Join Waltham Forest Parent Forum
Office: 92 Leyton Green Road, Leyton, London E10 6DA
Telephone: 07794 298496 / 07528 433640
*Required elements /
Email Address* (this is our preferred method to contact you)
Telephone Number* / Mobile Number*
Name of Child
Child’s Date of Birth*
Nature of Special Educational Need / Disability of Child / Young Person*
(Please tick all that apply) / ADHD / Autism / ASD
(ASD, Asperger’s etc.)
Behaviour Difficulties / Cerebral Palsy
Communication Difficulties / Downs Syndrome
Epilepsy / GDD (Global Developmental Delay)
Health Condition (respiratory, gastric, diabetes etc.) / Hearing Impairment
Learning Difficulties / Mental and Emotional Distress
Neurological Condition / Physical Impairment
Rare Disorder / Sensory Difficulties
SWAN (Syndrome without a name) / Undiagnosed
Visual Impairment / Wheelchair User
Other needs/diagnoses

Membership Type

I / We are: (Please tick the relevant box below)

Parent(s) / Carer(s) of a child with a disability / additional need
Grandparent(s) / Relative(s) / Friend(s) of a child with a disability / additional need
Education Professional(s) working with families who have a child with a disability / additional need
Health Professional(s) working with families who have a child with a disability / additional need
Social Care Professional(s) working with families who have a child with a disability / additional need
Other Professional(s) working with families who have a child with a disability / additional need (e.g. voluntary group, other interested party)
Organisation Role
How would you describe your ethnic background? Please select one answer only.
This information is required for parent/carer members only.
 / English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
 / Irish
 / Gypsy or Irish Traveller
 / Any other White background
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups
 / White and Black Caribbean
 / White and Black African
 / White and Asian
 / Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background
Asian / Asian British
 / Indian
 / Pakistani
 / Bangladeshi
 / Chinese
 / Any other Asian background
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
 / African
 / Caribbean
 / Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
Other ethnic group
 / Arab
 / Another ethnic group
 Would prefer not to say
General Data Protection Regulations 2018

Under new data protection laws (May 2018) you must tick the box below if you would like to be a member of Waltham Forest Parent Forum. Without it we cannot hold your personal information.

Any information you provide is confidential. Your details and those of your child will not be shared with any other organisations unless you give specific permission for us to do so. You can unsubscribe at any time and your details will be removed from our database.

 / I agree that Waltham Forest Parent Forum can hold the information given above for reasons specified in the WFPF Privacy Statement (attached-full DP policy to be sent by email or post) *

Please tick to indicate that you have read and agree to our rules of membership enclosed with this application

 / I agree to abide by Waltham Forest Parent Forum Rules of Membership(attached)*
Signed: Date:

Waltham Forest Parent Forum

Rules of Membership February 2018

  1. All parents and carers of disabled children and young people aged 0 – 25 living in the London Borough of Waltham Forest and professionals working with families who have a disabled children can be members of the forum.
  1. Forum members will not use meetings to air grievances or complaints about issues pertaining to an individual or organisation that should be dealt with via a relevant complaints procedure.
  1. Forum members will ensure that other members have the opportunity to appropriately express their opinions at meetings.
  1. Forum members will show respect to each other at all times
  1. Forum members will ensure that any confidential matters that arise during meetings are kept confidential
  1. Forum members will make an effort to ensure those assigned tasks are completed within the agreed time
  1. Forum members will agree on collective issues to take up with the appropriate key policy maker or service provider.
  1. Forum members will have one vote each which they can use to decide the outcome of issues debated within the forum.
  1. Forum members will not use the forum for the purpose of fund raising for other groups.
  1. Forum members will sign to confirm they have read and agree with the Rules of Membership & Statement of Purpose.

Data Protection Policy- Privacy Statement- Feb 2018

At the point of gathering personal data or at our first contact with you, we are required to provide the following information. All new members will be sent the Data Protection policy when they join the forum via email or by post.

Purpose of Collection

WFPF participation director holds the following information for parent carer members:

Name, address, phone number(s), email, child’s name (not compulsory), date of birth of child and nature of their SEND

Information is held by WFPF so that we can send emails on a regular basis about work we are completing or for sending information about local or national consultations. Occasionally we will contact by phone or by post if parent/carers do not have an email address or if we wish to send some promotional materials.

Our database requires the child’s date of birth for us to log their details. We hold the name only if given by the parent; it is not compulsory.

We hold the nature of their child’s need for the following reasons:

  • To direct emails according to need
  • To satisfy monitoring for our Department of Education grant which asks for the need which is most prevalent amongst our database

Information is held by WFPF to send emails on a regular basis about work we are completing or for sending information about local or national consultations. We classify professionals according to their area of expertise.

The information we keep will be accurate and kept up to date. If it is no longer accurate, it will be rectified or erased. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Third Party Transfers

The information we hold will not be disclosed to any other party, unless with the permission of the person it relates to. If any member asks us to help resolve an issue, we will always ask for express permission to share theirs or their child’s information if needed.