Baseball for Business
Planning Meeting Minutes
I. Welcome & Introductions. We recognized new attendees to the work group.
- Review Chamber Committee work group structure. Christine updated the group on the Chamber’s project. The effort will be led by David Goodyear. The Committee will meet quarterly.
- Outline Project Scope
- To develop a communication channel sponsored and supported by the Chamber that serves as an easily accessible hub for information related to the Hay Street project.
- To establish workgroups that will organize the local business community to maximize the upcoming investment in the downtown.
- Workgroups
- Business Representation. (Brian Easley) Have someone from business community attend all of City’s baseball committee meetings to represent business community and report back to the stakeholders. Put information on portal. Prepare information email blasts of key issues.
- Operations/Major Issues. (Sam DuBose) Identify major issues and track progress. Information and communication are critical. (Construction impact on downtown, traffic, parking, homeless, trash.)
- Baseball for Business. (Tony Chavonne) Identify best practice cities we can contact. Identify key contacts at each city. Develop list of questions. Identify how local business have leveraged the baseball stadium activity in their communities. Develop plan to get answers.
III. Baseball for Business Work Group Plan of Work Update
- Review Fayetteville On Deck portal. We reviewed the portal and agreed that we would like to see the following elements added to the portal.
- A graphic of the downtown area including the baseball stadium and related development, parking locations, traffic flow, and information on any road detours, etc. The graphic should be immediately visible upon login to the site and should be updated on a regular basis.
- A centralized number that viewers can direct any questions to. We agreed to explore a google number with an easy-to-remember phone number.
- A clearly identified email address () on the site. The emails need to be managed.
- A mobile app for smartphones that would provide same information. (Mark to discuss with CVB and explore other options.)
- Identify peer cities POCs and discuss our strategy for going forward.
- We have information from several peer cities and will collect the remainder by our next meeting.
- Our working plan is to continue to refine our list of questions and follow-up with the peer cities in the spring once the baseball season has started and we have a finalized list of questions.
- Review Questions and Answers. We reviewed the current list of questions and answers and the formatted document we are using. We agreed to the following:
- The entire document will be available on the site as a downloadable PDF.
- The questions and answers will be incorporated into the FAQ section of the site.
- The FAQ section of the site should be organized by subject categories
- The FAQ section should be updated regularly.
- Any additional questions should be directed to .
- Assign tasks
- Chamber of Commerce
- Update fayettevilleondeck portal to include:
- Downtown graphic
- Centralized number
- Clearly identified email address
- Process to manage information flow.
- Incorporate our questions and answers into organized FAQ section.
- Heather, Lynne and AnneMarie
- Provide information on peer cities.
- Research options for mobile app to include downtown map information (above)
- Set next meeting time.
- Thursday, October 26th, at 8:30 am at Chamber of Commerce
170927 Baseball for Business Meeting