IB English B Framework
Grade 11
Ms. Morgan
Date / Lesson / Syllabus Content / NotesMon.
April 23 / Photographs of scenes or situations linked to the two options studied during the course. Must have title and/or caption. The photograph should enable the student to reflect on the culture(s) studied. See details on the isnenglishb wikispace.
McDonald’s photo + captions
(Option: Customs and Traditions)
HW: Make sure you are prepared for Wednesday’s in-class written assignment! / Exam practice:
Individual oral (IA) / Do not worry if the photograph that you have brought with you is not linked to one of the options. Today is about exploring the nature of this piece of coursework.
April 25 / Write a personal account of your initial impressions of the island. You must use details from at least the first three chapters. Remain loyal to the character/personality and speech patterns of the character whom you have chosen. You will have the entire lesson to do this assignment but it will be turned in at the end of the period. It will be handwritten.
Relates to several aspects of the CORE: Social relationships / Exam practice:
Literature: Written Assignment
Lord of the Flies
Text type: diary entry / You may use the text and a dictionary, but the idea is that you are borrowing ideas from the novel to do a creative writing assignment. Borrowing terms is a good idea, but quoting would be inappropriate.
April 27 / Film: The Social Network
CORE: Communication and media (internet)
Global issues (globalisation)
Social relationships (social structures)
Options: Leisure (social interaction through leisure)
Science and Technology (impact of information technology on society + ethics and technology)
Possibly Customs and traditions (fashion) ?!
- discuss Zuckerberg’s comment about fashion
article and list of pros and cons from the following:
HW: Select an aspect of social media to debate for Interactive oral activity. See worksheet with list.
Can you find any debates/discussions/ on this topic?
Any songs? See details on the wikispace. / Interactive oral activity (IA)
This will be one of the three Interactive oral activities. This is not practice. This is the real thing, so study up! / The goal is to choose a specific activity for the Interactive oral activity.
1.Gather information 2.Form opinions
3.Organize your thoughts and opinions
4.Find appropriate ways to make your arguments stimulating, provocative and unique
5. Use sophisticated, precise language
Mon. April 30 / Discuss the diary/journal as a text type. See advice/guidelines that I posted on the wikispace under Written Assignment and e-mailed to you.
Rewrite Lord of the Flies diary assignment (due Wed. May 2)
*Give example of this ‘text type’(genre)
Finish watching The Social Network.
Discuss preparations for the Interactive oral activity. Select topics.
See details and criteria on the wikispace.
+ Read the following review: http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/The-Social-Network-4832.html
*Can you find any jokes or stand up comedy routines about social networking? / Written
Interactive oral activity
+ familiarising with a review ‘text type’ / Even though you are working with the diary form as a ‘text type’ for the Written Assignment, it is important to be familiar with this text type for Paper 2.
Even if you do not choose social networking as your topic for the Interactive Oral Activity, this topic will surely arise elsewhere (Paper1, Paper 2, Individual Oral) so you must be well-versed in the topic and consider the text types that you could be dealing with!
Tuesday May 1 / No school
May 2 / Due: Polished version of Lord of the Flies diary entry
*Hand out definition + advice for the review as text type. Deconstruct the review for The Social Network in class.
Since we answered the questions and devised a checklist for review writing in class, we will begin the film Super Size Me on Friday.
HW: Find an interesting film review of this film
* Can you find any jokes or stand up comedy routines about fast food culture? / Interactive oral activity
+ Paper 1
+ Paper 2 / All students will prepare work on both the social networking topic AND the health topic for reasons stated above (not to mention the fact that this work will be part of your assessment for this year.)
May 4 / Return Lord of the Flies diary entries.
Go over checklists for review writing.
Watch film Super Size Me with guided questions/notes.
CORE: Global Issues (globalization + food and water) Social Relationships (political structures)
Communication + Media (advertising)
OPTION: Health (diet and nutrition + illnesses, symptoms of good/ill health)
Customs and traditions (food)
+ focus on several text types
HW: Fact finding mission. What kind of info can you find on the internet on this topic?
* Can you find any jokes or stand up comedy routines about fast food culture? / Interactive oral activity
+ Paper 1
+ Paper 2 / Hopefully you will have a clear handle on the dairy as a ‘text type.’
Discuss any problems with this text type.
May 7 / Distribute first drafts of the diary checklist and the review checklist. Discuss and make additions/modifications if necessary. (Can be found on wikispace under Text Types)
Finish watching film Super Size Me.
Discuss guided questions.
No homework: I know you need to be polishing your EE drafts that are due on Friday. / Interactive oral activity
+ Paper 1
+ Paper 2 / You must begin to ponder which topic you would prefer for the Interactive oral activity: Social networking OR fast food culture with its health implications.
May 8 / No school
May 9 / Watch excerpts from Fast Food Nation with guided questions.
Make sure everyone knows what to work on for Friday.
*HW: TIME magazine article questions about Facebook. (posted on wikispace) Due next week Wed or Fri. (You choose depending on your workload) / Interactive oral activity
+ Paper 1
+ Paper 2 / I know that you have been watching a lot of films. These are to be used to draw information for your Interactive oral activity. However, you must be actively researching and organizing info from a variety of sources!
May 11 / Ms. Morgan will be absent.
Plan your Interactive oral activity topic (social networking or the fast food health topic). This is an official piece of coursework (10% of your final grade). See the guidelines and assessment criteria on the wikispace. You must have information on your topic organized very clearly in order to be able to explain and develop your particular argument in a convincing, effective manner.
*It would be excellent if you could find a radio interview or radio program on either of these topics. The IB criteria specifically states that one of your Interactive oral activities should be based on a listening task, so see what you can find. / Interactive oral activity preparation / Even if we have not completed work on the fast food/ health topic, you can prepare information and organise ideas. The films and classwork will add to your argument and your own examples, but you must also be proactive in getting your ideas together.
May 14 / Either finish up Fast Food Nation (if we didn’t manage to finish watching it) or watch Michael Moore’s Sicko. / Interactive oral activity preparation
Wed. May 16
Thursday May 17 / No school
Fri. May 18
May 21
Wed. May 23
Fri. May 25
May 28 / No school
May 30
Fri. June 1
June 4
Wed. June 6
June 8
June 11 / Exams grade 11
June 13 / Exams grade 11
June 15 / Exams grade 11
June 18
June 20
June 22
June 25
June 27 / Last day of school (dismissal 12:00)