IAV Assessment Standards
Intercountry Adoption Victoria (IAV)
The IAV Manager is responsible for the approval of applications. In order to ensure that assessments are undertaken in a manner that is consistent and appropriate, the Manager of IAV will from time to time provide written advice to staff and contracted workers outlining a standard related to an aspect of the assessment. These are called "assessment standards".
An assessment standard may be written by the Manager of IAV when an issue has been found to impact on the assessment of multiple applications and requires clarification. An assessment standard is recommended where specialist advice, such as medical or legal advice, has been sought in relation to an aspect of the assessment.
The assessment standard should clearly discriminate between (1) requirements of applicants that must be met in order to be approved, (2) undertakings that are required from applicants in order to be approved but where action is occur after the application is sent overseas or even after the child is placed and (3) recommendations that are in the best interests of the child and will assist the application but are not specifically required to be approved.
The assessment standard must also clearly state the link between any requirement of the program and the basis for the requirement, be it the Adoption Act 1984 or another reason.
Assessment standards will be:
- Made available on request to anyone who asks for it,
- Provided to all applicants where the standard impacts upon their assessment,
- Provided to all IAV employees and contractors to IAV.
Upon request the Manager of IAV may exempt any application from a standard. The Manager must however be satisfied that such a decision continues to meet all legal requirements, requirements of the overseas sending country and the best interests of the child.
The IAV Manager is responsible for the approval of applications. In order to ensure that assessments are undertaken in a manner that is consistent and appropriate, the Manager of IAV will from time to time provide written advice to staff and contracted workers outlining a standard related to an aspect of the assessment.
When issuing a standard the Manager of IAV must also consider the following:
- the requirements of the Adoption Act 1984 and related regulations: Adoption Regulations (2008) and Adoption (Fees) Regulations (2005)
- ensuring that all children are not at risk of abuse or neglect and that their care is stable
- that each overseas sending countries stipulate specific requirements that must be met
- that IAV is required to provide the sending overseas country with a general assessment of the applicant’s capacity and the environment and care they would provide for a child.
- Australia’s obligations under the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.
- Australia’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- practices within Victorian Adoption and Permanent Care Programs including the Adoption and Permanent Care Procedures Manual August 2004 (guidelines)
- practices within other state and territory Intercountry Adoption
Number / Assessment Standard Name
1 / Child Safety (Water)
2 / Child Safety (Travel in vehicles)
3 / Child Safety (Animals and pets)
4 / Child Safety (First Aid)
5 / Child Health (Immunisaton)
6 / Applicant and Child Health (Smoking)
7 / Child Well Being (Behavioural Management)
8 / Child Well Being (Culture and Religion
9 / Child Well Being (Retention of Name)
10 / Applicant Health (Cancer)
11 / Applicant Health (Weight)
Note: These assessment standards are to be provided at the appropriate time during the application and assessment process.
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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government,1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
December 2015
IAV Assessment Standards summary list1