IAPS Annual (Executive) Meeting
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Saturday, 17th September, 2005
The President, Jan Boxill, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies received from: Nick Dixon; Dennis Hemphill; Leo Hsu; Mike McNamee; Vegard Fusche Moe; Claudia Pawlenka; John Russell; Bob Simon; Sharon Stoll; Claudio Tamburrini; Deb Vossen.
3.Confirmation of Agenda
Agenda was confirmed.
4.Minutes of previous IAPS General (Business) Meeting (Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 12th September, 2004)
Confirmed as true and accurate record.
5.Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting
Nairobi Philosophical Association enquiry about ‘association’ membership. No action taken.
Action: Jan Boxill, Heather Reid and Jeff Fry will explore possibilities.
6.Officer Reports
The following presented reports at the meeting:
A.President: Jan Boxill
The President, Jan Boxill, welcomed everyone to the meeting. The association was reported to be generally in good shape. Jan thanked all the Officers and Committee members for all their hard work over the last year. Jan thanked the organizers of the conference, particularly Danny Rosenberg (Conference Chair), and Ivo Jirasek and his team in Olomouc.
IAPS is now affiliated to APA (American Philosophical Association) Central Division. The conference is usually in April annually, in Chicago. IAPS will have its own session in April 2006 and will be represented by the outgoing President, Jan Boxill, Heather Reid, and Jeff Fry. Bill Morgan thanked Jan and Jeff Fry for their hard work on this matter.
B.Secretary-Treasurer: Heather Sheridan
The membership and bank balance are currently in good health. Membership stands at 93 (up 14 from 79 in 2003/4). Only 23 female members although this is up 12 (11 members in 2003/4). The on-line method of paying subscriptions is working well. Most members now pay by this method. Paying on time really does ensure that the journal goes out promptly to everyone.
The bank balance form both UK and USA accounts stands at $14,254.31. The funds in the UK bank account (which holds the majority of our funds) now gets interest paid on them at the end of each month. From 29th September 2004 to 12th September 2005 the account has accrued $158.58 (£86.97) in interest @ rate of 2% per annum.
Accurate email addresses of all members are held on file. Annual membership fees have been paid to ICSSPE and FISP. FISP have confirmed that philosophy of sport will have its own session at the World Congress on Philosophy in Seoul, 2008.
As per last year, the membership profile shows that we have no Africa, Chinese, South American, Russian or Indian members. We may want to consider holding the annual conference in a region where there are very few or no members in order to recruit new members.
Andy Miah suggested that including annual subscription fees in the registration fee at the annual conference would mean the fee for an academic could be paid for by their university (since it would be included in any university funding he/she received to attend the conference), and it might encourage more people to join the association. Terry Roberts agreed that it seemed a good idea. Cesar Torres thought the exchange rates might prove to be an administrative difficulty. Warren Fraleigh suggested a registration fee for members and non-members. Bill Morgan wondered if there was any real demand for it from the membership and suggested that universities paying registration fees was not common practice elsewhere. Heather Sheridan suggested it might prove difficult to retain a steady membership and administrate - if someone did not attend the conference they might not join for that year; it has only been a year since we moved to a fixed annual due date for membership fees but if a conference does not take place in September just before subscriptions are due it could be difficult to manage the membership, ballots, posting out the journal, etc.
Action: Heather Sheridan to explore all the issues and report back to Executive Council.
Jan Boxill thanked Heather for her support over the last year.
C.Webmaster: Andy Miah
Andy Miah reported that sportphil, the IAPS listserv, needed to relocate since it can no longer be hosted by De Montfort University (due to Simon Eassom’s imminent departure). Alternative arrangements wee outlined such that the listserv will now be hosted by jiscmail. The new listserv address is . Jan Boxill thanked Andy for his efforts over the last year.
The following did not attend but circulated a report prior to the meeting:
D.JPS Editor: Nick Dixon
Jan Boxill reported, on behalf of Nick Dixon, that Nick will be stepping down as Editor of the JPS in Autumn 2006 after 2 two-year terms. A new Editor will need to be elected to be in post for the 2006-8 term, beginning Autumn 2006.
Action: Executive Council will make a nomination to be balloted to membership in March 2006.
In 2004 we received 32 new submissions and 20 resubmissions. While the number of submissions is down form 2003 (36), the total number of submissions, including resubmissions, is considerably higher: 52, as compared to 44 in 2003. Thus far in 2005 we have received 17 new submissions and 8 new submissions.
The following table gives the journal’s acceptance rate for papers first submitted in 2004. A paper is counted as a single submission, however many times it is resubmitted. For the purpose of calculating acceptance rates, invited papers and papers on which a decision is pending, have been excluded. Pending papers are those still under review and those whose authors have been invited to revise and resubmit before a decision is made on publication.
SubmissionsSent for reviewAcceptedAcceptance Rate
32 (2 pending)2310 (+3 invited)33%
+ 3 invited
Earlier in 2005, at the urging of Human Kinetics, we made the transition for HK’s in-house online submission system (JORS) to a new professionally maintained web-based submission system operated by Manuscript Central (MC). 75% of submissions in 2004 were received through JORS and 71% of 2005 submissions so far received have used one or other of our online systems. MC is now the preferred mode of submission for JPS and all IAPS members are encouraged to submit their work through our site at
Warren Fraleigh suggested it might be a good idea to publish JPS abstracts in languages other than English. Scott Kretchmar agreed it was a great idea but a logistical nightmare. Andy Miah is working with the Editorial Board on translations. Warren Fraleigh asked if the abstracts could go on the website. Andy Miah confirmed it would not be a problem.
