F.AD.001.01 Enrolment Application
Enrolment Application
Complete the Application Form and return to:
Enrolment Officer
The Training Collaborative
4 Cadagi St
Meridan Plains, Qld, 4551
Or scan and email to
Online Direct Deposit Information:
Account name: Training Collaborative Fees Account (note enrolment fee)
BSB:704-913 AccNo:001582
Or attachcheque to application.
- Personal particulars
Mr/Mrs/Miss etc ………..Male: ☐ Female: ☐
Family Name: ......
Given Names: ......
What is the FULL address of your usual residence? Please provide the physical address (street address not post office box) where you usually reside rather than any temporary address at which you reside for training, work or other purposes before returning home. If you are from a rural area use the address from your state or territory’s ‘rural property addressing’ or ‘numbering’ system as your residential street address.
Building/property nameFlat/unit details
Street or lot number (e.g. 205 or Lot 118) / Street name
Suburb, locality or town / State/territory / Postcode
What is your postal address (if different from above)?
Postal delivery information (e.g. PO Box 254)Building/property name
Flat/unit details
Street or lot number
(e.g. 205 or Lot 118) / Street name
Suburb, locality or town / State/territory / Postcode
Phone Home ( )...... Work ( )......
Mobile:...... Email:......
Date of Birth: ......
Person to contact in case of emergency: …………………………………………Phone: …………....
USI (Unique Student Identifier please click to obtain one): ……………………………………………..
Were you born in Australia? ☐Yes ☐No
If no: In what country were you born?......
What year did you arrive in Australia? ......
Are you an Australian citizen? ☐Yes ☐No
What type of visa do you hold? ☐Permanent Humanitarian ☐Temporary
☐Other ......
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
☐No ☐Aboriginal ☐Torres Strait Islander ☐Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
If you intend to apply for a VET FEE-HELP student loan, please attach 1 item of certified (by a JP or Comm Dec) evidence of either:
☐Your Australian Citizenship (eg Passport, birth certificate) or ☐Your Visa status.
- Application for
Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology / 10433NAT
Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology / 10434NAT
Certificate IV in Pastoral Care / CHC41112
Full Time ☐Part Time (please list subjects below) Semester:………. Year:………….
For part-time study only -Please list the subject(s) you are applying for.
Under certain circumstances The Training Collaborative is bound by law to disclose enrolment details for the purposes mentioned in the VETE Act 1991 and ESOS Act 2000. Agencies, such as Commonwealth and State Government departments, will be granted access to enrolment, attendance and study progress details.
- Educational background
What is the highest COMPLETED school level?
Year 12 or equivalent / Year 11 or equivalentYear 10 or equivalent / Year 9 or equivalent
Year 8 or below / Never attended school(go to question 3b)
3.1In which year did you complete this school level? ……………
What suburb/town/locality were you living in if and when you completed Year 12? (ONLY if you completed Year 12 within the last 12 months) ……………………………..Postcode: …………….
3.2 Are you still attending secondary school? Yes No
3.3 Have you successfully completedany of the following qualifications? Yes No
If yes, tick and name the qualification. If you think this qualification might entitle you to claim an exemption (Credit) from Unit(s) in The Training Collaborative course for which you are enrolling, tick CREDIT.
DATECOMPLETED / Name of Qualification / CREDIT
Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree
Advanced Diploma (or Associate Degree)
Diploma (or Associate Diploma)
Certificate IV (or Adv Certificate/Technician)
Certificate III (or Trade Certificate)
Certificate II
Certificate I
Certificates other than the above
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): As part of the orientation processes you will be given opportunity to apply for RPL. If you intend to apply for RPL or recognition of another qualification please attach copies of CV, relevant qualifications, awards and transcripts of results, signed by a JP (or equivalent).
