Workshop “Workplace risks to reproductivity – from research to practice”

15 – 16 January 2014, Paris (France)

List of participants

Name / Organisation / Country /
Henri BASTOS / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Johanna BARTHÉLÉMY / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Dominique BRUNET / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Paulina CERVANTES / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Karen CLAYTON / Health and Safety Executive / United Kingdom
Nicholas DE PAOR / Health and Safety Authority / Ireland
Salma ELREEDY / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Mounia El YAMANI / INVS French Institute for Public Health Surveillance / France
Mireille FONTAINE / Ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé / France
Nadine FRÉRY / INVS French Institute for Public Health Surveillance / France
Heikki FRILANDER / Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Occupational Safety and Health / Finland
Ronan GARIANTEZEC / EHESP (Ecole des hautes études en santé publique) / France
Daniela GECELOVSKA / National Labour Inspectorate / Slovakia
Béatrice GEOFFROY-PEREZ / INVS French Institute for Public Health Surveillance / France
Catherine GOURLAY-FRANCÉ / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Karola GRODZKI / DG Employment / European Commission
Maria HAIDUCU / The National Research & Development Institute on Occupational Safety / Romania
Ulla HASS / Food Institute at the Technical University of Copenhagen / Denmark
Jóhannes HELGASON / AOSH, Administration of Occupational Safety and Health / Iceland
Albert HOLLANDER / TNO Quality of Life / Netherlands
Karin Sørig HOUGAARD / Topic Centre - National Research Centre for the Working Environment / Denmark
Ivan IVANOV / World Health Organisation / Switzerland
Ruth JIMENEZ SAAVEDRA / Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT) / Spain
Ljupco KOCOVSKI / Focal Point / Macedonia
Ferenc KUDASZ / Hungarian Institute of Occupational Health / Hungary
Klaus KUHL / Topic Centre - Kooperationsstelle Hamburg / Germany
Darina KONOVA / Ministry of Labour and Social Policy / Bulgaria
Gerard LASFARGUES / Director, ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Mathieu LASSUS / The Ministry of Employment / France
Dominique LAFON / INRS, Institut National de Recheche et de Sécurité / France
Pierre LECOQ / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Leonard LEVY / EU Scientific Committee on Exposure Limits (SCOEL) / United Kingdom
Lothar LISSNER / Kooperationsstelle Hamburg IFE GmbH / Germany
Miodrag LONCOVIC / Ministry of Labour Employment and Social Policy, Occupational Safety and Health Directorate / Serbia
Carline MARNY / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Katarzyna MIRANOWICZ / Central Institute for Labour Protection- National Research Institute / Poland
Alick MORRIS / DG Employment / European Commission
Toni MUSU / European Trade Union Insitute / Belgium
Jean-Nicolas ORMSBY / French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Elodie PASQUIER / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Alessandra PERA / INAIL, Italian Workers Compensation Autohority / Italy
Florence PILIERE / INRS, Institut National de Recheche et de Sécurité / France
Reinhild PÜRGY / Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection / Austria
Ulrike REUTER / European Chemicals Agency / EU-ECHA
Dolores ROMANO / Ecologistas en Acción, Representative of BUREAU EUROPEEN DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT in the ECHA RAC / Belgium
Christophe ROUSSELLE / ANSES, French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety / France
Michaela RUSNAC / Ministry of health and social affairs / France
Ellen SCHMITZ-FELTEN / Kooperationsstelle Hamburg IFE GmbH / Germany
Anne-Marie SAILLENFAIT / INRS, Institut National de Recheche et de Sécurité / France
Silja SOON / Labour Inspectorate of Estonia / Estonia
Raluca STEPA / The National Research & Development Institute on Occupational Safety / Romania
Gillian SMITH / Health and Safety Executive / United Kingdom
Anne-Catherine VISO / INVS French Institute for Public Health Surveillance / France
Emmanuelle BRUN / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work / EU-OSHA
Elke SCHNEIDER / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work / EU-OSHA
Laura TIRSOLEA / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work / EU-OSHA
Adrian SUAREZ / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work / EU-OSHA


European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA