Institute Of Applied Technology-RAK Grade 10 - LC 4

These verbs include:
afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, care, choose, dare, decide,
deserve, expect, forget, happen, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, pretend,
promise, refuse, seem, threaten, want, wish
Thelma´s boss refuses to give her a pay rise.
I´ve arranged to see the doctor on Tuesday.
These verbs include:
admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, face,
fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can´t help, imagine, keep, look forward to,
mind, miss, practise, put off, resist, risk, can´t stand, suggest, understand
Andrew admitted cheating in the exam.
Elena has given up smoking.
These verbs include:
advise, allow, can´t bear, begin, continue, forbid, forget, go, hate, intend, like, love, prefer,
remember*, start, stop*, try*
I was on my way home when it started to rain = I was on my way home when it started raining
* with a change in meaning
These verbs include:
advise, allow, ask, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, invite,
leave, like, love, mean, need, order, permit, persuade, prefer, recommend,
remind, teach, tell, want, warn, wish
Dennis persuaded me to go on holiday with him.
Can you ask the taxi driver to wait?
MORE STUDY RESOURCES:Irregular Verb Tables
Gerund or infinitive?: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3
Verb + Object + Infinitive: Exercise 1, Exercise 2
Verb + Infinitive or + Gerund? (1)
I decided looking for a new job (WRONG)
I decided to lookfor a new job (CORRECT:decide + infinitive)
He enjoys to play football. (WRONG)
He enjoys playing football. (CORRECT:enjoy + gerund)
Add the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. I miss ______tennis with him. (play)
2. Jane wants ______to Paris in April.(go)
3. Her boss knew that she was pretending ______ill.(be)
4. I don’ t feel like ______today.(cook)
5. He managed ______the report before he went home.(finish)
6. We agreed ______them. (help)
7. Good news! I’ve given up ______! (smoke)
8. Do you fancy ______to the cinema tonight? (go)
9. I haven’t finished ______the newspaper yet. (read)
10. I chose ______instead of taking the car. (walk)
11. He promised ______me a long letter. (write)
12. I’d avoid ______the Underground today, if I were you. (take)
Practice 2:
Add the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Have you finished ______the computer? (use)
2. She meant ______him her phone number but she forgot.(give)
3. Would you mind ______a few minutes?(wait)
4. I would like ______the manager, please.(see)
5. We expect ______from him soon. (hear)
6. I don’t feel like ______to the party. (go)
7. He offered ______them to the airport.(drive)
8. Next year I intend ______a course in reflexology.(take)
9. Although I had a bad toothache I put off ______to the dentist. (go)
10. I would love ______a house in the country.(have)
11. It was so funny I couldn’t help ______. (laugh)
12. She pretended not ______what I had said.(hear)
Practice 3:
Add the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Henry is upset that he didn't get promoted and is threatening ______. (resign)
2. They narrowly avoided ______the bus. (miss)
3. 'Wise men say only fools rush in" are lyrics from Elvis's "Can't help ______in love . (fall)
4. The restaurant is considering ______a smoking ban. (impose)
5. Do you mind ______the music a bit, we're trying to sleep.(turn down)
6. I hope ______you soon. (see)
7. Monica deserved ______her exam as she had studied very hard.(pass)
8. Our teacher recommends ______English every day to broaden our vocabulary. (read)
9. It's not worth ______about. (worry)
10. We never expected ______first prize. (win)
11. It's no use ______to Margaret as she just refuses ______. (talk / listen)
12. Carrie and Dennis are so fond of Barcelona they keep ______there. (go back)
13. Helen can't imagine ______on her own. (live)
14. Owen used ______in a house with a garden but now he lives on a boat. (live)
15. I always brush my teeth before ______to bed. (go)
ANSWERS:VERB + infinitive or + gerund?

IAT-RAK 2009-10 G10 LC4 NHPU-10 Worksheet verb patterns/Yasmeen Shakoor Pg.1of 6