“I Understand that…”
1.To be truly successful, I must treat others the way I would like to be treated. I will be respectful of my fellow students, my teachers, and all adults in the building.
2.My teachers want me to be successful and truly want what is best for me. Sometimes it’s hard to understand where adults and teachers are coming from, but I understand that my teachers’ primary goal is to help students succeed both academically and socially.
3.I must be respectful (even if I disagree), andmy teachermust also be respectful of me. If I disagree with class procedures or a situation occurring in class, I will wait until an appropriate time to respectfully discuss matters with my teacher and any other students involved.
4.I must try to do my best everyday. Once class starts, I am to concentrate on that day’s lesson and attempt to accomplish as much as I can in class each day. No one has the right to disrupt the learning environment of our classroom.
5.I am not to be late for class. If I am coming from another class/hallway area, I understand that there is no time to socialize between classes. If I am ever late, I must have a pass or signed agenda prior to entering class. I understand that academic learning time in our class is sacred and not to be disrupted.
6.When I enter the classroom, class begins. I am to copy the agenda and immediately write the day’s learning target. I am to go straight to my desk and notsocialize in groups and begin personal conversations. This is a daily expectation of me.
7.I am to come to class prepared everyday with the appropriate materials and assignments:
my social studies notebook with all contents, a pen and pencils, highlighters, loose leaf paper, a set of colored pencils (when applicable), and all necessary assignments for the day.
8.My social studies notebook will help determine my success in social studies. It is very important to always keep my notebook organized and to have my materials everyday. I understand that organization is the key to success!
9.I understand if I do not finish my classwork, I may be given time to finish this assignment at home and it must be turned in the following day. It is my responsibility to have this time extension approved by the teacher before I leave class.
10.I understand that in order to do well in class I must take 10 to 15 minutes every night to review class work and study vocabulary and concepts. By using my notes and on-line resources, I know that I will be prepared for all assignments.
11.When I am absent, I am responsible for checking the class blog and with my study buddy for make-up work and missed assignments. I have three avenues for checking missed assignments: the class blog, my study buddy, and my teacher. If I am absent on the day an assignment is due, it is my responsibility to submit the project on the first day that I return to school. I understand that tests/quizzes not made up in a timely fashion will result in a grade of zero (0)in the gradebook.
12.I understand thatall other assignments are not accepted late without penalty.
My teachers give plenty of notice for assignments and often gives time in class to begin my assignments, and I must use my time wisely in order to complete my work. A late penalty of ten (10) points will be deducted on all assignments submitted one (1)school calendar daybeyond the due date. If an assignment is submitted two (2) school calendar days beyond the due date, a late penalty of twenty(20) points will be deducted from the assignment. After two (2) school calendar days beyond the due date, assignments may notbe accepted.
13.I am to be respectful of all property and belongings of my fellow students, my teachers, the classroom, and school (including personal belongings and technology equipment). I further understand that if my name is left with a substitute teacher for any type of misbehavior, consequences will be issued on my behavior card and may result in an office referral.
McClure Middle School
6th Grade Social Studies
Student Name:______
Section: ______Date:______
- I have read the class syllabus and understand the scope and requirements of this class.
- I have read the class expectations on the “I Understand” sheet and agree to follow the expectations of this class.
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent Contact information (Please print legibly.):
Parent #1 Name: ______
Preferred phone number: ______
Email address: ______
Parent #2 Name: ______
Preferred phone number: ______
Email address: ______