Harcourt First Grade Intervention

room / should / write / anything / know
only / also / moved / those / green

Vocabulary Words:

My Cats

By Jane Manners

Illustrated by Steve Haskamp

This is me.

Those are my cats.

That’s my mom.

I can hear her calling me.

My cats hear also.

They hear things that I cannot hear.

My dad makes dinner.

It smells so good.

My cats smell also.

They know that other cats were here.

I can tell when it is getting dark.

My cats know also.

Those cats can see when I can not.

They have good eyes.


Those cats are hungry.

I am also.

I know when it’s time for bed.

My cats know also.

We like to sit together.

My cats are good pals.

1.  Can the cats hear sounds that the boy cannot hear? Explain.

2.  How do you know the boy likes his cats?

3.  Do you like cats? Why or why not?

My Cats


The boy in the story has pet ______.

o  dogs

o  cats

o  birds

The cats can ______things that I cannot hear.

o  see

o  hear

o  feel

Dinner smells so ______.

o  bad

o  room

o  good

My cats smell ______.

o  also

o  should

o  green

My cats know when it is getting ______.

o  room

o  those

o  dark

The cats can see when I can ______.

o  write

o  only

o  not

Cats have good ______.

o  legs

o  eyes

o  anything

My cats are good pals. Pal means ______.

o  friend

o  room

o  mom

The bird is in a tree.

The girl has a bat.

The boy is eating.

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