Participants pay £1 each month for a period of 12 months. You stand a good chance of winning a prize of £50 each month and £100 twice a year (January & July). The winning ticket is picked by Irene Graham on the last day of each month. Winners are notified by post and a list of winners also appears in the Newsletter.

I wish to join the Animal 170 Club

I enclose a cheque for £12 for one year ………


I wish to pay by Standing Order. Please complete the following Standing Order Mandate and return it to us at Park House, Stelling Minnis, Canterbury, KentCT4 6AN. If you would prefer to set up your standing order direct with your bank or building society, please advise us when the first payment is due. You can cancel the mandate at any time by contacting your bank or building society.

Name:…………………...... ……………………...... ………. Date:……………...... ……...

Address:………………………...... ………………………………………...


……………………………………………………. Post Code: ……………...... ….

Telephone Number (including STD Code):……………………………………......



To the Manager ………...... ………………………………………………………....


Fill in the name and address of your bank)

Dear Sir,

On receipt of this advice, please pay HSBC plc, 141 High Street, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1BX, for the credit of the Lord Whisky Sanctuary Fund (Account No: 33025756; Sort Code: 40-06-34)

the sum of £ on the (insert date) and a like sum on the same date each succeeding month/year until further notice (delete as applicable).

Signed:…………………………………….. Name:………...... ……...……………….

Account Number:…………………...... ……… Sort Code...... ……..

Address:………………………………………...... …………………………………...

……………...... ………………………………..Post Code: ………………………….



Participants pay £5 each month for a period of 12 months. You stand a good chance of winning a prize of £70 each month and £500 once a year (June). The winning ticket is picked by Irene Graham on the last day of each month. Winners are notified by post and a list of winners also appears in the Newsletter.

I wish to join the Animal 80 Club

I enclose a cheque for £60 for one year ………


I wish to pay by Standing Order. Please complete the following Standing Order Mandate and return it to us at Park House, Stelling Minnis, Canterbury, KentCT4 6AN. If you would prefer to set up your standing order direct with your bank or building society, please advise us when the first payment is due. You can cancel the mandate at any time by contacting your bank or building society.

Name:…………………...... ……………………...... ………. Date:……………...... ……...

Address:………………………...... ………………………………………...


……………………………………………………. Post Code: ……………...... ….

Telephone Number (including STD Code):……………………………………......



To the Manager ………...... ………………………………………………………....


Fill in the name and address of your bank)

Dear Sir,

On receipt of this advice, please pay HSBC plc, 141 High Street, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1BX, for the credit of the Lord Whisky Sanctuary Fund (Account No: 33025756; Sort Code: 40-06-34)

the sum of £ on the (insert date) and a like sum on the same date each succeeding month/year until further notice (delete as applicable).

Signed:…………………………………….. Name:………...... ……...……………….

Account Number:…………………...... ……… Sort Code...... ……..

Address:………………………………………...... …………………………………...

……………...... ………………………………..Post Code: ………………………….
