TropiCOOL Festival Market Stall Application Form 2016

Business Name:
Contact Number:
Postal Address:
Email: (mandatory)
Please describe the products you wish to sell.
Do you require power? / Yes
If yes, Please specify how many power points are required. No additional power will be available on the day to those that do not include there requirements.
$25 per power outlet is payable to the Festival.
How many power outlets do you require?
______x 10 amp @ $20 = $_____
______X 15 amp @ $20 = $_____
______X 20 amp @ $20 = $_____
Do you have public Liability Insurance? / Yes
***Please include Certificate of Currency with your application.
How much space do you require? / Please specify in metres.
Will you be camping on the Town Oval? / Please advise if your stall will require overnight camping only on Sunday 12 June (ONLY). A permit will be provided to display on your window by the Shire of Carnarvon.
Car Registration Number: ______

I would like to apply to have a stall at the Carnarvon TropiCOOL Festival for the following dates:

Please note there is no market stalls on Saturday 11 June, only Food Stalls. Stallholders who meet the guidelines could trade at the Growers and Courtyard Craft Markets on Saturday 11 June (8am to 11.30am)

Sunday 12 June – Town Oval, Egan Street – 9am to 4pm

Terms and Conditions:

Sites and Boundaries:

Stallholders and Vendors are responsible for the disposal of waster materials in the appropriate manner, no waste is to be discharged onto the ground or left on site.

It is the stallholder’s responsibility to remove and clean and remove boxes from their site.

Stallholders will not be allowed greater space then they have booked – so, before booking, stallholders should carefully consider how much space they require. Sites will be allocated and marked prior to the event; this cannot be changed on the day.


All electricity cables laid must be either laid underground or overhead in compliance with all necessary legislation. No electricity cables are to lie on the ground unless adequately protected to the satisfaction of Environmental Health Services as they can present a serious hazard.

All generators, electrical cabling, switches, fuses and the like should be kept clear of patrons and properly and safely secured. Generators should not contribute unduly to noise or vibration levels. All electrical installations must be appropriately tagged and comply with all legislative requirements. A licensed electrical contractor may be required to certify the electrical installation depending upon the size and nature of the work undertaken. Some events are only small scale and do not require an electrician for electrical installations. In this instance a certification cannot be completed however all leads and residual current devices (RCDs) must be tested and tagged every six months.

The Shire requires a signed statement to be received prior to the event that all leads and RCDs have been checked and contain a valid test tag.

Public Liability:

Public Liability is required by stall holders, if you don’t have public liability please advise in application form. Additional costs will apply for Carnarvon Festival Incorporated to take out insurance on behalf of vendors.

Bump In/ Bump Out:

All vehicles can access the site as of Sunday 12 June at 7am must depart by Monday 13 June at 9am. Please ensure there is no early arrival as event staff will not be available to assist with set up.

Further information will be emailed to vendors closer to the event.

I, ______have read and understood the terms and conditions and agree to comply with the conditions and all associated provisions and regulations.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Stall fees are as follows:

Market Stalls: $25

Community Groups: Free

Please note their will be an extra $25 Hawkers Traders License fee from the Shire of Carnarvon, if you are not already registered.

Please return application forms to:


M. Carnarvon Festival Inc. Po Box 259, Carnarvon WA 6701

F. (08) 9941 1149

Stallholders who would like to trade on Saturday 11 June at the Courtyard Craft Markets and Gascoyne Growers Markets (non food stalls only) would need to express interest to Stephanie at the Visitor Centre –