JPS 33:2 (October 2006) will contain a special section on Olympic philosophy, guest edited by Heather Reid of MorningsideCollege. The call for papers appears in the July 2005 IAPS Newsletter and will appear in the upcoming JPS 32:2. Authors interested in submitting papers should contact Heather at
Nick had received an unsolicited offer from Sage Publications to take over from Human Kinetics as publisher of JPS. The current contract expires at the end of 2006. Scott Kretchmar commented that offers from publishers are often ‘sweetheart deals’. He recommended that research is carried out to check out the real costs to the association. Jan Boxill recommended that the Editorial Board take up the research/discussion and report back to the Executive Council before the contract expires at the end of 2006.
Action: Nick Dixon to consult Editorial Board and generate discussion.
Jan Boxill thanked Nick for his support over the last year.
E.Newsletter: Sharon Stoll
Jan Boxill, reported on behalf of Sharon Stoll, that the Newsletter was in good health. All three Newsletters had been placed on-line according to the mandates of the constitution. Jan Boxill thanked Sharon for her efforts over the last year.
7.Committee Reports
The following presented a report at the meeting:
A.Honors, Awards & Future Sites: Cesar Torres
The winner of the IAPS Distinguished Service Award for 2005 was announced as Prof Scott Kretchmar who will receive a commemorative plaque in honor of his service to the association.
Jim Parry is the new Chair of the Honors, Awards & Future Sites Committee (other members are Bob Simon and Doug McLaughlin).
As of now there are no firm dates or location for the 2006 annual meeting. A number of members have offered to host forthcoming conferences:
2006 -
Danny Rosenberg has offered Brock, Ontario, Canada
Bill Morgan has offered Ohio, USA
Sharon Stoll has offered Idaho, USA
2007 -
Cesar Torres and Peter Hager have offered Brockport, New York, USA
Milan Hosta has offered Ljubljana, Slovenia
Paul Gaffney has offered Rome, Italy
2008 -
Paul Gaffney has offered Rome, Italy
Given these multiple offers more information is needed in writing before the Executive Council can make a decision. Proposers will be contacted by Jim Parry, Chair of the Honors, Awards & Future Sites Committee, and asked to submit a bid to him (no more than 2 pages long) containing the following provisional information: host city/town; host institution; commitment of host institution; venue; accommodation; estimated registration fees; provisional dates (should be close to October 1st); proximity to international airport(s); any subsidies; any other information thought to be relevant. Deadline for submissions: 13th November 2005.
Action: Jim Parry
B.Conference Chair: Danny Rosenberg
Jan reported on behalf of Danny. Jan again thanked Danny (and Ivo Jirasek) for their efforts in putting together such a memorable conference. It was recommended that when submitting abstracts for future conferences presenters consider putting together panel discussions.
C.Elections: Terry Roberts
The following Officers have come to the end of their term of office:
President: Jan Boxill
Honors, Awards & Future Sites: Cesar Torres
Members at Large: Claudia Pawlenka; Deb Vossen
Terry Roberts reported that the elections had run smoothly and that the following have been elected:
President:Heather Reid
Members at Large: Ivo Jirasek; Carwyn Jones
Danny Rosenberg agreed to remain as Conference Chair for a further year.
There had been no nominations to replace Cesar Torres on the Honors, Awards & Future Sites Committee. Jan Boxill asked that we might step outside the constitution and appoint Doug McLaughlin to fill the vacancy since it is a sub-committee position rather than an Executive Council position. All agreed.
Jan Boxill thanked the outgoing Officers for their support and welcomed the incoming Officers and Committee Members.
Terry Roberts reported that participation in the vote remained low, and that perhaps the voting timetable might be changed. Mark Hamilton suggested the ballot be moved to one or two weeks before the annual meeting. Terry responded that this would not be possible since the constitution states that ballot details must be presented to the Executive Council at least one month prior to the annual meeting. Terry Roberts suggested the voting period be shortened to one month. Warren Fraleigh agreed. Terry Roberts suggested that the Executive Council be empowered to change the constitution.
Jan Boxill thanked Terry for managing the elections so well over the last year.
8.New Business/Business on Notice
A.JPS - Appointment of new Editor
See 6D above.
B.JPS - Sage Publications inquiry
See 6D above.
C.Updating listserv
See 6 C above.
D.New journal
A new journal, ‘Sport, Ethics, Philosophy’, initiated by Mike McNamee, will be published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis). It is estimated that the first issue will be in 2007. It will not compete with the JPS. The scope of the new journal will be more catholic to include papers on coaching, sports medicine, physical education, etc.
E.Pre-Commonwealth Games conference, March 2006, Melbourne, Australia
Dennis Hemphill had been our contact in Australia. The new contact is now Richard Baka. More details will be forthcoming from Heather Sheridan as soon as information is available.
9.Other Business
Carwyn Jones announced that the British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA) conference will be held at University Wales Institute, Cardiff, (Wales), 18th – 20th May, 2006. A call for abstracts will be circulated by email shortly.