influence of the writer’s background on the work, etc.
FORMAT: There are a couple of possible formats for this assignment. The format you choose must demonstrate your thorough knowledge and understanding of the work as well as your interpretation of it. Here are some possibilities from IB for format choices.The format you choose must be approved by the teacher in advance of the presentation through the submission of an outline.
- Oral Expose: the setting of a particular writer’s work against another body of material (for example, details on social background or political views), The examination of a particular interpretation of a work, an exploration of a particular aspect of the work, an interpretation, a comparison of some aspect of the work with another, a commentary on the use of symbolism, imagery, a comparison of two characters or two passages, a close reading of one or more passages from the work, an imitation of the writer’s style with an explanation of the candidate’s purpose, the setting of the writer’s work against a social or political background, a student’s literary response to a work as it developed.
- Role Play:A dramatic presentation, of your own writing, that has been produced in the style of one of the literary genres studied,a monologue by a character at an important point in the literary work; reminiscences by a character from a point later in life; an author’s discussion of their work or a critical defense of the work against a censorship board, etc. NOTE: If you choose this option, you may work and present with one other student in your own class, and part of your presentation must be an explanation for your choices/ideas.(Note that if 2 people are presenting at the same time, the presentation must double in length (i.e. 20-26 minutes)
**Each Oral Presentation will be followed with a question/answer period where students and/or the teacher may/must ask clarifying questions of the presenter—this portion of your oral presentation is used to help you further clarify points you may have missed, not to try to confuse or trip you up.
ASSESSMENT: All presentations will be evaluated according to IB criteria:
- Knowledge and Understanding of the work (20 pts.)
- Quality and Presentation of Ideas (20 pts.)
- Use of Language (20 pts.)
***For your course grade, you will also be evaluated on:
- submission of a complete outline prior to presentation (20 points)
- submission of your final presentation to turnitin.com (10 points).
**See rubric on back of this sheet for more details.**
Affidavit of Originality
This affidavit, completed and signed, must accompany your outline in order to receive a score for your presentation.
Place it as your cover sheet for your outline, which must be turned in at least two days prior to your presentation.
The thoughts and ideas in this outline, and in my presentation are my own. I have cited, every opinion or idea from someone else with a citation placed at the end of that information, in my outline and will give credit in my presentation. I realize that the mere presence of a citation does not avoid plagiarism. If I have used the exact words, phrases, clauses, or sentences of someone else, I have enclosed that information in quotation marks, which have been cited, and will give credit in my presentation. If I have paraphrased the opinions of someone else, I have not enclosed the paraphrase in quotation marks, but I have stated in my outline, and will state in my presentation, those opinions in my own words. I have introduced the paraphrase and put a citation, of credit for the author, at the end of it, and will give credit in my presentation.
Factual information (common knowledge or uncontested knowledge) has not been credited with a reference unless I have used someone else’s organization of these facts.
I have included a Works Cited with my outline, including all material I have used as a resource for my outline and presentation.
DATE: ______
PRINT NAME: ______
* Penalty for plagiarism: the student will receive no credit for the IB Presentation and will incur other disciplinary action.