Important Notes (New)

I will be posting information of the class at the Chemistry Department Web page:

Then, go to Faculty and click on my name on the listing of Lecturers.

There you may look at the syllabus, the schedule of the class, and Important Notes in Miscellaneous.

You need to buy the Chemistry Fundamentals IA book (for CHM 2040) and Chemistry Fundamentals IB (for CHM 2041), by Pedro Patino, Kendall-Hunt, at the UCF Book Store. I recommend you to bring those notes to the classes, so you don’t need to write everything but some aspects I mention/show/write that are not in the slides. These slides are just a guide for you to study on the textbook.


I will be sending out emails two or three times a week to inform you of the slides to be covered in quizzes and tests and the corresponding problems of the textbook that apply to those slides.

I recommend you to use the MASTERING CHEMISTRY system that comes with the textbook. You need to pay to register online. It is a powerful tool for practicing/rehearsing on solving problems similar to those in the textbook. I won’t use this activity for giving extra credits. It is for you to master the concepts.

You need a (pink) scantron for every quiz and test, that is a total of sixteen/semester. You also need a non-graphing calculator and a photo ID for every quiz or test.

Once you take the first quiz (and test) you will be able to see your grades in myUCF Grades. To do that you need to go to the UCF main web page

Then, click on myUCF

Once you log into myUCF,

click on Online course Tools (up, by the fountain).

You will be able to see your classes, myUCF Grades, etc., in the window that appears.

Please, frequently check the syllabus, our contract, during the semester.

My office is # 107A of the chemistry building. Please, don’t wait until the very last day of the semester to come to my office hours to bargain grades… Focus on learning, not on the grades. The latter will be a product of the first. I will be very glad to help.

The only place where Success is first than Work is @ the dictionary.

Dr. Pedro Patiño PS: Do not throw these notes away. Keep them in a clean/safe place.