Falcons Estate
Residents’ Association Meeting Minutes
Tuesday 16th September 2008
Introduction and Welcome
B. Scott (BS) opened the meeting by welcoming attendees. BS then invited residents’ who wished to receive a copy of the minutes and future correspondence from FERA, and had not previously done so, to provide their email addresses at the end of the meeting.
Report on Progress
Residents were reminded of the AGM on the 17th September 2008. BS stated that he would be attending the AGM, and that if any residents wished to brief him on any issues they would like to be raised at the AGM in their absence, he would be pleased to facilitate this.
BS informed residents that he had been approached by a company offering to supply utility and telecommunication services to residents. If any residents wish to know more about this offer then please contact him directly.
It was confirmed by David Stephens (DS) that Julie Kayes (Gross Fines) was stepping down and that a replacement was currently being sought.
The issue of dogs fouling the estate was discussed briefly. Whilst some complaints had been made in the period since the last meeting, the issue was not considered to be a major problem by the residents present. It was agreed that any residents who noted dog waste on the estate should report it to the Estate Office.
BS confirmed that he now had several names for membership of a gardening sub-committee and invited anyone else who may be interested in representing the residents on all gardening related matters to please nominate themselves.
BS also stated that he would be seeking to progress the creation of a FERA website during the coming months,
It was noted that a further cull of unclaimed bicycles from the bike shed was expected in the coming weeks. Residents where also informed that the Latchmere Ward Safer Neighbourhood team hold regular meetings at the Church of Nazarene, and that if anyone is interested in joining them, Peter in the Estate Office will be able to provide further details.
Going Green
The attendees discussed various ideas relating to how the estate could be made more green. It was noted that various activities (including the use of energy saving light bulbs and recycling bins) where already in place. Residents where also reminded of the further recycling facilities outside Clapham Junction Railway Station (Grant Road exit).
DS agreed to evaluate the possibility of using water butts to collect and store rain water with the gardeners. It was agreed that the use of solar panels and/or wind turbines would currently be cost prohibitive, but that their use should be reconsidered in future years as the technology costs come down.
Storage heaters in communal areas and residents private homes where also discussed. It was noted that some residents may qualify for certain grants to replace old storage heaters, or add additional units.
Redevelopment and Financial Sub-Committee Updates
Holly Lintell (HL) reported that the redevelopment of Griffin and Lanner Houses had effectively been put on hold with the units having been let for the next 6 -8 months. It was noted that plans relating to the redevelopment of Clapham Junction Railway Station where to be presented to Wandsworth Council in the next few weeks. BS agreed to progress identifying a led to represent FERA in relation to the redevelopment of Clapham Junction Railway Station.
DS commented that plans to rent the flat above the porter’s office where underway, and that the longer term intention was to sell the flat, using the proceeds to potentially re-equip the leisure centre.
Residents who felt that any issues which they considered Gross Fines where not resolving in a timely or acceptable manner, should be forwarded (via the Residents Association) to the Directors for escalation and resolution with Gross Fines.
Next Meeting
19:30 Tuesday 25th November 2008, Leisure Centre