Applicant'sFull Name:
FirstName Initial Surname
Date ofBirth:mm/dd/yyyy
FirstNation Inuit Métis Non-Status Non-Native
Gross Income/month: $
SocialInsuranceNumber (optional): / H phone:( ) - ______
W phone:( ) - ___
C phone: ( ) - ___
Email address:
AddtoMNO email list?NO YES
IfApplicantisunder 18,is theApplicant16 yearsofage orolder,andabletoliveindependently?NO YES
Co-applicant(if any):
FirstNameInitial Surname
Date ofBirth:mm/dd/yyyy
FirstNation Inuit Métis Non-Status Non-Native
Gross Income/month: $
SocialInsuranceNumber (optional): ______/ H Phone#:( )_ - ____
WPhone#:( )_ - ______
C Phone#: ( )_ _ - ______
Email address:
AddtoMNO email list?NO YES
CurrentAddress (leave blank if same as Applicant):
UNITSIZEREQUESTED: 1Bedroom2Bedroom3Bedroom4Bedroom
Areyou willingtorelocatetoanothercommunity/region? NO YES
If yes, where(see attached location sheets):
Full Name of Other Household Member(s) / Date of Birth
D/M/YYYY / M/F / Relationship to Applicant (daughter, son,partner, etc) / Income/month / Dependent?
YES/NO / Foreachapplicant,pleasecheckthe
FN / Métis / Inuit / Non- Status / Non- Native
1 / $
2 / $
3 / $
4 / $
5 / $
6 / $
7 / $
8 / $
Question#2HouseholdEmploymentIncomeInformation(includeanyspousal or childsupportreceived)
HouseholdMember:Applicant# / Spousal orchildsupport $ / /month
Nameaddressof Employer/SourcesofIncome: / Howlong:
Phone#:()- / Rate ofPay: / Total Hours/Week:
HouseholdMember:Applicant# / Spousal orchildsupport $ / /month
Nameaddressof Employer/SourcesofIncome: / Howlong:
Phone#:()- / Rate ofPay: / Total Hours/Week:
HouseholdMember:Applicant# / Spousal orchildsupport $ / /month
Nameaddressof Employer/SourcesofIncome: / Howlong:
Phone#:()- / Rate ofPay: / Total Hours/Week:
Question#3OtherHouseholdIncome:IfonSocial Support,selectall thatapply(ifnotapplicable,gotoQuestion#4)
ODSPOW Canada Child Benefit (CCB) CPP OldAgeSecurity (OAS)
MonthlyTotal, exceptforCCB:$
CanadaChildTaxBenefit (CCB) monthlyamount:$
Spousal orChildSupportmonthlyamount:$
Educationliving allowance(i.e. OSAP,FN EducationLiving Allowance, ETC.):$
Other Income Source(s)monthly amount: $ Specify type of income:
Question#4 Financial Obligations
Areyouaware ofanyjudgments,writs,executionsorpending courtactions: NO YES
Areyoucurrentlyinarrears and/orhave outstanding debtwithaSocial Housing provider,oranylandlord?
NOYES, indicate payments below
Payments to / Howmuch/how often(monthly,weekly)
Atpresent,doyou RENT or OWN N/A / Ifrental,areyoucurrentlywith a Social Housing provider?
Living in:HouseApartmentOther
Briefly describeyour currentaccommodations:
Current monthlyrent:$ / Does therentinclude heat,hydroorwaterYESNO
Ifnotincluded with rent,howmuchmonthlyfor: / Heat
$ / Hydro
$ / Water
Question#6 Additional Information
Numberandtype ofpets:
Question#7 ResidenceHistory
Please provideyourresidence history(addresses)for the pastfiveyears. Ifyou
havemorethanthespacesallowfor,pleaseattachthoseaddressesseparately, including theinformationrequestedatright. / Forhow
long? / Reasonforleaving
(if currentresidence,your reasonforwantingtoleave)
1. CurrentResidence(if any)
Question#8 How didyouhearaboutthe RNH program?