- Employment history:
Of the following categories, which BEST describes your current employment status?(Tick 1)
☐Full-time employee ☐Employer
☐Part-time employee ☐Employed - unpaid worker in a family business
☐Self-employed - not employing others☐ Unemployed - seeking full-time work
☐Unemployed - seeking part-time work☐Not employed - not seeking employment
Please show details of the last five (5) years. Use extra pages if needed:
Dates / Nature of Employment /Position
/ Motivation for Change- Reasons for undertaking this qualification
☐To get a job ☐It was a requirement of my job
☐To develop my existing business☐I wanted extra skills for my job
☐To start my own business ☐To get into another course of study
☐To try for a different career☐For personal interest or self-development
☐To get a better job or promotion☐Other reasons
- Personal
- How and when did you become a Christian? ......
6.2.Previous & present church affiliations (Please list most recent first)......
6.3.Christian service, including positions held & duration......
6.4 Do you agree withThe Training Collaborative’s statement of Faith?
Partial (Attach Explanation)
- Any previous applications for studies in Christian Ministry? What outcome?
- Ministry vocational goals (please tick)
Pastor Missionary Evangelist Youth Worker
Member of a Ministry Team RE Teacher Chaplain
Community Worker Other
- List the extent of your current commitments
- Language
Which language do you mainly speak at home?
English (go to question 11) Other please specify......
10.1How well do you speak English: Very well Well Not well Not at all
10.2Is English language assistance required? Yes No
10.3 Do you have an IELTS score? (for international students) Yes: Grade ………. No
- Disabilities
Answering these questions will not affect your enrolment. Do you have a disability, impairment or long term medical condition that may affect your studies? Yes No (go to question 12)
If yes, please indicate your disability, impairment or long term medical condition by placing a tick in the box. You may tick more than one box.
Hearing/Deaf Acquired Brain Impairment
Physical Vision
Intellectual Medical Condition
Learning Other
Mental Illness
Would you like to receive advice on support services, equipment and facilities that may assist? Yes No
- Please indicate your preference for Field Training(not required if studying 2 Chaplaincy Units only)
- Church you are presently attending
- A Church suggested by The Training Collaborative
- Denominational preference ......
- Large or small congregation ......
Due to distance some participants may not find it possible to do Field Training in their home church.
13.Working with Children Card.
Are you the holder of a Working with Children Card(required as part of your Vocational Placement if you undertake work with Minors in Qld) or equivalent? Yes No
Please attach a photocopy or digital image of this card if you do.
Number. …………..…...... Expiry date…………..…...
...... P/Code...... Ph ( )......
- Referees
Names & addresses of persons who know you well and who may be approached to give information about you:
Pastor of the church you attend
Name of Church: ......
Full name of Pastor: ......
Address: ......
...... P/Code...... Ph ( )......
Two other Christians who have known you well in recent years
(other than relatives)
Full Name: ......
...... P/Code...... Ph ( )......
Full Name: ......
...... P/Code...... Ph ( )......
- Student Cards
I require a Student ID card - email or post a photo of yourself (similar to a passport photo)
I have completed the following:
Forwarded or deposited the $60 non refundable Admin Deposit
Included a certified copy of citizenship or visa (only if applying for VET FEE-HELP)
Enclosed a digital photograph of myself (similar to a passport photo)
Included 3 names of referees
I have readThe Training Collaborative Student Handbookand I understand and agree with the conditions of enrolment (see and go to Enrolment Information)
I declare that the information provided in the application is to the best of my knowledge accurate in all respect.
I hereby authoriseThe Training Collaborative to use personal information to process and effect my application.
Signature...... Date: ___/___/_____
Sign or alternatively, return application from your own email address.
The Training Collaborative welcomes application for training from any Christian who is an active participant in a congregation of the Christian Church. However, we retain the right to decline an application from a person whose doctrinal beliefs or values are in conflict with those supported by our parent body, the Baptist Union of Queensland.
The Training Collaborative
Administrative Office: 4 Cadagi St, Meridan Plains, Qld, 4551
Ph: 1300 774 531
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