Question#9 Aretherespecial circumstances thatshouldbeconsideredbyMNO?
TheRural and Native Housingprogram(RNH)wasdesigned to assist eligible families in rural areas to have access to adequate, suitable and affordable housing; tenantselection is based on RNH Guidelines as set out by Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services. Tenants are selected on a priority basis, that is, those with the greatest need will be housed first.Those prioritiesare:
1. Families/singleparentfamilies/seniors/individualswhohavehadnootheralternativebuttoturntoemergency shelterstoescapeviolenceoranyothertypeofphysicalormentalgriefbytheirspouses,orpartners,orotherfamily memberswithwhomtheyresideandfromwhomtheyintendtoseparate permanently.
2. Families/singleparentfamilies/seniors/individualsthatarewithoutortobewithouthousingbynofaultoftheirown, familieswhoseresidencehasbeendestroyedandhavenoplacetolive, landlordswhohavesoldthepropertyand haveterminatedthefamily’stenancy,individualswhohavebeenreleasedfromahospitalorfacilityand cannot returntotheirformerresidence,familiesatriskoflosingcustodyofchildrenthroughlackofsafeaffordablehousing.
3. Families/singleparent families/seniors/individualsthat havehadnoalternativebuttoseparateandseekliving accommodationswithotherfamilymembersbecause of thelack ofaffordable housing.
4. Families/single parentfamilies/seniors/individuals thatarecurrentlyliving withhazardous conditionssuchas; inadequatekitchenfacilities,inadequate bathroomfacilities,inadequaterecreational spacefor children, inadequate ornoelectrical wiring,inadequate orunsafe heating facilities,otheridentifiedrisks,or the needfor specifichousing requirementse.g. wheel chairaccess,groundfloor.
Arethereany priorities thatapplytoyou/yourhousehold?Pleaseexplain:
BankReference(Nameof Bank) / Address
ChequingAccount# / SavingsAccount#
CreditReference(Nameof Credit Card Issuer) / CreditAccount#
Address / Phone#
PersonalReference / Address / Phone#
Institution / Address / MonthlyPmt. / Balance
Make/Model / Year/Colour / LicencePlateNumber / Province
Question#10 Incaseofemergency:Pleasegivecontactdetailsforthreefamilymembers
Name / Address / Phone#withareacode
I/weagreethat ifmyapplicationisacceptedbutthe tenant whocurrentlyoccupiesthesubjectpremisesfailsorrefusesto vacatethepremisespriortotheintendedcommencementofmytenancy,thenmyrighttotheproposedtenancyshallcome toanend,withoutanyfurtherclaimagainstthelandlord.
I/weagreethatifmyapplicationisaccepted,andthetermsandconditionsof theResidentialTenancyAgreementarewithin the parametersof theResidential TenanciesAct,I/wewill signtheResidentialTenancyAgreementwithOAHS,andI/wewill complywithall termsandconditions containedintheResidential TenancyAgreement.
I/weconsenttopermittingthelandlordtocheckandconfirmmycredithistory,creditreferences,rentalhistory,employment historyandincomeamount,andtoexchangeany informationtoverify theaboveaspermittedundertheOntarioHuman RightsCode.
I/weconsenttothesharing ofmyinformationwithyourpartners.
I/weagreethatifmyapplicationisapproved,butthefirstmonth’srentisnotreceivedinfullontheagreed-tomoveindate, orIdonot signtheResidentialTenancyAgreement, thenthelandlordshallnot beobligatedtorent thepremisestothe applicant.
The undersignedagree(s) thatall information givenis tobelegal andtrue.Notcomplying (falsifyinginformation)isgrounds forimmediateevictionshouldthisapplicationbeapproved.
I/weherebycertifythattheaboveinformation istrueandcompleteandthatI/wehavenotwithheld anyinformation relevanttothisapplication.ItisalsounderstoodthatOAHSreservestherighttorejectthisapplicationattheirsolediscretion. I/we havereadandunderstandtheseconditions.
GuarantorSignature(ifrequired)Please printnameDate
Pleasecomplete application in fullandfaxto1-807-626-9030ormail to:
Infinity Property Services
An Agency of the Métis Nation of Ontario
226 May St. S.
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1B4
Ifyourequirefurtherinformationorassistancewiththisapplication,pleasecall Toll Free 1-800-891-5882.
Please identify which RNH communities interest you and sign page 2:
SIMCOE REGION □ I am interested in any unit in the Simcoe Region
Barrie Area
- Angus
- Elmvale
- Phelpston
- Stayner
- No preference within Barrie Area
Couchinching Area
- Cumberland Beach
- Sebright
- Ramara
- Orillia
- Warminister
- Washago
- No preference within Couchinching Area
Georgian Bay Area
- Victoria Harbour
- Honey Harbour
- Port McNicoll
- Midland (rural)
- Coldwater
- Waubaushene
- Wyevale
- Tiny
- Port Severn
- Penetanguishene (rural)
- No preference within Georgian Bay Area
MUSKOKA REGION □ I am interested in any unit in the Muskoka Region
Huntsville Region Area
- Huntsville (rural)
- Utterson
- No preference within Huntsville Area
Lake of Bays Area
- Dorset
- Baysville
- No preference within Lake of Bays
Bracebridge/Gravenhurst Area
- Bracebridge (rural)
- Port Carling (PS)
- Gravenhurst (rural)
- No preference within Bracebridge/Gravenhurst
PARRY SOUND REGION □ I am interested in any unit in the Parry Sound Region
East Parry Sound
- Arnstien
- Emsdale
- Port Loring
- Burk’s Falls
- Katrine
- Sundridge
- Dunchurch
- Kearney
- Whitney
- No preference within East Parry Sound
West Parry Sound
- Mactier
- McDougall
- Pointe au Baril
- Nobel
- Rosseau
- Sequin
- No preference within West Parry Sound
YORK REGION □ I am interested in any unit in the York Region
- Cannington
- Pefferlaw
- Jackson’s Point
- Port Bolster
- Willow Beach
- No preference within York Region
BRUCE PENNINSULA □ I am interested in any unit in the Bruce Peninsula Region
North Bruce Peninsula
- Lion’s Head
- Stokes Bay
- Pike Bay
- Tobermory
- No preference within North Bruce Peninsula
South Bruce Peninsula
- Hepworth
- Wiarton
- Shallow Lake
- Mar
- Miller Lake
- Georgian Bluffs
- No preference within South Bruce Peninsula
Preferred Housing Locations 1 of 2
GREY/BRUCE REGION □ I am interested in any unit in the Grey Region
- Allenford
- Dobbinton
- Tara
- Chesley
- Paisley
- No preference within in Arran-Elderslie
- Chatsworth
- Desboro
- No preference within Chatsworth Township
Grey Highlands/Southgate
- Flesherton
- Dundalk
- Markdale
- No preference within Grey Highlands/Southgate
Meaford/Owen Sound Region
- Bognor
- Owen Sound (rural)
- Meaford
- No preference within Meaford/Owen Sound
THUNDER BAY DISTRICT □ I am interested in any unit in the Thunder Bay District
- Beardmore
- Caramat
- Jellicoe
- Longlac
- MacDiarmid
- Nakina
- No preference within Greenstone Area
Thunder Bay
- Armstrong
- Conmee
- Dorion
- Hurkett
- Kakabeka Falls
- Kaministiqua
- Lybster
- Marathon
- Neebing
- Nipigon
- O’Connor
- Oliver / Paipoonge
- Red Rock
- Rossport
- Schreiber
- South Gillies
- Terrace Bay
- Upsala
- No preference within Thunder Bay East
- Hornepayne
- White River
- No preference within area
- Pickle Lake
- No preference within area
* IMPORTANT:If you have selected an entire District/Region or more than three (3) communities, please identify your top three preferred TOWN/TOWNSHIP/COMMUNITY choices:
1 / 2 / 3Do you have any comments or special requests?
Applicant Name: / Signature:Co-Applicant Name: / Signature:
Preferred Housing Locations 2 of 2